Message: #67201
Buckshee » 02 Feb 2017, 17:58

Iron shirt qigong – I. Rooting of Cosmic Inner Energy. Mantak Chia

the skull and temples to activate the cranial pump.

12. Inhale again. Pull up the middle and back of the anus and draw the energy up all the way to the crown and into the brain. Exhale slowly and allow the energy to flow into the brain, energizing the gray matter.

13. Be aware of the North Star and the Big Dipper. Feel purple and red light shining over the top of your head. Inhale and draw the light into the crown and use the power of the mind and eyes to spiral the energy.

B. Yin position

1. Exhale slowly as you turn your palms up and lock your wrists. Energize the thumbs and bring the energy down through the tongue to the navel. Use the power of the mind and the eye to spiral the energy at the navel.

2. Put your feet together and put your hands on your navel. Gather and condense energy in Dan Tian. Relax.

3. Checking the structure and rooting

Side push. The pushing method is as follows: The partner performing the pushing motion uses the web between his/her thumb and forefinger to apply pressure on the wrist and simultaneously pushes the thigh with the other hand. Start on the left side and continue on the right side. The pushing movement is done in a horizontal direction.

A. Side Shot, Yang Position

Stand in the Yang position and pack Qi in the abdomen, spinal cord and neck. Feel your spine stretch like a bow. Strengthen your tendon line by tensing and pulling your little fingers out very hard. Попросите партнера проверить вашу структуру, сильно надавливая на запястье и бедро в горизонтальном direction.

B. Side Throw, Yin Position

Stay in the same position, turn the hands up, maintain the Chi pressure and connect the force to the ground through the bone structure. Strengthen the line of your tendons by tensing your thumbs very hard and pulling them inward. The entire front line is leveled, starting from the thumbs, then goes along the hand, along the arm, to the head.

Ask your partner to check your structure and rooting in the same way as in the Yang position.

B. Front and rear push

Pushing from behind strengthens the entire spine, the little fingers of the hands and feet, and the fascia of the back. Make sure your big toes and little toes are pressing down and feel the force you are creating from little toe to little toe. Ask your partner to push you from behind while you are in this position.

Pushing from the front increases the strength of the thumbs and tendons. Keep your posture and ask your partner to push you in the chest or shoulder area in front.

If you use tendons, then you will need less effort to maintain a good structure.

Golden Turtle (Yang Position) Water Buffalo (Yin Position)

Предостережение: людям с повышенным кровяным давлением, прежде чем приступать к освоению указанных поз, рекомендуется получить консультацию у врачa. Women are not recommended to perform this exercise during menstruation or pregnancy.

Tortoise exercise energizes the toes and all the tendons of the toes and fascia of the thighs and lower legs, strengthens the fasciae of the back, spinal cord, sacrum, kidneys, adrenal glands, neck and head. Another name for this pose is turtle back.

1. Poses

A. Golden Turtle plunging into water, Yang Posture

– Встаньте в ту же позу, что и в упражнении Обхватывание Деревa. The feet are slightly apart. In this pose, the alignment of the ankles, knees, hips, and sacrum are very important in shifting the weight of the body down into the hips, knees, feet and, as a result, into the ground, which will make it easier to maintain the posture. Tighten your fists and place your forearms against your upper

hand parts.

– Bend down from the gua area, spread your hips to the sides to open the sacrum and straighten your back. The back should be horizontal to the floor line, from the tailbone to the head.

- Keep your arms folded in front of your chest. Open the armpits and round the shoulder blades. Feel your back as if it were a turtle's back.

B. Water Buffalo emerging from water, Yin Posture.

Look forward a little and lift your neck up, thus reducing tension, and lift your head and eyes up without straining them. Lower your sacrum and extend your arms down in front of you so that the back of your hand is facing forward and your fingertips are touching your perineum and anus or touching the ground. Keep your groin open.

2. Packing Breath

A. Golden Turtle plunging into water, Yang Posture

1. Примите Позу Всадникa.

2. Youполните энергетическое breath.

3. Youдохните, сделайте желудок плоским, выдохните еще и опустите диафрагму, выдохните еще и подтяните анус и половые органы.

