Message: #67201
Buckshee » 02 Feb 2017, 17:58

Iron shirt qigong – I. Rooting of Cosmic Inner Energy. Mantak Chia

more. Pull up the middle part, left and right sides of the anus, lower the diaphragm and feel the energy expand the kidneys.

4. Вдохните еще, и поднимите руки вдоль бокоin. Continue to pull up the middle, left, and right sides of the anus and draw Qi into the lungs and spleen. Упакуйте и оберните их energy.

5. Inhale again, raising your arms higher. Continue to pull up the middle, left, and right sides of the anus and draw Qi into the lungs and heart. Pack and wrap them with Qi. Почувствуйте, как выступает вперед реберная дугa.

6. When you have pressed your hands as tightly as possible to the armpits, continue to maintain tension in the perineum and anus, and rotate the arms in the middle until the palms are facing out. Keeping your wrists bent, push from your sternum to SH-7, and extend your arms to shoulder level. Youдохните, и во время того, как вы отталкиваете руки обратно, начните произносить The healing sound of the lungs "Sssssss".

7. Inhale, tighten your perineum and anus. Gather your fingers near the thumb and squeeze them into one small point using the strength of the little fingers (which should be in the middle of all the fingers pressing on them) we call this position of the fingers "beak". Inhale, bend your elbows, and point your beaks towards your shoulders. Repeat, raising the beaks a little higher.

8. Youдохните, произнося Целительный звук почек "Чууууу(о)", отпуская напряжение промежности, ануса и клювов, опускайте руки, выпрямляя и фиксируя локти и колени.

9. After this sound, with the arms down and the hands bent, turn the arms outward to the sides of the thighs, and spread the fingers and toes as wide as possible. Look at the tip of your nose, stick out your tongue and pull up your anus and genitals and say the sound "Hauuuuu".

10. You можете сделать только одно упражнение со звуком и перейти к следующему этапу practitionerи, или можете выполнить все звуки. Replace the Healing Sounds of the Lungs and Kidneys first with the sounds of the liver (“Shhhh”) and the heart (“Hauuuuuu”), and then with the sounds of the spleen (“Hoooooooo”) and the Triple Warmer (“Heeeeeee”).

11. After the last Healing Sound, repeat step 9.

12. Gather the energy at the navel.

iron bridge

1. Pose

A. Yang position

One muscle-tendon meridian begins at the second, third and fourth toes, rises up to the ankle joint, where it divides into two main branches. One branch rises up to the middle of the lower leg, in the knee area passes to the outer side of the thigh, then turns in the direction of the pubic bone. It goes up through the abdomen, through the collarbone to the side of the neck and onto the jaw, where it bifurcates, one part turning around the corner of the mouth and the other running along the jawline to the temple. Другая основная ветвь этого меридиана идет параллельно первой, но продолжается вверх к суставу бедра, над верхней частью таза, вверх к нижним ребрам позвоночникa.

1. Place your feet apart at a distance equal to the length from the knee to the toe.

2. Положите руки на бокa. Close both thumbs with the index fingers, forming a circle. The other three fingers of each hand should remain tense and touch one another.

3. Begin with abdominal breathing: exhale and flatten your stomach. Take a full breath raise your hands up - back to your back. Leaning your elbows back, turn your palms up. The fingers should be separated by a distance of about 5 centimeters and be close to the shoulder blades. it позволит открыть грудину, активировать вилочковую, щитовидную и паращитовидную железы и растянуть грудную клетку и боковые фасции туловищa.

Youгните верхнюю и среднюю части спины, но не от нижней части позвоночника и бедер. This will stretch the anterior fasciae. In this way, you can release all the tension that has gathered in your chest and abdomen.

To protect the lower spine, it is necessary to arch the back strongly in the region of the upper spine, while firmly squeezing the hips and buttocks.

This contraction will push the sacrum downward, relieving pressure on the lower back. The knees should be firmly fixed and straightened.

Caution: Keep your chin close to your chest. Keep your spine and neck straight to avoid blocking the flow of blood to the brain.

4. Look at the ceiling and fix and tighten the neck fasciae.

Из этой области вы ощутите натяжение в грудной клетке, которое еще больше выгибает верхнюю часть позвоночника, и в области живота и на всем протяжении до области пахa.

5. Close your thumbs and forefingers and stretch the muscles of your arms and shoulders. This will help stabilize your posture.

