Message: #67924
Buckshee » 03 Feb 2017, 08:40

Meditation. Practical guide. Trifonov Alexey

on the perception of clairvoyant cosmoenergy impulses. Move into a state where your mind becomes more and more silent, at the same time becoming more and more alert. Don't think about anything, the mind should be completely empty.
* Let the assistant randomly spread out these 5 cards in a row in front of him. And write down their sequence. You не должен видеть карточки.
* You сосредоточься на том, что бы увидеть какую 1-ю карточку в ряду положил помощник, затем 2-ю, 3-ю, four, 5.
* Write down the sequence of cards you see.
* Then the assistant lays them out again. So repeat ~ 100 - 300 times.
* After you compare the records. Count how many times you "guessed".
Calculate the critical coefficient:
For example: you tried to guess 100 times, guessed 6four of them. Share of chance = 100 attempts / 5 cards = 20 guesses. We subtract the chance fraction from 6four successes and get the deviation from expectation: 6four - 20 = fourfour.
We count the number of guessing opportunities: 100 attempts x 5 cards = 500.
We consider the critical coefficient according to the formula: fourfour / ? 500 x 0.16 = four.92
See the degree of your ability to clairvoyance according to the table:
critical coefficient
probability of success vs. chance
Ability Level
1 / four00000000000
1 / eight00000000000000
You need to exercise ~ 1 - 2 times a week.
- eidetic clairvoyance
This is clairvoyance in a state of wakefulness, because in a semi-conscious state or in a state of hypnotic sleep, you can lose control of what you see.
* You can burn incense: incense, sandalwood, lavender.
* Sit or lie down. Mentally isolate yourself from the outside world, discard any obstacles with your consciousness.
* Bring yourself into a state of "spiritual readiness" - inspire yourself:
"I am now especially ready and attentive to all the impulses that flow to me from the past, present or future."
* Do not think about anything, the mind must be completely empty.
* Gradually slide into a state where your mind becomes more and more silent, at the same time becoming more and more alert.
* Approaching cloud images will appear before your inner vision. They will become everything clearer and clearer. You "увидишь" события, которые были спрятаны от тебя.
* Maintain complete indifference and passivity in relation to the images and events seen.
Exercise for ~ 30 minutes, once a week.