4. Inhale, clench your fists, place your forearms in front of your shoulders, round your back and lower your chest. Bend forward at the gua, straighten your back to support the energy structure through your spine and neck. Open the sacrum, spreading the hips, knees, and ankles apart, aligning them so that the weight of the body can drop down from the hips to the knees, into the feet, and into the ground. Tuck in the chin and make sure the neck is in a well fixed position. Place your elbows between your knees.

5. Сделайте маленький вдох (часть полного вдохa), подтяните промежность и упакуйте энергию в области пупкa. Hold your breath.

6. Вдохните не вдыхая, втяните энергию в промежность и направьте ее вниз в низ животa. Hold your breath.

7. Inhale without inhaling, feel a pull in your abdomen, pulling up your genitals and anus, and direct the energy into your perineum. Draw up the earth energy through the perineum.

8. Inhale, pull up the middle and back of the anus and draw the energy into the sacrum. Tilt your sacrum and feel the sacral pump activate. Hold your breath.

9. Feel the energy being drawn into your belly. Tighten the perineum and the left, right sides and back of the anus, direct all energy to the kidneys. Feel the Kidneys, Door of Life, G-11, and Chi belt expand.

10. Inhale and draw the energy up into SH-7. Tighten and lengthen your neck. Squeeze the skull and bones of the skull, clench your teeth.

11. Inhale again and draw the energy up into the crown and into the brain.

B. Water Buffalo emerging from water, Yin Posture.

1. After you have packed the energy into your head, exhale and look up a little, lifting your neck and thus releasing tension in your back and neck. Stretch your arms down in front of you with the backs of your hands outward and your fingertips touching your perineum and anus, or touching the ground.

Сохраняйте область паха открытой и выполните practitionerу энергетического дыхания открытого пахa. Relax with your tongue in the upper palate. Inhale less and exhale more, breathing directly into the groin, energizing the sex organs and the urogenital and pelvic diaphragms. Поток крови и Ци течет в нижних областях телa.

When your breathing returns to normal, close your eyes and slowly return to a standing position.

Gather the energy at the navel and at the Dan Tian. Youполните костное дыхание и позвольте Ци течь по Микрокосмической Орбите.

Walk around a little, throw the energy down and shake your arms and legs.

3. Structure and Rooting Check.

А. Поза Черепахи /practitionerа Бокового Укоренения

– В этой позе крепко держите локти, надавите ими на бедра так, чтобы вы могли почувствовать как энергия концентрируется в области пахa. The spine should be parallel to the ground.

– Pack Qi from the abdomen along the entire back. Ask your partner to stand to your left and put one hand on your shoulder and the other on your thigh.

- At the time when the partner pushes you. Pull up the genitals, perineum, and anus, then open the sacrum and hip joints (spreading the hips apart) and align them with the knees and ankles to direct the energy into the ground.

Become one with the earth and expand the kidneys and Qi Belt.

The bone structure should become like a sponge, absorbing force and directing it into the ground. Когда вы достаточно усовершенствуетесь в выполнении этой practitionerи и почувствуете структуру своего тела, как whole, you will be able to relax your muscles more and you will find that there is no need for packing breaths. If you simply concentrate on the flow of Qi and relax, the force will pass through the bone structure.

- Switch sides and ask your partner to push you hard. The main purpose of this exercise is not to knock you over, but to make you feel where the power comes from, so that you can redirect it to the ground. And as the force of the push increases, you have the opportunity to realign or relax those parts of the body to allow the force to pass through. Because you know how to redirect power from any part of the body, you will begin to understand how to re-absorb power from the earth.

You можете использовать эту энергию для самоисцеления или для противодействия силе толчка со стороны партнерa.

– Turtle pose strengthens the entire spine. You можете почувствовать, что когда партнер толкает вас слева, то сила идет от левого плеча, над лопатками в позвоночник, в правую лопатку, вниз по позвоночнику в бедро, в правое бедро, в левое бедро, в стопу и вниз в землю. At the same time, you feel your breath through your soles and "grab" your toes into the ground.

2. Place your hands in front of your body, backs of your hands facing each other – Inhale, turn your hands to the sides of your body near your kidneys, palms up and turn towards your body with little fingers pointing up. Feel the tension in your tendons.

