Message: #67908
Buckshee » 03 Feb 2017, 08:09

Kum Nye Relaxation. Tartang Tulku

Tarthang Tulku – Kum Nye Relaxation

For five years during the summer, physicians from many parts of the United States attended classes at the Nyingma Institute under the Human Ability Development Program in which they studied Kum Nye. However, I have always wished that anyone interested could take advantage of the beneficial opportunities that Cum Nye provides. Now, thanks to the publication of this book, my wish has come true. May Kum Nye make your life more joyful and fulfilling.
Tartang Tulku


Cum Nye Relaxation is a gentle healing system that relieves stress, transforms negative patterns, helps us be more balanced and healthy, enhances the enjoyment of life and deepens the understanding of life. In our time, when there is so much turmoil and chaos, we are often overstressed and overwhelmed, and therefore we do not enjoy life. Kum nye opens our senses and heart, so that we experience satisfaction and are able to perceive everything around us more fully. Even in a short time, experience can be enriched and life becomes more harmonious.
The unique value of the Cumnier relaxation system is that it integrates and balances two approaches: physical and psychological. Kum nye heals both body and mind by unifying their energies and directing them to work in a calm and even way. Since this relaxation leads to the integration of body and mind in all our activities, it has a more significant and lasting effect than the feeling of well-being after physical exercises and even disciplines such as yoga. When we learn to open our sensations and directly contact our feelings, our body and mind come into full contact and all our experiences become richer, healthier and much more beautiful. As we become more aware of ourselves and improve in self-understanding, we will also be able to share more fully with others.
The written tradition of Kum Nye is contained in Tibetan medical texts, as well as in ancient Buddhist texts of the Vinaya category. These texts interpret the way of life according to physical and world laws and include lengthy descriptions of healing methods. Thus, Kum Nye (Kum Nye, pronounced approximately "Kum Nye", "Kum Ne" or "Kum Nye") is part of a larger tradition of spiritual and medical theories and practices that links Tibetan medicine to Indian and Chinese medicine. This tradition has given impetus to the development of numerous disciplines, including yoga and acupuncture; it also formed the basis of many later disciplines dealing with the interaction of body and mind.
However, the Cum Nye system described below is completely new, as it is based on my personal experience and adapted specifically to meet current needs. In Tibet, when I was still a boy, my father, a physician and lama, introduced me to Kum Nye. However, Kum Nye was not well known in Tibet and was most often used as an adjunct to other practices. My gurus, who introduced me to the beginnings of the oral yogic tradition of Nying-tig tsa-long (the energy system of the subtle body), sometimes taught me the rudiments of the theory and practice of Kum nye as an introductory discipline. Nevertheless, Kum nye still did not have a systematized set of written instructions, so my personal practice of Kum nye was in the nature of searching and experimenting. Over the past ten years, I have developed several hundred exercises that my Western students have found very useful. This book includes the simplest and most effective exercises that can be performed safely by both young and old without a teacher. It includes breathing exercises, self-massage and various motor exercises. I hope that the joy of discovering new, hitherto unexplored aspects of Kum Nye will enrich the practice of Western students.
It is my hope that this book will introduce people of all backgrounds and backgrounds to the virtues of Cum Nye and help them develop and expand their experience of inner relaxation. I conceived the book as a practical guide to the deep enjoyment of a healthy and balanced life, rich in beauty and enjoyment, and leading to the harmony of all living beings, even in our difficult times.
I am very grateful to the many people whose experience contributed to the development of the Kum nye exercises, and I dedicate this book to the Nyingma Institute in Berkeley, California, where the Kum nye blossomed into its true form.
Tartang Tulku Сентябрь, 1978

