Message: #67916
Buckshee » 03 Feb 2017, 08:33

Method “Solar Meditation” Mikhailov Elisey

etc. by itself, without special external, material costs and physical efforts, if only this idea is correctly perceived and used daily many people.
“What is that good deed that is higher and better than all good deeds, and no trouble is needed for its performance?
- Be grateful in this world and wish everyone happiness. it выше и лучше всякого дела, и, чтоб исполнить его, не нужно никаких хлопот". (Из Авесты - Закона Ариев)

Appendix 4
Greatness of sound
Source: Alexander Fedchenko, Samara site "The Way to the Sun"
Определенные звуки и музыка способны оказывать воздействия созидающего или разрушительного характера на живую, неживую природу и person.
From infancy, each person joins the world of sounds. Sound is all around us. Hearing the beating of the heart of his beloved mother and singing: "Bai, bai, bai ...", the baby falls into a dream, for the first time being influenced by the power of sound.
A person instinctively smiles when he hears pleasant sounds, for example, children's laughter, melodious speech, birdsong, because he feels that a pleasant sound pleases and brings creative, healing energy to our body. And winces at a sharp unpleasant sound, not only because it hurts his hearing, but also because he feels danger and destructive energy.
A person who is in a good mood, who feels peace and harmony within himself, has a pleasant and harmonious voice. The one who contains harmful energies in himself cannot utter sounds that caress the ear.3
Therefore, if you carefully listen to the voice of a person, then by the notes and intonation pronounced, the state and mood of a person and the vibrations that are radiated by him into space are easily determined. Let me explain. The voice is produced by the vocal cords, which vibrate under the influence of breathing. And breathing is connected with the work of the organs of the body and its muscles. Therefore, all hidden vibrations of the body (tension, clamps, nervousness, stiffness, etc.) become obvious vibrations of the voice. Since many people nowadays live in a constant state of stress, their voices sound intermittent, tense and harsh.
In fact, only creative sounds are present in nature (the sound of the sea, the splashing of a stream, the singing of birds, the rustling of leaves). Even the sound of thunder during a thunderstorm has great purifying power. But the sounds of a big city are pernicious and dead - they carry destruction and disease. Therefore, a person can have a good rest and gain strength only in nature. He remains a part of nature, although he distorted himself, tore nature. As a result of this distortion, his voice also acquired a destructive sound. But the desire for harmony and unity helped to discover a special kind of sounds - completely corresponding in their vibrations to the vibrations of natural life force, healing energy.
Even in ancient times, all people had a single religion, faith in a single God, and people directly communicated with the Creator. It was then that special combinations of sounds appeared for direct communication with the Almighty and with Nature. Mantras and prayers are not just words. it звуковой поток, отображающий гармоничные вибрации Вселенной, ее жизненные силы, и, с другой стороны - соответствующий природным вибрациям человеческого организма. Therefore, mantras and prayers unite man and the Creator, man and Nature, man and the Universe. Mantra is the language of the one Creator God.
Mantras were created in the ancient language - Sanskrit, the vibrations of which best correspond to the vibrations of the human body. Sometimes it is difficult to translate them into modern language, but the language of mantras has a special inner music - beautiful and healing. When the mantra is repeated, the restless mind calms down, negative energies are expelled and the entire body is filled with healing power. The most famous and powerful mantra sounds very simple - "OM". When pronounced correctly, vibrating with the whole body, it is heard as "AUM".
AUM - three basic sounds from which all other sounds are produced and combined.
Chanting of mantras is an "internal tuning" to harmony. When a person listens to music, several harmonious sounds, he feels blessed. The fact is that we are deeply musical, and the human body is a musical instrument.
And throughout the universe, music is constantly heard. The healing priests of Atlantis said that each planet emits a certain sound or note during its orbital movement, so the Universe is filled with the harmonizing music of the spheres. Man is a microcosm, a likeness of the Universe. It should sound exactly the same music, which is at the same time the energy of the cosmos. When the singing energy circulates freely throughout the body, a person is healthy. If disruptions occur in the etheric channels, the body becomes ill. When a person feels good, everything sings in a person, when a person feels bad, a cacophony sounds.
The doctors of the Atlanteans tuned the sick, as one tunes a musical instrument before concert. Each human organ functions in a certain frequency range. For example:
lungs - in the range of the sound "U", and if you pull "U" for a long time, you can cure light and difficult thoughts;
the immunity of all cells of the body is increased by the sounds "A" and "O";
intuitive processes and creativity activates the sound "H";
the sound "V" corrects problems in the nervous system, brain and spinal cord;
the sound "M" brings love, peace, helps to relax and reduces pressure, improves mood.
Cheerful priests made the patients sing special combinations of sounds with rhythmic breathing, which activated the patients' energy centers. The most common of them, general strengthening and cleansing consonances: AUM, IM, MPOM, DON, CHEN, GUO, HE, SI, etc.
Every sunrise and sunset the Atlanteans accompanied with chants of the sacred consonance of AUM.
The songs of the Atlanteans were healing and joyful due to the presence of high sounds, hissing, whistling, ringing. Many stringed instruments gave the sound of notes that are not perceived by the human ear because of their height.
На все случаи жизни у атлантов были магические слова: простые комбинации повторяющихся звуков резонировали с тем или иным элементом Земли и вызывали к действию необходимые силы nature.
Итак, определенные звуки и музыка способны оказывать воздействия созидающего или разрушительного характера на живую, неживую природу и person. Let's take the song as an example. As you know, it consists of poems and melody, which have rhythm and rhythm. it позволяет информации, заложенной в песне, легко проникать в подсознание человека, влиять на его психику и настроение, делая его энергичным или пассивным, радостным или печальным.
Along with song, there is music that inspires us and gives us the strength to face life. Developing our soul and consciousness, it is able to harmonize space and heal. It is generally recognized that the works of P. Tchaikovsky, A. Vivaldi, the sonatas of A. Mozart, the toccatas and fugues of I. Bach and some other works of great composers have such an influence. This is the manifestation of the Greatness of Sound.