6. Hold up дыхание и останьтесь в этой позе от 30 до 60 секунд.

B. Yin position

1. Youдохните. Youпрямьтесь и переведите руки в положение перед собой, сохраняя положение пальцеin. Затем медленно наклонитесь вперед, сгибая тело в области тазобедренных суставоin. Head down, hands touching (or almost touching) the ground. Do not apply excessive force.

2. Feel the balance of all tendons. Don't stoop too low at first. For convenience, you can slightly bend your knees.

3. Feel the flow of Chi going down to the head and back, and down to the tongue, and through each finger of the hands. If you can touch the ground, you will feel an energetic connection. Breathe normally.

4. Rise from this pose to a standing position very slowly. At first, you may feel dizzy. Stand still for a while and feel the flow of energy in the Microcosmic Orbit. Gather the energy at the navel. Walk or lie on your back and massage your belly on the right left to help Qi circulation.

2. Checking Structure and Rooting

A. Yang position

Get into a pose. Ask your partner to push you very gently. Remember that the main curve is in the upper back. Соблюдайте особую осторожность в выполнении этой practitionerи Укоренения Железного Мостa. Your partner must be aware that it is very dangerous to push you hard when you are too leaning back. The back and spinal cord are very vulnerable in this position. Be careful and apply only very gentle pressure to avoid damaging your spinal cord and falling backwards.

Partner puts one hand on your back about 5/6 of the thoracic vertebrae, and the other on your chest. He slowly and gently presses up on the back and down on the chest, tilting you to find the alignment of your upper spine with the heels of your feet.

B. yin position

As you lean forward, your partner puts his hands on your shoulders. You толкаете вверх нижнюю часть позвоночникa. Your partner can use their entire body weight to push down. In this position, you put more effort into the lower back. it усилит нижнюю часть позвоночникa. Especially the lumbar region.

Stage Yin in progress practitioner

After doing all these exercises, shake the energy down, shake your arms and legs, and walk around.

Снова примите позу или сядьте и положите обе ладони на область пупкa.

Turn your attention inward and observe the flow of energy in the body. Send a smile to your entire body, especially to your organs, glands, spine, brain, and bones. Почувствуйте целительные вибрации Ци во всех частях телa. Feel how your structure is aligned and you are firmly rooted to the ground.

Bring your attention back to the Dan Tian. Empty your upper mind in the Dan Tian and feel the pressure there. Закройте нижние ворота и почувствуйте слабое всасывание в низ животa. Feel your mind/eyes and other sensory analyzers in the Dan Tian. Feel the waves of this ocean of Chi gently rocking you back and forth. Feel a great stillness and silence within, stay in it for a while, breathe deeply and calmly. Just sit in that silence for a while and do nothing.

It may happen that at some time the physical breath stop and the Dan Tian (Qi) will begin to function like the lungs. We call this internal or fetal breathing (tai chi) and it can only occur when your whole being is in complete silence and stillness and at the same time is filled with chi energy.


После выполнения practitionerи Железная Рубашка, перед этапом Инь этой practitionerи, вы можете сделать несколько упражнений, чтобы сделать вашу энергетическую связь с силами более мощной.

You можете выполнить practitionerу "Открытие трех Даньтяней в Шести Направлениях" или часть этой practitionerи после выполнения Железной Рубашки, или одно из трех следующих упражнений:

Connection with Cosmic Energy through

between the eyebrows

1. Stand in Tree Grab Pose and turn to face the sun or moon. Если вы обращены к солнцу, то это упражнение следует выполнять только во время восхода или захода солнца, когда его лучи более мягкие и не повреждают глазa. Any time you feel the sun is too intense, close your eyes and let them rest.

2. Slowly raise your palms to the sides in front of your body, with your elbows slightly apart. Расположите руки (от кисти до плечa) над уровнем межбровья и с помощью больших и указательных пальцев обеих рук сделайте треугольник, через который солнце или луна будут сосредоточены в этом треугольнике.

3. Hold upсь в этой позиции и втяните энергию Ян (солнце) или Инь (лунa) внутрь через межбровье.

4. Collect some saliva in your mouth, mix this inhaled energy with saliva, and collect a ball of Chi energy in your mouth. This will increase the amount of saliva produced.

5. Extend your neck slightly. Swallow the saliva in a strong big gulp and mentally direct it to the navel. Feel the warmth at the navel increase as this new energy comes in.