3. Breathe in

Message: #67201
Buckshee » 02 Feb 2017, 17:58

Iron shirt qigong – I. Rooting of Cosmic Inner Energy. Mantak Chia

the skull and temples to activate the cranial pump.

12. Inhale again. Pull up the middle and back of the anus and draw the energy up all the way to the crown and into the brain. Exhale slowly and allow the energy to flow into the brain, energizing the gray matter.

13. Be aware of the North Star and the Big Dipper. Feel purple and red light shining over the top of your head. Inhale and draw the light into the crown and use the power of the mind and eyes to spiral the energy.

B. Yin position

1. Exhale slowly as you turn your palms up and lock your wrists. Energize the thumbs and bring the energy down through the tongue to the navel. Use the power of the mind and the eye to spiral the energy at the navel.

2. Put your feet together and put your hands on your navel. Gather and condense energy in Dan Tian. Relax.

3. Checking the structure and rooting

Side push. The pushing method is as follows: The partner performing the pushing motion uses the web between his/her thumb and forefinger to apply pressure on the wrist and simultaneously pushes the thigh with the other hand. Start on the left side and continue on the right side. The pushing movement is done in a horizontal direction.

A. Side Shot, Yang Position

Stand in the Yang position and pack Qi in the abdomen, spinal cord and neck. Feel your spine stretch like a bow. Strengthen your tendon line by tensing and pulling your little fingers out very hard. Попросите партнера проверить вашу структуру, сильно надавливая на запястье и бедро в горизонтальном direction.

B. Side Throw, Yin Position

Stay in the same position, turn the hands up, maintain the Chi pressure and connect the force to the ground through the bone structure. Strengthen the line of your tendons by tensing your thumbs very hard and pulling them inward. The entire front line is leveled, starting from the thumbs, then goes along the hand, along the arm, to the head.

Ask your partner to check your structure and rooting in the same way as in the Yang position.

B. Front and rear push

Pushing from behind strengthens the entire spine, the little fingers of the hands and feet, and the fascia of the back. Make sure your big toes and little toes are pressing down and feel the force you are creating from little toe to little toe. Ask your partner to push you from behind while you are in this position.

Pushing from the front increases the strength of the thumbs and tendons. Keep your posture and ask your partner to push you in the chest or shoulder area in front.

If you use tendons, then you will need less effort to maintain a good structure.

Golden Turtle (Yang Position) Water Buffalo (Yin Position)

Предостережение: людям с повышенным кровяным давлением, прежде чем приступать к освоению указанных поз, рекомендуется получить консультацию у врачa. Women are not recommended to perform this exercise during menstruation or pregnancy.

Tortoise exercise energizes the toes and all the tendons of the toes and fascia of the thighs and lower legs, strengthens the fasciae of the back, spinal cord, sacrum, kidneys, adrenal glands, neck and head. Another name for this pose is turtle back.

1. Poses

A. Golden Turtle plunging into water, Yang Posture

– Встаньте в ту же позу, что и в упражнении Обхватывание Деревa. The feet are slightly apart. In this pose, the alignment of the ankles, knees, hips, and sacrum are very important in shifting the weight of the body down into the hips, knees, feet and, as a result, into the ground, which will make it easier to maintain the posture. Tighten your fists and place your forearms against your upper

hand parts.

– Bend down from the gua area, spread your hips to the sides to open the sacrum and straighten your back. The back should be horizontal to the floor line, from the tailbone to the head.

- Keep your arms folded in front of your chest. Open the armpits and round the shoulder blades. Feel your back as if it were a turtle's back.

B. Water Buffalo emerging from water, Yin Posture.

Look forward a little and lift your neck up, thus reducing tension, and lift your head and eyes up without straining them. Lower your sacrum and extend your arms down in front of you so that the back of your hand is facing forward and your fingertips are touching your perineum and anus or touching the ground. Keep your groin open.

2. Packing Breath

A. Golden Turtle plunging into water, Yang Posture

1. Примите Позу Всадникa.

2. Youполните энергетическое breath.

3. Youдохните, сделайте желудок плоским, выдохните еще и опустите диафрагму, выдохните еще и подтяните анус и половые органы.