Annex 5

Source: selected from the chapter "Answer" of Vladimir Megre's book "The Ringing Cedars of Russia", M.: ANASTASIA Research Center, 1999.
Vladimir Megre:
- So, you called on Him so that an answer would be born in you, how and what tell people and prevent a planetary catastrophe?
- Yeah, about.
Vladimir Megre:
- And what answer was born in you? What words should be spoken?
-  Одна я его (то есть "ANSWER" - прим Михайлова Е.), вообще, найти не смогу. It can be seen only with the help of the joint efforts of the particles that are in different people living on Earth with opposite thinking. Only with joint efforts will he appear in the invisible dimension where thoughts live. This dimension can also be called the Light Forces Dimension. It is located between the material world in which a person lives, and God.
I will see it, and many others will see it. Then it will be easier to achieve universal awareness. Transfer humanity through a period of time of dark forces. And disasters will not be repeated.
- More specifically, what do people need to do now to make it appear?
- It would be good if a lot of people woke up at the agreed hour. For example, at six o'clock in the morning people will wake up. Think positive, no matter what. It is important that thoughts are bright. You can think about children, about those you love, and also think about how to make everyone feel good. At least fifteen minutes to think so. And the more people do this, the faster the answer will appear. The standard time on Earth is different, it rotates, but the images created by the bright thoughts of these people will merge into a single, bright and rich image of awareness. The simultaneity of thinking about the light enhances the ability of everyone, and many times over.

When this method of EO and SM was born in August 1994, the books about Anastasia had not yet been written, and for these methods I already wrote down the time for the one-time start of meditation - the same 6 o'clock in the morning!
it еще одно подтверждение, что мы на правильном Пути!
it удивительно и знаменательно, но мысли Анастасии еще раз подтверждают необходимость для нас ежедневного утреннего и одновременного помысла о светлом и добром.
Of course, at the same time, one can think with one's own kind thoughts and words, but when a person uses the methods of EO or SM, then the strength of his bright thoughts, bright dreams increases many times over.  After all, when a person begins with his personal thoughts and dreams, there is often a danger of interspersing into one or another negative element of


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