6. Repeat these steps 9 to 36 times and finish the exercise by slowly lowering your hands to your navel. Place your left hand over your right hand and gather the energy

Message: #67201
Buckshee » 02 Feb 2017, 17:58

Iron shirt qigong – I. Rooting of Cosmic Inner Energy. Mantak Chia

more. Pull up the middle part, left and right sides of the anus, lower the diaphragm and feel the energy expand the kidneys.

4. Вдохните еще, и поднимите руки вдоль бокоin. Continue to pull up the middle, left, and right sides of the anus and draw Qi into the lungs and spleen. Упакуйте и оберните их energy.

5. Inhale again, raising your arms higher. Continue to pull up the middle, left, and right sides of the anus and draw Qi into the lungs and heart. Pack and wrap them with Qi. Почувствуйте, как выступает вперед реберная дугa.

6. When you have pressed your hands as tightly as possible to the armpits, continue to maintain tension in the perineum and anus, and rotate the arms in the middle until the palms are facing out. Keeping your wrists bent, push from your sternum to SH-7, and extend your arms to shoulder level. Youдохните, и во время того, как вы отталкиваете руки обратно, начните произносить The healing sound of the lungs "Sssssss".

7. Inhale, tighten your perineum and anus. Gather your fingers near the thumb and squeeze them into one small point using the strength of the little fingers (which should be in the middle of all the fingers pressing on them) we call this position of the fingers "beak". Inhale, bend your elbows, and point your beaks towards your shoulders. Repeat, raising the beaks a little higher.

8. Youдохните, произнося Целительный звук почек "Чууууу(о)", отпуская напряжение промежности, ануса и клювов, опускайте руки, выпрямляя и фиксируя локти и колени.

9. After this sound, with the arms down and the hands bent, turn the arms outward to the sides of the thighs, and spread the fingers and toes as wide as possible. Look at the tip of your nose, stick out your tongue and pull up your anus and genitals and say the sound "Hauuuuu".

10. You можете сделать только одно упражнение со звуком и перейти к следующему этапу practitionerи, или можете выполнить все звуки. Replace the Healing Sounds of the Lungs and Kidneys first with the sounds of the liver (“Shhhh”) and the heart (“Hauuuuuu”), and then with the sounds of the spleen (“Hoooooooo”) and the Triple Warmer (“Heeeeeee”).

11. After the last Healing Sound, repeat step 9.

12. Gather the energy at the navel.

iron bridge

1. Pose

A. Yang position

One muscle-tendon meridian begins at the second, third and fourth toes, rises up to the ankle joint, where it divides into two main branches. One branch rises up to the middle of the lower leg, in the knee area passes to the outer side of the thigh, then turns in the direction of the pubic bone. It goes up through the abdomen, through the collarbone to the side of the neck and onto the jaw, where it bifurcates, one part turning around the corner of the mouth and the other running along the jawline to the temple. Другая основная ветвь этого меридиана идет параллельно первой, но продолжается вверх к суставу бедра, над верхней частью таза, вверх к нижним ребрам позвоночникa.

1. Place your feet apart at a distance equal to the length from the knee to the toe.

2. Положите руки на бокa. Close both thumbs with the index fingers, forming a circle. The other three fingers of each hand should remain tense and touch one another.

3. Begin with abdominal breathing: exhale and flatten your stomach. Take a full breath raise your hands up - back to your back. Leaning your elbows back, turn your palms up. The fingers should be separated by a distance of about 5 centimeters and be close to the shoulder blades. it позволит открыть грудину, активировать вилочковую, щитовидную и паращитовидную железы и растянуть грудную клетку и боковые фасции туловищa.

Youгните верхнюю и среднюю части спины, но не от нижней части позвоночника и бедер. This will stretch the anterior fasciae. In this way, you can release all the tension that has gathered in your chest and abdomen.

To protect the lower spine, it is necessary to arch the back strongly in the region of the upper spine, while firmly squeezing the hips and buttocks.

This contraction will push the sacrum downward, relieving pressure on the lower back. The knees should be firmly fixed and straightened.

Caution: Keep your chin close to your chest. Keep your spine and neck straight to avoid blocking the flow of blood to the brain.

4. Look at the ceiling and fix and tighten the neck fasciae.

Из этой области вы ощутите натяжение в грудной клетке, которое еще больше выгибает верхнюю часть позвоночника, и в области живота и на всем протяжении до области пахa.

5. Close your thumbs and forefingers and stretch the muscles of your arms and shoulders. This will help stabilize your posture.

