Message: #116750
Аннета Эссекс » 24 May 2017, 00:22

Howbuild self-confidence: auto-training technique

In this material, we will look at the way how to most effectively influence your subconscious mind in order to become more self-confident. After all, it is in our unconscious space that all possible complexes and fears take root – everything that can poison conscious life. Want to learn how to develop self-confidence to the maximum effect? In this case, the auto-training technique will help you, which we will discuss in more detail below.

What is autotraining

Autogenic training is a psychotherapeutic technique developed by the German physician Johann Schulz. Many people call auto-training ordinary self-hypnosis, however, this is not entirely true. This technique is somewhat similar to hypnosis and meditation, in any case, here the brain also plunges into a trance-like state. The effect is achieved with the help of total relaxation of the whole body and subsequent self-suggestion of the necessary mental attitudes. To understand the effectiveness of the auto-training technique and the advantage over conventional auto-suggestion, we suggest presenting the following:

imagine that your subconscious mind is a dartboard and the darts are positive settings. Inspiring confidence in the waking state, you throw these darts from a distance of 15 meters. What is the probability of hitting the target? Extremely small, right? Not to mention the negligible chances of hitting the target in the bull’s-eye. Auto-training technique will help you get close to the target.
Autotraining technique

The very technique of autogenic training, with the help of which we will cultivate self-confidence, includes 6 exercises. Each of them must be performed without fail and in strict sequence. It is better to perform this technique in the supine position and before going to bed – this will give an even greater effect, because, after falling asleep after that, your subconscious mind will continue to work with positive settings all night. So, we lie down on our back, legs and arms are relaxed and do not cross, relax and move on to the exercises.

Autogenic Training Exercises to Build Confidence

Each exercise should begin and end with the phrase: “I am completely calm and completely relaxed.”

1. Exercise “Heavy”

Your task is to experience a feeling of heaviness in the arms, and then in the legs. We start with the right hand and imagine that lead weight is pouring inside it. Mentally you need to pronounce the following formula:

“My arm is getting heavier. Lead weight spreads from the shoulder down through the elbow – to the hand and fingers. Each section of the arm becomes heavier and heavier every second. My arm is getting heavier. She’s very heavy.”

Repeat the text until you feel a real heaviness in your hand, or at least a hint of it. When the feeling is there, reinforce the set with the phrase “my arm is completely heavy”, develop the situation and move on to the next limb, with which you need to do the same.

When the arms and legs become heavy, do not forget to end the exercise with the phrase “I am completely calm and completely relaxed.”
2. Exercise “Heat”

Here the goal is to feel warm in the hands and feet. The text, however, is as follows:

“My hand is getting warmer. Pleasant warmth spreads throughout the arm, from the shoulder to the elbow, to the wrists and fingers. Each part of the hand with every second warms up more and more. My hand becomes very warm, more and more.”

As in the previous case, when reaching hints of the desired sensation, we reinforce the text with a statement of fact: “my hand is very warm.” After that, we switch attention to the other limb.

If you do this regularly in the future, the necessary sensation will be achieved much faster. With the acquisition of experience, it will be possible to make changes to the wording and address the text already to two hands, and then to the legs, without focusing on each limb separately.
3. Exercise “Heart”

The task is to influence the rhythm of the heart. The text of the exercise is:

“My heart is beating strongly and evenly. My heart muscle is like a perfect clockwork, it confidently and accurately measures the beats. My young and healthy heart beats strongly and evenly, dispersing blood throughout the body, nourishing and saturating cells and organs.

If you feel your heart beating or feel a pulsation in your veins, move on to the next exercise, remembering to reinforce the setting with a phrase about calm and relaxation.

4. Exercise “Breathing”

The goal is to regulate the breath. Text with the following content:

“I breathe completely calmly. My breathing becomes deep and measured. My young and strong lungs confidently ventilate the air, saturating my blood with it. I breathe slowly and deeply.”

Repeat until the breath really will not become measured and deep. After that, we remind ourselves of calmness and relaxation and move on.

5. Exercise “Solar plexus”

Your task is to cause tangible warmth in the abdomen, which is commonly called the solar plexus. The text is:

“My stomach becomes warm and soft. I feel a tangle of warmth in the solar plexus area. My stomach is completely soft and warm.”

Repeat the formula at least 6 times. You need to try to really feel the warmth in your stomach, although the first time you may not succeed. In the meantime, let’s move on to the next point.

6. Exercise “Ice”

The goal is to create a feeling of coolness on the forehead. You should imagine that in the center of your forehead you have an ice cube or a cold point, as if there is a drop of water on which someone blows. And it is necessary to accompany the imagination with the following text:

“My forehead is getting cold. I feel an ice cube in the center of my forehead. My forehead is cool and it’s nice.”

As in the previous paragraph, you need to repeat the text at least 6 times, and achieve the desired effect, which is not so simple. To help you create such a feeling, try, beforehand during the day, smear your forehead with ice or something cold and try to remember this state – then, during auto-training, it will be easier to recreate this effect.

The main suggestion for self-confidence

So, having completed the exercises with a sacramental phrase about complete calm and relaxation, we have ensured that the brain plunges into a state similar to a trance – when the doors of the subconscious are most widely opened. As you understand, we can sow any seed in the open field, but if our goal is to develop self-confidence, then mental attitudes should be built around the topic of self-confidence.

1. Prepare the text of the suggestion you need in advance, but remember that:

wording should be clear and concise – like advertising slogans;
the text should be exclusively positive: do not remember what you want to get rid of – only what you want to acquire, in this case self-confidence;
in no case do not use the “not” particle – the subconscious mind does not perceive it: if you say “I’m not afraid”, our internal addressee will hear “I’m afraid”;
it is advisable to start installations by following this formula: I + verb (“I feel confident”, and not “I’m confident”);
build phrases in the present tense, not in the future – this is how we convince the subconscious that we are ALREADY confident in ourselves, and as a result, our unconscious will strive to match the installation.
2. An example message for gaining and developing self-confidence might be:

“I have strong confidence in myself. I feel like I’m becoming more successful. I know for sure that I am brave and courageous. I confidently achieve my goals. I exude a strong confidence in myself and my abilities. I boldly cope with any task. I am sure that I am always filled with strength and energy.”

We remind you that this is just a template. It is advisable to create your own personal suggestion text – it will be much more effective.

Consolidation and completion of autogenic training technique

So, the main message is made. Now you need to repeat and consolidate the sensations achieved. To do this, we need to remember that our arms and legs are warm and heavy, our heart beats evenly and clearly, breathing is deep and measured, we have a ball of heat in our stomach, and cold in the center of our forehead. At the same time, we are completely calm and completely relaxed. In a few minutes, we will plunge into a pleasant and rosy dream, and in the morning we will wake up fresh and cheerful, full of strength, energy and self-confidence.

Believe me – the very next day you will feel the result, however, for great success, the auto-training technique must be used regularly, preferably daily.

• And now a bonus: to increase the positive effect of autogenic training, the anchoring technique will help, which you can find by clicking on the link. At the moment when you finish mentally pronouncing the text of the main message, put your unique anchor on this state. And then in everyday life, when you need to experience courage, confidence and calmness, you will be able to produce an anchor and evoke the necessary emotions and sensations in yourself.

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