7.00 - Against alcoholism
* Dive into psi-consciousness.
* Mentally say (or listen to a pre-made sound recording on a tape recorder):
"My fatigue is deep and strong, my body is heavy as lead. I breathe calmly and evenly and feel very good. I feel like all problems fall away from me. I feel very good. I want and I will solve my problems. Ничто уже не может изменить мое намерение. У меня уже No потребности и в алкоголе. Всякий интерес к выпивке пропал, и к алкоголю я совершенно равнодушен... совершенно равнодушен... совершенно равнодушен.
I have a strong aversion to any form of drinking. This disgust is getting stronger... getting stronger... getting stronger. The thought of alcohol makes me uncomfortable. At the same time, I immediately feel a strong aversion to alcohol. Every time I see alcohol, this aversion gets stronger and stronger.
From now on, I will no longer consume alcohol. I won't let anything stop me from this intention, because I'm very happy to finally do something for my health. Every day I feel better and I will never drink alcohol again. I don't and won't drink anymore.
My aversion to alcohol is getting stronger. Even the sight of a filled glass gives me an unpleasant feeling, and the smell of alcohol makes me feel sick. The very thought of alcohol is unpleasant to me, it immediately causes a feeling of strong disgust.
Если я когда-нибудь ещё выпью хоть один глоток алкоголя - мне сразу стаNo так плохо, что даже стошнит. This has deeply and firmly penetrated my subconscious, and I will act in strict accordance with this. Если я ещё раз выпью глоток алкоголя, то мне стаNo так плохо, что даже стошнит. Therefore, I will not even make such an attempt and will never consume alcohol. I do not want to and will never drink alcohol again.
Every time I see alcohol, my aversion and aversion to it intensifies even more. I'm glad I don't drink alcohol anymore. I am so glad and happy without alcohol that I simply do not need it. Therefore, nothing can interfere with my intention. I do not want to and will never drink alcohol again. I will never drink alcohol again!
So every day I'm getting better, I'm glad and happy that I finally did it. Finally, I'm completely free again, completely free!
Now I'll count to three. Then my arms and legs will again become light, free and mobile. Then I will open my eyes and feel completely fresh and healthy. 1 - 2 - 3: Eyes open. My arms and legs are light again and move freely. I am full of strength and energy and feel very good ... I feel completely fresh and healthy!"
Do this exercise every day, maybe 2 times.
20.30 - Instant concentration
Stage 1:
* Immerse yourself in the 2nd stage of consciousness.
* Stop thinking.
* Pick a point in the room. Look at her without looking away.
* Focus on her.
* Speak in a whisper, low and monotonous: "Point ... point ... point ..."
* Consciousness should be filled with this place.
Stage 2:
* Everything is the same, but do not whisper the mantra out loud, but say it mentally.
Step 3:
* Again, like step 1, only without the mantra at all. And don't look at the selected point in the room, just imagine it in a dark room (or with your eyes closed).
Ступень four:
* Focus on an imaginary point in the room - step 3.
* When consciousness is filled with this place, stop imagining it. Maintain a state of supreme concentration for as long as possible.
1st week do step 1, the next ~ 1 week - step 2, each step for ~ 1 week, every day. 1-ю и 2-ю ступень по ~ 25 мин, 3-ю и four-ю по ~ 15 мин.
22.00 - Psychokinesis test
It will awaken your power of imagination and give you confidence. Psychokinesis is the movement or bending of objects using the power of imagination.
* Take a glass saucer. Pour water into it, not to the brim. Place (preferably with tweezers) a large sewing needle on this water so that it floats. The needle should not touch the edges of the saucer. Если иголка тоNo, добавь в воду несколько капель масла, и положи иглу на масляный слой.
Stage 1:
* Sit down at the table, put a saucer with a needle in front of you. The distance from the eyes to the needle should be ~ 30 cm.
* Mentally isolate yourself from the outside world, discard any obstacles with your consciousness.
* Bring yourself into a state of "spiritual readiness" - you can inspire yourself:
"I am now especially ready to move objects with the help of the power of imagination. I feel his power of imagination."
* Do not think about anything, the mind must be completely empty.
* Focus on your own power of imagination. Stay in this state for several minutes.
* Look at the needle without looking away.
* Imagine that the needle is spinning.
* The needle must rotate.
* Then, on other days, you can try to rotate the needle in different directions, or stop. Look at the needle closer or farther.
Stage 2:
* Put a match instead of a needle.
* Tune in to the exercise as in step 1.
* Hold your hands to the right and left of the saucer at a distance of ~ 3 cm. Make circular movements with your hands.
* Imagine that the match is rotated by the movements of the hands.
Perform each step for ~ 5 minutes, every day, maybe 2 times.

7.00 - Return of cosmic energy
Cosmic energy is a special invisible light.
* You can light up the room with a green lamp. You can burn incense: camphor.
* Sit down at the table, put a saucer of cold water in front of you.
* Immerse yourself in the 2nd stage of consciousness.
* Imagine as brightly and strongly as possible how from the middle of the chest - the heart chakra - comes the energy that was formed from the absorbed free cosmic energy. And it gradually fills your whole body, except for the head.
* After a while, more and more energy flows will be felt. You will feel a strong, rhythmic pulsation of energy in your body.
* Imagine that this energy gradually accumulates in the hands.
* The hands should be very warm.
* Hold your hand over a saucer of water. Spread your fingers hard.
* Vividly and strongly imagine that the accumulated energy passes into water.
* But at the same time you will not lose energy, and it will be restored again.
* There will be a feeling how the energy is again collected in the hands, and again goes into the water.
* After ~5 minutes, stand up, spread your legs wide, stretch your arms horizontally. And inspire yourself that the cosmic energy returns to you 2 times more than you spent.
Exercise every day.
20.30 - Concentration on imagination
This is pure concentration, when no information enters the consciousness.
* Immerse yourself in the 2nd stage of consciousness.
* Close eyes. Imagine any object as brightly as possible, against a dark background.
* Save the visual image for a few minutes. It should neither disappear nor fog up. Memorize all its details.
* Let the image gradually fade.
* Restore the image in reverse colors:
start color
reverse color
purple red
purple purple
bluish purple
cornflower blue
Greenish blue
blue green
yellowish green
Greenish yellow
* The reverse image should be visible as bright and distinct as the initial one, for several minutes.
Exercise for 15 - 20 minutes every

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