Message: #67836
Buckshee » 03 Feb 2017, 07:04

Meditation that really works. Dhiravamsa

медитирующих с экспрессией о некоторых побочных ее сторонах. Here are some observations: First, mild or strong re-expression with little discharge is indicative of ego interference and simple bodily agitation due to lack of awareness of feelings. If this happens, watch and look into these expressions deeply and carefully. Don't encourage them to continue. When checking, you will gain a clear understanding of the essence of the whole situation and will continue to work without wasting time and energy, and avoid difficulties. awareness, but only facilitates the journey of the ego. Always remember that expression without awareness can bring some relief, but not healing, the reason is that these are the actions of an actor-performer who is driven by the desire to please himself and others, so most of the energy is again and again directed to discharge, but to cultivation. and the nourishment of the seed of intuition remains small. And поэтому рост невозможен, когда производство созидательной энергии находится не в должном отношении к энергии разрядки. And when there is no clear awareness, excess discharge energy will become a conduit for mental instability. Therefore, please note that awareness and intuition play a critical role in the discharge and healing process. With awareness you are protected; without it, you may be in danger. Andтак, применяя разные техники или проводя упражнения по удалению нездоровых энергий, удостоверьтесь, что осознание присутствует, и пусть оно втекает и вытекает с каждым мгновением и звуком. If you do this, healing is sure to happen—as healing of disease and wounds, as well as caring for and nurturing the whole being, in which we experience full spiritual charge, flourishing, and self-sufficient life energy. So deep излечение может осуществиться только при достижении полного просветления с совершенной абсолютной свободой, поскольку такое просветление искореняет все формы искажения, имеющие отношение к восприятию, мышлению и убеждению, а также полностью разрушает маниакально-навязчивые личностные структуры.And наконец, последнее, что мне хотелось бы прояснить, is the relationship between discharge and cure. Through discharge we apply medicine and undertake treatment. Experiences can be both pleasant and unpleasant. At the same time, we are supported by lightning-like flashes of deep penetration into our personal history and the fundamental sources that influence our lives. When the healing takes place, the discharge process is completed, and with all its immeasurable strength and power, the thunder of wisdom enters into action. And это завершение дуккхи, боли и страдания, что означает здоровое существование. Then a new life begins, which completely controls our body.