6. Hold up дыхание и останьтесь в этой позе от 30 до 60 секунд.

B. Yin position

1. Youдохните. Youпрямьтесь и переведите руки в положение перед собой, сохраняя положение пальцеin. Затем медленно наклонитесь вперед, сгибая тело в области тазобедренных суставоin. Head down, hands touching (or almost touching) the ground. Do not apply excessive force.

2. Feel the balance of all tendons. Don't stoop too low at first. For convenience, you can slightly bend your knees.

3. Feel the flow of Chi going down to the head and back, and down to the tongue, and through each finger of the hands. If you can touch the ground, you will feel an energetic connection. Breathe normally.

4. Rise from this pose to a standing position very slowly. At first, you may feel dizzy. Stand still for a while and feel the flow of energy in the Microcosmic Orbit. Gather the energy at the navel. Walk or lie on your back and massage your belly on the right left to help Qi circulation.

2. Checking Structure and Rooting

A. Yang position

Get into a pose. Ask your partner to push you very gently. Remember that the main curve is in the upper back. Соблюдайте особую осторожность в выполнении этой practitionerи Укоренения Железного Мостa. Your partner must be aware that it is very dangerous to push you hard when you are too leaning back. The back and spinal cord are very vulnerable in this position. Be careful and apply only very gentle pressure to avoid damaging your spinal cord and falling backwards.

Partner puts one hand on your back about 5/6 of the thoracic vertebrae, and the other on your chest. He slowly and gently presses up on the back and down on the chest, tilting you to find the alignment of your upper spine with the heels of your feet.

B. yin position

As you lean forward, your partner puts his hands on your shoulders. You толкаете вверх нижнюю часть позвоночникa. Your partner can use their entire body weight to push down. In this position, you put more effort into the lower back. it усилит нижнюю часть позвоночникa. Especially the lumbar region.

Stage Yin in progress practitioner

After doing all these exercises, shake the energy down, shake your arms and legs, and walk around.

Снова примите позу или сядьте и положите обе ладони на область пупкa.

Turn your attention inward and observe the flow of energy in the body. Send a smile to your entire body, especially to your organs, glands, spine, brain, and bones. Почувствуйте целительные вибрации Ци во всех частях телa. Feel how your structure is aligned and you are firmly rooted to the ground.

Bring your attention back to the Dan Tian. Empty your upper mind in the Dan Tian and feel the pressure there. Закройте нижние ворота и почувствуйте слабое всасывание в низ животa. Feel your mind/eyes and other sensory analyzers in the Dan Tian. Feel the waves of this ocean of Chi gently rocking you back and forth. Feel a great stillness and silence within, stay in it for a while, breathe deeply and calmly. Just sit in that silence for a while and do nothing.

It may happen that at some time the physical breath stop and the Dan Tian (Qi) will begin to function like the lungs. We call this internal or fetal breathing (tai chi) and it can only occur when your whole being is in complete silence and stillness and at the same time is filled with chi energy.


После выполнения practitionerи Железная Рубашка, перед этапом Инь этой practitionerи, вы можете сделать несколько упражнений, чтобы сделать вашу энергетическую связь с силами более мощной.

You можете выполнить practitionerу "Открытие трех Даньтяней в Шести Направлениях" или часть этой practitionerи после выполнения Железной Рубашки, или одно из трех следующих упражнений:

Connection with Cosmic Energy through

between the eyebrows

1. Stand in Tree Grab Pose and turn to face the sun or moon. Если вы обращены к солнцу, то это упражнение следует выполнять только во время восхода или захода солнца, когда его лучи более мягкие и не повреждают глазa. Any time you feel the sun is too intense, close your eyes and let them rest.

2. Slowly raise your palms to the sides in front of your body, with your elbows slightly apart. Расположите руки (от кисти до плечa) над уровнем межбровья и с помощью больших и указательных пальцев обеих рук сделайте треугольник, через который солнце или луна будут сосредоточены в этом треугольнике.

3. Hold upсь в этой позиции и втяните энергию Ян (солнце) или Инь (лунa) внутрь через межбровье.

4. Collect some saliva in your mouth, mix this inhaled energy with saliva, and collect a ball of Chi energy in your mouth. This will increase the amount of saliva produced.

5. Extend your neck slightly. Swallow the saliva in a strong big gulp and mentally direct it to the navel. Feel the warmth at the navel increase as this new energy comes in.

6. Repeat these steps 9 to 36 times and finish the exercise by slowly lowering your hands to your navel. Place your left hand over your right hand and gather the energy

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