Message: #67836
Buckshee » 03 Feb 2017, 07:04

Meditation that really works. Dhiravamsa

observation, there is an inner joy in it. Joy is not produced, it naturally arises from our pure vision and perception. When we свободны от всех conditional states, nirvana is also described as the cessation of rebirth, we will not be reborn again, since we have all the fullness. But if we do not have all the fullness, we will have to be reborn again and again. When we действительно в состоянии бытия, нам не надо ничего требовать – все уже есть там, все доступно, доступно для нашего использования. Andногда нас интересует, что случится, если мы достигнем этого состояния нирваны. Will we cease to be aware of the world? Perhaps the world will disappear or we will see it differently. We know the Zen story of seeing mountains as mountains again. We по-разному воспринимаем объекты из-за того, что смотрим на них разными способами. If we look from a pure free whole, where there is no conditioning, where everything is seen clearly and precisely, then there is no distortion. When we видим реальность, мы совершенно свободны даже от ее объяснения. Since the heart is full, it is impossible to find words. But in the process of transforming our consciousness, we need to go through both negative and positive experiences. We have to be prepared to go through all this, otherwise there is no freedom. Some may ask, "Why not find a path that will lead us straight to this state without experiencing suffering?" We всегда хотим найти что-нибудь легкое. We always want to be given, but no one can give this to another. We не можем прийти к этому состоянию, не испытывая страдания. Suffering is valuable and essential for developing wisdom and a deep understanding of life. By going through suffering, we will find that we are coming to liberation at this moment, we are so transparent, we feel wonderful. The Buddhadharma emphasizes pain and suffering, some might say that this is a pessimistic view; But actually it is not. Buddhadharma describes real life events. See how much we get tired of life because of the conditioned consciousness. We боимся избавиться от обусловленности, от правил поведения и традиций, поскольку привязаны к безопасности и надежности. Если мы избавимся от хорошо знакомого и привычного, мы почувствуем себя тревожно там, где нам надо брать на себя свою роль в мире, мы спрашиваем: «How мне вести себя, если я не буду тащить с собой все это?» We помещаем свой центр тяжести вне самих себя. Центр тяжести внутри нас – это не эго, но самодостаточность, уверенность в своих strengthх, Believe in yourself. Very often we lack faith in ourselves, we are constantly looking for approval, confirmation, we cannot take the initiative. See how dependent we are: we all depend on other people to feel safe and secure. This is due to the fact that the center of gravity is not in the right place. If мы расположили его внутри, нам бы не было трудно проявлять инициативу, вести жизнь свободно. You живете своей собственной жизнью. Why be conditioned by other people, by social standards? This is a revolution that is very difficult to carry out. There is always a small child hidden inside us, which unconsciously plays a role, sometimes we play the role of a mother, but this role is the role of a small child at the beginning of life. During meditation, this child is very noisy, demanding this or that, making plans. You might want to see how many plans you make when you sit quietly, and also if you can sit quietly without making any program. By programming our lives, we become limited and deprive ourselves of freedom. The worst game we play is the game of self-torture. Attached to certain roles and ideas, we live in accordance with certain principles, standards, ideas, images, with which we plague ourselves. Many cling to their own suffering and disappointments and are unwilling to let go. We также виним себя или других. Andзбегание – существенная часть самоистязания и игр в обвинение. We need to see how often we put ourselves in jail. Andногда мы создаем авторитарные образы, осуждая других. We назначаем судью, который судит нашу жизнь. In psychotherapy, the judge is called the "master of the situation", he plays authoritarian games. The “losing side” is always subordinate or plays the role of a crying baby; when you can't get what you want, you cry; when you feel lonely, you cry. There is no end to such games. We need to understand how we fulfill our roles, how we carry this little child, which is inside of us, through life and never grow up. We становимся взрослыми, но мы все еще маленькие дети, особенно на эмоциональном и психологическом уровне. We эмоционально нестабильны, нас легко можно растревожить эмоционально и разочаровать, особенно когда в нашей жизни происходят перемены. And тем не менее мы хотим измениться. All these levels of consciousness must be transformed so that we are cleansed and returned to the common basis - the screen. We убеждаемся, что все это существует на поверхности, хотя некоторым образом и гармонизируется нашей личностью или нашим сознанием.Прежде всего, разные уровни не взаимодействуют, не слушают друг друга, потому что мы не установили взаимопонимания и не предоставили возможности установлению отношений между поверхностью и глубиной. But there is always a connection between surface and depth. We не осведомлены об этой связи. What is the connection between these levels? The connection is the unification of awareness in which there is wisdom and love, in such a way that surface and depth do not contradict each other. They allow each other to be what they are, surfaces to be surface, and depth to be depth. Things come into conflict due to lack of understanding and interaction. Open, honest interaction will lead to understanding, it opens the door to relationships. In life, we have to constantly enter into relationships, so we need to learn to be a true expert in relationships. We need to enter into relationships with situations, circumstances, people, so that we recognize and accept them as they are. Then we can stay on good terms with them. We не хотим, чтобы другие жили по нашим меркам или в соответствии с нашими ожиданиями. They can live their lives and we can live ours. Then we base our relationship on openness, honesty and mutual participation, which is love.

Symbols of water, earth, fire and wind.

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