2. Meditation and explosion
To explode means to spontaneously and violently start a certain process, to suddenly discharge and forcefully break through everything that hinders and impedes the natural free flow of energies in the body and mind. There is an element of destruction in the explosion. Not in the sense of action associated with certain negative states such as anger, hatred, envy, jealousy and hostility, but absolute cleansing destruction, leaving no residue behind, clearing away the accumulated debris. There is no motive and no self-determination in this explosion. Andначе говоря, это настоящее чудо, которое происходит необычно и неожиданно. This type of destruction has no destroyer. As long as there is a destroyer, there is a reason, a motive, a plan, a purpose for action. The actions of the destroyer can never be spontaneous and pure. Everything that the destroyer does becomes a burden, something for which he will eventually have to pay. He is completely bound by his actions. And это то, что называется кармой.  Therefore, the destroyer cannot avoid suffering, no matter how much he tries to avoid it. His condition is similar to that of an elephant stuck in the mud. The more he tries to get out of the mud, the deeper he sinks into it. Other aspects of the explosion are in the positive and joyful experiences of meditation - joy, bliss, ecstasy, sudden immobility of the mind, stillness and lightness of the body, cessation of thinking, deep and absolute inner silence, etc. If you carefully and intently observe what actually happens during meditation, you will see how this process of explosion affects sensory, vital awareness. For example, when observing your breath with full attention for several minutes, you suddenly feel with great strength and intensity that there is nothing separate from the pure movement in which creation takes place. Такое состояние обычно достигается в точке наивысшей интенсивности пассивного наблюдения, когда медитирующий, или наблюдатель, полностью исчезает.Andногда наблюдается внезапное исчезновение мышления, утихание думающего ума и реагирующих чувств. Then we find ourselves in a completely new, vast and deep place, where there is no concept of anything. Time and space disappear and there is no dimension to be felt, no center for existence. This is a delightful transcendence of the horizontal plane. After coming out of such a meditation, you are always surprised by the passage of time and a strong sense of release. The body is motionless and light, without any debris or pain, but functions perfectly normally. And sometimes you find that the body is perspiring, but still in a pleasant state. In both cases, you feel completely cleansed. This is the beauty of an explosion in meditation. On the psychological and emotional levels, one can see that an explosion occurs as a sudden and spontaneous expression in meditation, as a natural way of clearing karmic accumulations at these levels of existence. For example, many holding points or blockages can be found in the body that impede the flow of energy, vitality, and life. So many of us can't really function as human beings, sometimes we can't even analyze what's going on. To be free on all levels: physical, emotional, psychological, social, mental and spiritual, we need to deal with every aspect of our life, pain and suffering. How does expression in meditation work like an explosion? Those who are unfamiliar with my work often thinkthat there are techniques used to create certain states. It is not true. In fact, all my students are instructed to start in the traditional way, in a cross-legged position, paying attention to everything that arises, observing the movement of the breath, the expansion and contraction of the body. During periods of sitting, walking with awareness, or silence, the meditative energy, technically known as atapa, develops naturally. It moves through the entire body, penetrating into areas where negative, destructive energy is locked up and breaking through them. Thus, the process of purification begins by itself. Remains and pain in some parts of the body can mean that something is not right in these places, not only physically, but also psychologically and emotionally. Only a clear, precise awareness can reveal what is happening, but this can happen if we stay with the pain, not trying to avoid it, but allowing what is there to reveal itself. Andногда благодаря этому процессу происходит внезапная разрядка энергии, либо со звуком, либо с движением.Но не существует самоопределения и планирования того, что делать или как достичь эффекта. We simply allow something to be and watch what happens, meeting what arises with full attention and without discrimination. To use Buddhist terminology, we can say that this is the state when consciousness manifests itself, expressing repressed impulses, discharges negative material and purifies itself. And здесь можно видеть учение Будды – анатта,  или не-«я», именно поскольку за действием нет действующего, нет выражающего за выражением, нет чувствующего за чувствами и т. д. Так называемый медитирующий – свидетель, проводник радушного приятия. Then insight into the history contained and concentrated in such a holding point reveals the truth of personal karma as precipitation conditions. With the discharge of this karma, clarity, lightness and the free flow of energy or freedom of being is achieved spontaneously and naturally, although not without much toil associated with the energy that has to be acted upon and which exerts pressure. Andтак, можно видеть два медитативных процесса, происходящих одновременно: уничтожение, или очищение, и взращивание, или развитие, оба процесса происходят как в теле, так и в уме.Конечно, мы сталкиваемся со множеством проблем, когда полностью открыты самим себе при таком виде meditation. All hidden tendencies, repressed feelings, as well as fears and deep sadness, may surface. Moreover, the psychological freedom that sometimes results brings ego arousal, and the meditator can become caught up in his game, involving him in a process that can lead him into acting and self-indulgence. But with constant awareness and guidance, the meditator leaves detours and returns to the free path of vipassana. Another problem lies in attachment to the negative, to one's own suffering. And опять со вниманием, осознанием и должным обучением вы обретете проникновение в происходящее и потом выберетесь из темного места и предпримете дальнейшие шаги к освобождению.При работе с энергией во время медитации важно быть полностью открытым и самоотдающимся, поскольку сам акт самоотдавания поможет выйти за границы уровня the existence of the ego. At the very least, self-giving will not support the manifestation of the ego. In this sense, self-giving is a powerful way to open channels. Another metaphor can be used to say that we provide a welcome for the energy to get the job done. Andтак, обеспечение радушного приема энергии равносильно самоотдаванию. It is the abandonment of the struggle for achievement and fulfillment, and then there is no goal left in the mind. There is only an openness to an experience that can come or happen at any time. Andными словами, мы даем возможность чистому действию или подлинному переживанию прийти к нам.Но что бы ни происходило позитивным или негативным образом, оно происходит, поскольку должно произойти или потому что пришло в этот moment. If you can truly surrender and provide that total acceptance by simply remaining aware and watching, allowing everything to happen without interfering

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