Message: #116766
Аннета Эссекс » 24 May 2017, 00:28

Auto-training for panic attacks

Is auto-training indicated for panic attacks?
Panic disorder is not a disease. The psyche is not always ready for stress, and then the brain, as it were, saves you, blocking the whole bunch of emotions, thoughts, sensations in itself, then throwing out what has been accumulated in the form of VVD symptoms, or more correctly, panic attacks. With such a disruption of the nervous system, the body is constantly in a state of tension. The body is on alert in the face of danger. Muscles are in good shape, the head is working intensively, the level of adrenaline is going through the roof.

The search begins on how to deal with this. And here the first thought is to take some kind of sedative drug. This is what doctors advise. But the attack continues...

After some time, a person somehow learns about the existence of autogenic training (or auto-training) and the possibility of using it to treat panic attacks. Of course, auto-training is a wonderful thing. After all, thanks to him, you train the skill in advance - to control your nervous system, control your emotions. And this is very important for mastering your state of mind, and therefore, for fighting panic attacks.

What will happen in my head if I start using auto-training for panic attacks? What is it really?
After a panic attack, or between attacks, auto-training works to calm down, on the one hand, the relaxation effect is activated, and the effect of self-hypnosis on the other. That is, you acquire the skills to relax and calm down, learn them at home, and then apply them when the need arises. But relaxation alone is not enough. You need to give the brain a command to calm down.

But when emotions are running high, getting such commands into the subconscious is not easy, because the excited brain is frantically looking for ways to avoid imaginary danger. In other words, if you say to yourself: "Calm down," then it will not work, because. somewhere deep, subconsciously, the brain believes that you are in danger. Especially if you already have experienced several panic attacks and overcoming fear and control have become the core of life.

But here's what's interesting! During the performance of special auto-training exercises, unconscious resistance is removed, which stands in the way of healing from panic attacks. Those. you are going into a mild to moderate trance in which helpful installations “I am calm”, “everything is fine”, etc. there is a chance to get to the subconscious.

Having mastered autogenic training for panic disorder, you will be able to:

relieve unnecessary stress;
gain access to internal resources;
prepare the psyche for possible stress;
manage your emotions (including during panic attacks);
inspire yourself with everything that you need to normalize the state.
The trance state is generally useful in itself. Involuntarily, a trance occurs in any person every one and a half to two hours, when the brain, as it were, “lays out” all the information received into boxes. You can notice similar effects if you think about it and did not notice how time flew by. And relief comes, like a weight off your shoulders. It is in trance that the impact on the subconscious of command words takes place. That's when the “calm down” attitude will work.

How effective is auto-training for panic attacks?
Panic attacks, coupled with the diagnosis of VVD, are a signal that not everything is right in life. The panic syndrome itself is a kind of analogy, a reflection of life's problems by disturbances in the functioning of the autonomic nervous system. Moreover, where, in which organs the sympathetic nervous system “shoots”, such are the complaints of a person. This is where the symptoms of palpitations, high blood pressure, trembling in the hands and the like come from.

Such people have a great need for internal reorganization. To be adapted to stress, make decisions faster. If you regularly perform auto-training for panic disorder, there is a gradual unlocking of psychological deadlocks. The psyche, when given enough attention, begins to heal itself:

Relaxation reduces the impulses of the sympathetic nervous system;
Gaining access to your resources is empowering;
Commands and settings change behavior.
Once experienced relaxation during auto-training is an important experience. He is remembered. Subsequently, you take it out of memory, and the reflex remains. I learned to ride a bicycle as a child, and after many years you sit down and ride.

What is better to use for panic attacks: auto-training or hypnosis sessions? What is their difference?
Auto-training is SELF-hypnosis. In hypnosis, a psychotherapist works with you. It is he who facilitates your immersion in trance, comes up with a treatment plan in general, as well as this particular sessions. It is he who finds the words to reach your subconscious. Obviously, during autogenic training, you do all this yourself.

