Message: #67836
Buckshee » 03 Feb 2017, 07:04

Meditation that really works. Dhiravamsa

conflicts are encouraged. And на этом этапе начнет осуществляться снятие напряжения, действуя на волне созидательной энергии.На протяжении прошедших девяти лет, с one973 г., я многому научился от участников проводимых мной ритритов по экспрессии физической и психической энергии в различных формах. All this happened mainly during sitting meditation, which then turned into meditation while walking, standing and lying down, until it ended with the release of tension. This release was achieved by sharp twitching, trembling, stretching in various positions, sometimes entering into very difficult postures like yoga, hitherto unknown to the meditator, and rolling on the floor or ground. Andногда возникают звуки, такие как тяжелое дыхание, плач, рыдание, внезапные вскрики, смех и гневные слова. Body expression includes movement hands that can hit or tap on different parts of the body, such as knees, thighs, or the floor and pillows placed in front of the meditator; sometimes the hands begin to move, massaging the abdomen or pelvic region, legs, knees and solar plexus. The expression also covers the head and face; the neck can stretch and rotate, as can the eyes, while the mouth opens wide, sometimes suddenly accompanied by sound. Each form of expression is a discharge of negative emotional and psychological states that remain in certain points and areas of the body, as well as in the psyche. This means that each meditator relives past experiences and karma, accumulated mainly in the early years due to unhealthy destructive relationships with parents and loved ones. Also, the re-experiencing of negative feelings such as anger, hatred, resentment, hostility, shame, unhappiness, disappointment and fear accumulates in relationships with a lover, partner, boss, and these feelings can be strongly felt by those who carry all this in themselves in a depressed We have recently found that an increasing number of meditators are getting in touch with their birth experiences, reliving and releasing the traumatic pain associated with birth, observing the fear, anger, frustration and confusion of the birth process. In this regard, the Buddha stated: "Indeed, it is painful to be born again and again." The pain and suffering of this life is almost unbearable for many of us and leads to numerous problems in our psychological and emotional existence, which we think are not easy to solve. And насколько все еще больше усложняется, если добавить к этому также травмы при рождении в других жизнях.Некоторые медитирующие жалуются, что процесс снятия напряжения, исцеление и очищение кармы, как кажется, никогда не кончится. It goes on and on, sometimes more intensely over time. What is the answer? Only patience, understanding and life training with such trusting work and watchful awareness will give them the true answer. Everyone suffers. Some suffer in silence, others make a lot of noise. Suffering is part of the life experience through which we come to know the facts and the reality of our lives, both individually and collectively. tension or expressiveness in meditation, especially for those of you who have gone through the process and are feeling discouraged or impatient. There are many different levels of tension, pain and suffering in the body that serve as reservoirs for negative energy and repressed feelings. If left unnoticed, "explosive power" accumulates. It manifests itself through the contraction of the muscles when the reactive senses are raised as a habitual and automatic response to sensory experience, including also those pertaining to the world of thought. With every contact through the eyes, ears, nose, mouth, touch or mind, a sensation or feeling arises, which immediately connects with certain intentions or impulses to produce an overt reaction, internal or external. Every reaction in the body or mind causes a muscle contraction. At that moment a receptacle is provided, so to speak, and the negative feeling is stored in it. Then unexpressed feelings, supported by fear, create response patterns. And эти модели реагирования становятся автоматическими, привычными, неосознанными (конечно, в момент реагирования) и неконтролируемыми, – вы не хотите вести себя определенным образом, но все равно ведете себя так. And каждый раз, когда вы так реагируете, вы углубляете стереотип, и поэтому он усиливается и приобретает большую власть. And так он приобретает над вами полную власть. At this stage, you are no longer "you" as the layers of karma have been concentrated into various tight parts of the body. Some layers contain more tension, pain and suffering than others, especially those on the periphery. The deeper you go, the more it hurts until the final discharge is reached. If you expect quick relief, you become impatient and may start to act negatively towards the whole unpredictable process. And такое поведение добавит дополнительную карму к уже существующей. And так цикл продолжается. Samsara continues its process through passion, action and response. I would also like to make clear how the process of release and healing becomes more difficult. This