4. Inhale, clench your fists, place your forearms in front of your shoulders, round your back and lower your chest. Bend forward at the gua, straighten your back to support the energy structure through your spine and neck. Open the sacrum, spreading the hips, knees, and ankles apart, aligning them so that the weight of the body can drop down from the hips to the knees, into the feet, and into the ground. Tuck in the chin and make sure the neck is in a well fixed position. Place your elbows between your knees.

5. Сделайте маленький вдох (часть полного вдохa), подтяните промежность и упакуйте энергию в области пупкa. Hold your breath.

6. Вдохните не вдыхая, втяните энергию в промежность и направьте ее вниз в низ животa. Hold your breath.

7. Inhale without inhaling, feel a pull in your abdomen, pulling up your genitals and anus, and direct the energy into your perineum. Draw up the earth energy through the perineum.

8. Inhale, pull up the middle and back of the anus and draw the energy into the sacrum. Tilt your sacrum and feel the sacral pump activate. Hold your breath.

9. Feel the energy being drawn into your belly. Tighten the perineum and the left, right sides and back of the anus, direct all energy to the kidneys. Feel the Kidneys, Door of Life, G-11, and Chi belt expand.

10. Inhale and draw the energy up into SH-7. Tighten and lengthen your neck. Squeeze the skull and bones of the skull, clench your teeth.

11. Inhale again and draw the energy up into the crown and into the brain.

B. Water Buffalo emerging from water, Yin Posture.

1. After you have packed the energy into your head, exhale and look up a little, lifting your neck and thus releasing tension in your back and neck. Stretch your arms down in front of you with the backs of your hands outward and your fingertips touching your perineum and anus, or touching the ground.

Сохраняйте область паха открытой и выполните practitionerу энергетического дыхания открытого пахa. Relax with your tongue in the upper palate. Inhale less and exhale more, breathing directly into the groin, energizing the sex organs and the urogenital and pelvic diaphragms. Поток крови и Ци течет в нижних областях телa.

When your breathing returns to normal, close your eyes and slowly return to a standing position.

Gather the energy at the navel and at the Dan Tian. Youполните костное дыхание и позвольте Ци течь по Микрокосмической Орбите.

Walk around a little, throw the energy down and shake your arms and legs.

3. Structure and Rooting Check.

А. Поза Черепахи /practitionerа Бокового Укоренения

– В этой позе крепко держите локти, надавите ими на бедра так, чтобы вы могли почувствовать как энергия концентрируется в области пахa. The spine should be parallel to the ground.

– Pack Qi from the abdomen along the entire back. Ask your partner to stand to your left and put one hand on your shoulder and the other on your thigh.

- At the time when the partner pushes you. Pull up the genitals, perineum, and anus, then open the sacrum and hip joints (spreading the hips apart) and align them with the knees and ankles to direct the energy into the ground.

Become one with the earth and expand the kidneys and Qi Belt.

The bone structure should become like a sponge, absorbing force and directing it into the ground. Когда вы достаточно усовершенствуетесь в выполнении этой practitionerи и почувствуете структуру своего тела, как whole, you will be able to relax your muscles more and you will find that there is no need for packing breaths. If you simply concentrate on the flow of Qi and relax, the force will pass through the bone structure.

- Switch sides and ask your partner to push you hard. The main purpose of this exercise is not to knock you over, but to make you feel where the power comes from, so that you can redirect it to the ground. And as the force of the push increases, you have the opportunity to realign or relax those parts of the body to allow the force to pass through. Because you know how to redirect power from any part of the body, you will begin to understand how to re-absorb power from the earth.

You можете использовать эту энергию для самоисцеления или для противодействия силе толчка со стороны партнерa.

– Turtle pose strengthens the entire spine. You можете почувствовать, что когда партнер толкает вас слева, то сила идет от левого плеча, над лопатками в позвоночник, в правую лопатку, вниз по позвоночнику в бедро, в правое бедро, в левое бедро, в стопу и вниз в землю. At the same time, you feel your breath through your soles and "grab" your toes into the ground.

2. Place your hands in front of your body, backs of your hands facing each other – Inhale, turn your hands to the sides of your body near your kidneys, palms up and turn towards your body with little fingers pointing up. Feel the tension in your tendons.

3. Breathe in

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