Message: #116753
Аннета Эссекс » 24 May 2017, 00:23

Auto-training for self-confidence in the morning

The first thing to do, feeling that it’s time to wake up, is, surprisingly enough, to relax, or rather, to get rid of negative emotions and impressions, and most importantly, in no case should you pump yourself up with thoughts about the complexity of the upcoming day. It is better to apply morning auto-training for self-confidence and emotion management
Morning psychological auto-training is the most important and decisive, since the state with which a person gets up in the morning affects throughout the day. Morning auto-training for self-confidence is a specially designed set of mental, physical and breathing exercises that must be performed daily. It uses the basic methods of self-regulation and helps to master new qualities of character and perception, which subsequently allows a person not only to wake up and get out of bed, but to take the maximum of what is useful for himself from the new day. With the help of morning auto-training, you can develop a state of balance, endurance, clarity of thought, as well as constructive thinking, the ability to relax and collect yourself in time, and also achieve high performance using emotion management
When we mentally relax, our body also physiologically relaxes. There is a constant connection between thought and body, between our intentions and actual actions. The model of psychological auto-training is based on the belief that it is possible to learn new thinking skills and change old behavior patterns. Your thoughts precede your actions.

Autotraining, option 1
Before starting the exercises, remove the pillow from under your head, lie on your back and slowly perform a sipping movement, raising your arms up and stretching your toes.
Then get out of bed (you can take a contrast shower) and do a set of exercises:

Stand straight, feet together, palms folded in front of the chest. Take a slow and calm breath.
At the same time as you inhale, raise your arms up and, without bending your legs, bend back.
As you exhale, lean forward and place the palms of your hands on the floor at your feet, or bring them as close to the floor as possible. Try to touch your knees with your forehead. After exhaling, press your knees even tighter.
Shift your weight onto your hands and inhale as you move your right leg as far back as possible. The left leg with the whole foot is on the floor between the hands, also firmly pressed to the floor. The head is raised.
Exhale, place your left foot next to your right, torso and legs should form one straight line. The weight of the body is held on straightened arms. Look ahead. Breathe in.
As you exhale, bend your arms and lower yourself to the floor, leaving your pelvis slightly raised. In this position, the body touches the floor with 8 points - feet, knees, palms, chest, forehead and chin.
Inhale, straighten your arms and bend back.
Exhale and lift your pelvis so that your body forms a triangle. Ideally, the palms and feet should be firmly pressed to the floor, and the head should be between the hands.
Stand straight, bend your elbows (elbows down) and point your palms towards the viewer. Take noisy, short, rhythmic breaths through your nose and at the same time clench your palms into fists - make grasping movements.
Take 4 sharp, rhythmic breaths in a row with your nose (“sniff” 4 times). Then lower your arms and rest for 3-4 seconds - pause.
Take 3 more short and noisy breaths, and pause again.
Stand straight, hands clenched into fists and pressed to the stomach at waist level. At the moment of inhalation, sharply push your fists down to the floor, as if pushing up from it (shoulders tense, arms straight, reaching for the floor). Then return the hands to their original position at the level of the belt. Relax your shoulders - the exhalation is gone. Do not raise your hands above the waist.
Do not 4 breaths-movements in a row, but 8. Then rest for 4 seconds - and again 8 breaths-movements.
Stand straight with your feet slightly narrower than shoulder-width apart. Make a slight bow forward (with your hands reach for the floor, but do not touch it) and at the same time a sharp, short breath through your nose in the second half of the bow. The inhalation should end with the bow.
Rise slightly, but do not straighten up, and bow again and a short noisy breath from the floor. Imagine that you are inflating the tires of a car. Forward bows are done rhythmically and easily, do not bow low, a bow to the waist is enough. The back is round (not straight), the head is down.
Stand straight with your feet slightly narrower than shoulder-width apart. Tilt forward - hands reach for the floor - inhale. And immediately without stopping, slightly arching in the lower back, tilting back - hands hugging the shoulders. And also inhale. Bow forward - lean back, inhale from the floor - inhale from the ceiling. The exhalation leaves in the interval between breaths by itself (do not hold or push out the exhalations).
The above exercises it is useful to do immediately after getting out of bed, when the person is already awake. Such breathing exercises should certainly be carried out every morning by all those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, are engaged in sedentary work, etc.

Autotraining, option 2
The second version of morning auto-training does not require any significant effort, since the exercises are performed in bed immediately after the person wakes up. Everyone can do the same gymnastics in the case when they are too lazy to get out of bed, but it is necessary to quickly bring all the muscles into working condition, to stir up your body.
Lying on your back, try to strongly draw in your stomach, then stick it out. Repeat the movement 10 to 20 times. Thanks to this exercise, stagnation of bile and blood is eliminated in the body.
Take a deep breath, let the air out of your lungs. Imagine that together with the exhaled air you are freed from all negative thoughts and emotions.
Tighten the muscles in your fingers and toes for a few minutes, then relax them. Inhale the air, count to ten and exhale slowly.
Concentrate on the sensations in the relaxed muscles. Repeat the second and third steps 3 more times.
Include in the work the muscles of the feet, shoulders, arms, hands, neck, face - the whole body: stretch, shake your limbs, press them to the body, and then spread them wide to the side.
Lying on your back, sharply bend your leg at the knee and pull it towards your chest. Try to hit the buttock with your heel, and then sharply straighten your leg and lower it. Do 15 reps with each leg.
Raise your head and sit in bed, lower your legs to the floor. Place your left foot on top of your right foot and massage it 20 times with the palm of your right hand. Change the position of the legs and massage 20 more times. This exercise will regulate the work of the heart.
Sitting on the bed, make a lock with the fingers of both hands. Put them on the back of your head and massage it 10 times, while leaning back. This exercise improves blood circulation in the tissues of the head.
Sitting, press your palms tightly to your ears and tap the back of your head with your fingertips.
Try to work your facial muscles: close and open your eyes, straighten the wrinkles of your forehead, look at the tip of your nose, and then smile with a big smile. Open and close your mouth, open your jaws, place the tip of your tongue on the border between the upper teeth and gums. And then relax.
This easy charger will definitely affect your well-being - you will certainly feel cheerfulness in your whole body, clarity in your head, you will be able to effortlessly open your eyes and get out of bed.

Autotraining, option 3
Morning auto-training and emotion management is a psychological training, a kind of relaxation method. Its goal is to improve the mental and mental state, to recharge with positive emotions. You can carry out this auto-training not only lying or sitting in bed, while still in a semi-drowsy state, but also, for example, taking a contrast shower. This auto-training does not require serious mental stress, so it can be done for self-confidence, combined with any light, automatically performed morning activity, whether it is washing, combing, dressing, etc.

So, smile to yourself and say out loud: “I woke up (s), I rested (a), I am calm (a). My nervous system is in perfect order, all my muscles, my whole body come into action, begin to work, my brain, my thoughts come into a balanced state and make me happy. I am full of strength, energy and desire to live, work, think, rejoice and please others. After a short rest, continue to convincingly inspire yourself with the following thoughts: "I rested (a), I slept (sleep), now I am calm (a), peaceful (a) and at the same time I feel vivacity, activity in my whole body. I can no longer lie in bed, I don't want to sleep anymore, I'm cheerful, I'm energetic, I'm in great shape, I feel great, I have a wonderful mood, and I'm ready to share it with everyone, which adds I have even more joy, self-confidence and desire to live and act."

After such an initial recharge, continue to convince yourself that there is no trace of sleep left: “I finally recovered from sleep, my organs came to working condition, my pressure, breathing and pulse returned to normal, I

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