Therefore, auto-training is a little more difficult than a hypnosis session - because you have to be in the role of a hypnologist and a client at the same time. However, even if you choose ONLY hypnotherapy, it will not be effective if you do not learn self-hypnosis, and, therefore, self-regulation of your emotional and physical state. A good hypnotherapist will go out of his way to teach you self-hypnosis, specifically AT.

Hypnosis is carried out during the session, and auto-training is more universal - you conduct it when it suits you, even on the eve of the PA, and determine the duration of the session yourself.

Is self-training safe?
Many psychotherapists recommend autogenic training. Years of experience suggests that it is both harmless and effective.

When and how should auto-training be used for panic crises?
Autogenic training can be done anytime and for as long as you like. With sufficient perseverance, a habit is developed to control emotions, behavior, sensations. The more you practice, the better the skill. After a couple of weeks, you will be able to notice how much less worry you have become. And this is already a huge step towards solving the problem.

If insomnia is added to panic attacks, do auto-training before bedtime. Sleep then will be deep, even. And you can right at lunchtime, in the afternoon. And recover and benefit.

To perform auto-training, it is better to lie down. If not possible, get comfortable in a chair. To have a place to lay your head, put your hands. Stretch your legs straight in front of you. You can close your eyes.

Autotraining for PA - step by step instructions
By relaxing your muscles, you focus your attention on certain sensations. This leads to a state similar to hypnosis. And then you pronounce command-phrases containing changes to confidence, calmness. This is the essence of AT.

Therefore, the following phases of autogenic training can be distinguished:

Special Suggestions. They can be direct - in the form of a text, and indirect - suggestions with images, stories.
1. Relaxation.

You say (to yourself):

I'm ready to rest. A gradual relaxation begins. I feel lightness and calmness filling me. My body weightless and relaxed. I can feel the warmth enveloping me pleasantly.

I can feel the muscles in my right leg relax. Relax the feet, then the lower leg, thigh muscles. The right leg is heavy. Now the muscles of the left leg relax. Slow relaxation goes through the muscles of the foot, then the thighs, and goes to the lower leg. The left leg is heavy. I feel warm. I am absolutely calm.

Now I can feel the muscles of my right arm slowly warming up. Warmth and heaviness passes from the hand to the forearm, then to the shoulder. Now relaxation goes along the left hand. Heat moves from the hand to the forearm, then to the shoulder. My hands are motionless and heavy. I feel calm.

Now the abdominal muscles relax. Then the back. The neck is relaxed.

The head is light.

I feel warmth and lightness wrap around me. I feel good and calm. My body отдыхает. I feel filled with strength and energy.

2. Suggestion of the necessary settings, remember them in advance.

“Now I'm talking to myself. I look at myself from the outside. It's time for me to hit the road. I don't know what awaits me beyond the threshold. I don't know what I will have to face. But I know that faith in myself, in my inner core will help me and bring success. Something still bothers me, but I know anxiety is a fog. And this fog leads to panic. I look at myself and see a haze of worry on my face. And now I'm banishing this anxiety from my face. I drive away the fog, and gain self-confidence. I feel my inner core. I straighten my back, straighten my shoulders, and in this way I expel the remnants of anxiety. I see my head rise higher. And I see my confident and calm look. (pause a little) My body and mind are in harmony, they help each other. Now I feel how peace has filled me all over. I am ready for any difficulties. And now it's time for me to move on.

3. Return

I find myself rested, full of energy. I have a desire to do everything that I have in mind. I am returning here, to this place where I am now.

I gradually feel my fingers, hands. They can move. The muscles of the hands tense up. I clench my fists and feel the pleasant power in my hands.

Now I am tensing my feet. I feel firmness in my legs. The back bends upward. Energy moves throughout my body. Now I feel every muscle of the face, lips. They can move. I take a deep breath and hold it for a couple of seconds. Then I exhale through my mouth. And at the same time

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