is due to two factors: ego interference and weakness of awareness. When the ego begins to understand that the body has the power to express itself more freely, removing blockages and allowing life energy to flow, it becomes afraid of losing control of the body and all "receptacles" because that means destroying the ego's own sources of energy that it built for its survival. Andтак, оно повышает свой контроль надо всей экспрессивностью, используя тело в качестве инструмента для введения в заблуждение и обмана медитирующих, использующих экспрессию, давая им почувствовать себя хорошо, психологически свободными ненадолго или возбужденными. In this way, meditators undergoing the process become actors-performers. Often this situation is not obvious to the meditator, as his mind is completely concentrated on clearing the negative and freeing the body of any trapped energy. So the intention behind the view has some power. But still it remains a game of the ego. This diminution of awareness occurs because the meditator does not observe the current event clearly and distinctly, because the excitement about the goal and its anticipation have become more attractive to him than watching the process itself and going through it. With this awareness, the meditator can become blind, deaf and insensitive to your situation. If you don't look, the vision cannot take place. And without vision it is impossible to achieve liberation. Without complete release, healing cannot be achieved, and instead of relaxation and release of tension, a kind of seepage occurs, bringing mild and temporary relief. And на этом этапе с некоторым разочарованием медитирующий может начать противодействие процессу, внося больше боли и страдания в свою жизнь.При обретении эффективного пути медитирующий становится нейтральным и внутренне безмолвным по отношению к происходящему и остается недвижимым в любом движении и при любой возникающей позе. Control is not required. Let go of everything and let everything happen naturally. Just breathe, watch and patiently live with the understanding of what is happening. Any attempt to hinder or delay work will result in pain and violence as the energy of discharge gains momentum. Let the whole body and mind be fully worked through. Then everything will be given due attention. Your uninterrupted awareness is constantly applied and you are fully aware of what is happening. So you never miss an opportunity to see clearly what it all means and what is beyond what you are experiencing. With such with a simple and clear awareness, you remain alert and fully awake, ready to receive any signals and move on freely. Those who attach to the negative find it difficult to pick up on good positive feelings. Denying the positive side of reality reinforces identification with the negative. And тогда реальным кажется только негативное, тогда как добрые чувства кажутся нереальными или слишком хорошими, чтобы быть реальными. This is how reality is distorted. But with open perception, we can allow both sides of the experience to emerge without clinging to one or rejecting the other. One must come to recognize every experience, good and bad, as equal, and advance towards equanimity through conflict-conditioned states, harmonizing opposites and rising above conflicts and contradictions. Then, instead of being attached to lower states, we will rise to dance with higher reality., while continuing to be aware of the unpleasant sensations left from the experience of the lower world. Although expression in meditation is a natural way to clear out karmic accumulations, especially at the psychological and emotional levels of experience, we still need to carefully check the nature of expression so as not to accept anything without proof. Through expression in during meditation, we spontaneously manifest our authenticity and release the blockage of our personality. This is an individual psychological revolution as we allow ourselves to be authentic and operate from our own center, not from a source of cultural, religious or parental authority. Clarifying our experiences in a group or with someone who was connected to the event (or individually, meditating alone) will help clear our emotions and defuse blockages in the body and mind. But it must be clearly understood that expression is different from reaction. The latter is an action towards someone who has hurt us or upset us with the desire to crush us either physically or verbally. And expression focuses attention on the state of the emotions or feelings themselves with the sole purpose of getting rid of them, allowing them to melt away, and not passing them on to someone else. And это может проходить со свидетельствованием или без него.Другой вид экспрессии manifests itself in the form of an explosion, which will be described in detail in the next chapter. Real expression leads to the end of karma, while reaction only accumulates it even more and deepens behavioral stereotypes. And поскольку экспрессия может перейти в реагирование и будет происходить игра на тонком уровне, я бы хотел воспользоваться возможностью и предупредить всех

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