Body, mind and senses unite in a process of inner alchemy

Part one

Exercise 1: Release Energy 33
Exercise 2 Dissolving Tension 33
Exercise 3: Enjoying Relaxation 35
Exercise 4. Experience of sensations. . . . ; 35
Exercise 5
Exercise 6. Joyful breathing 44
Exercise 7. Opening the sphere of sensations 46
Exercise 8. Filling life with breath 46
Exercise 9. OM 47
Exercise 10. A 49
Exercise 11 HUM 50
Exercise 12
Exercise 13 Cleansing Breath 51
Exercise 14. Feeling the breath 53
Charging hands with energy 59
Hand massage 59
Facial massage 66
Head massage 78
Neck massage 88
Shoulder massage 95
Chest massage 97
Abdominal massage 102
Hand massage 106
Back massage software
Side massage 113
Foot massage
Foot massage
Lesson Guide
First group
Exercise 15
Exercise 16
Exercise 17
Exercise 18
Exercise 19
Exercise 201 Contact with body energy
Exercise 21
Exercise 22
Exercise 23
Exercise 24
Second group
Exercise 25
Exercise 26 . .
Exercise 27
Exercise 28
Exercise 29
Exercise 30
Exercise 31
Exercise 32
Exercise 33. Energizing the lower body.
Exercise 34

Through relaxation, we discover a whole new way of being.
We all remember the time when we perceived life most vividly, when the world seemed fresh and promising, like a garden in bloom on a bright spring morning. Whatever brought us into this state, we suddenly experienced a keen sense of the fullness of life, reinforced by the knowledge that everything is in perfect harmony. The atmosphere pulsates with life. Our body is full of health and energy, the mind is clear and full of confidence. Our perceptions are permeated with light. Every detail of the surrounding world gives pleasure to our sense organs: the colors are unusually saturated, the sounds are melodic, the smells are fragrant. All facets of experience fit perfectly and everything vibrates; the usual boundary between inside and outside space is blurred. There is nothing frozen, and we feel spacious and open. We operate with perfect ease and precision.
The essence of this experience is balance, one of the consequences of which is a deep feeling of nourishment and refreshment that extends far beyond the feeling commonly referred to as "happiness." Kum nye is the art of developing this balance. Through relaxation (relaxation), we discover a completely new way of being, an open perspective that brings the enjoyment of integration (integration - restoration, replenishment, unification into a whole. - Note. ed.) of the body, mind, sensations, feelings and environment. We learn to comprehend the exceptional beneficence of living experience. The body is refreshed as if it were washed from the inside with pure spring water. Not only the physical body is enlivened, but also the mind and the whole sphere of sensations. The quality of relaxation fills all functions, even walking and eating. Life goes smoothly, and we are healthy and balanced.
The key to our inner integration and balanced relationship with the world lies in our feelings and sensations. We can nourish and heal both the body and the mind if we come into deep contact with our feelings and spread the rhythms that flow from them as much as possible, since they themselves participate in the vitality of the universe. Through relaxation, we awaken feelings, which then expand and accumulate until we gradually become aware of the deep, all-pervading field of energy within our body and beyond. This energy can stimulate itself from within, strengthening and nourishing us in our daily life, transforming sensations so that we become sensitive and strong, and our sensations become richer and more intense. The mind also clears up and we understand what it means to be balanced.
Our sensations, feelings and thoughts are integrated, and all our relationships, actions, ideas and movements become fluid and harmonious. Our awareness enables us to take control of our lives—not with brute force, but with complete confidence. After that, we naturally do what is proper and what is wholesome, and function in the world in a positive way. We understand that the thoughts and actions that bring us stability and happiness also contribute to the harmony of the world around us.
When we experience the beauty of the world, it seems natural to live in harmony with the universe and enjoy a mutually satisfying relationship, like that between a horse and its foal. However, we have somehow drifted away from this state of existence. Although we are talking about Mother Nature, we are like her foolish children, struggling with their own identity at the cost of losing warmth and tenderness, which we still vaguely remember.
In early childhood, when our senses were more open, we could experience a stronger sense of oneness with the universe; but as we grow up, we tend to over-develop the personality in ourselves, deepening the feeling of separation rather than the feeling of warmth and security so necessary to the heart. The pressures and complexity of today's society leave us with little choice, as to succeed in business, friendship, and even play, we are almost forced to enter situations of competition and stress that develop feelings of alienation and anxiety. All the milestones of our lives—going to school, starting a family and raising children, achieving a successful career—are full of complications and limitations that we can’t seem to avoid.
Even as we try to open up our lives, we may end up narrowing down our experience instead of expanding it. Our mental and physical activities are rarely truly satisfying because we do not integrate them. Not realizing the importance of integrating body and


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