Message: #353141
Ольга Княгиня » 08 Jun 2018, 20:55

Fitness at home. Body transformation in 84 days. Dmitry Gudkov

is “hell hell”! I have such a skeleton ... with elongated limbs. Aмплитуда приседаний и выпадов у меня большая. Although, скорее всего, меня просто «выбешивает», когда утомляется большая часть тела за раз.

But here's what's interesting. On the Insanity training program, I removed 9 cm from my waist in 60 days. A она почти вся построена на упражнениях типа прыжков и приседаний.

As for pumping muscles. Here, too, squatting is considered exercise number 1. Afterу что вызывает максимальный стресс для organism. Majority weight programs are built around squats. At the same time, however, one should not forget that you need to eat like an elephant. AND только правильную пищу. This еще сложнее, чем приседания.

Frankly, functionally, the legs will also be the most important part, although all men are passionate about pumping the torso. But the legs in life work more often, more and more intensively. IN конце-концов, они носят на себе плечи, грудь и все остальное.

From time immemorial, men have determined the health of a woman by the shape and length of her legs. Now it is hammered into the subconscious level. Many no longer know why we like women's legs so much. But it was one of the signs of an individual that is well suited for procreation and has good survivability characteristics. What can we say about the priests, who just train best with the help of squats?

Day 62

Burpee + Пресс

The traditional test in the form of a burpee. AND потом пресс как легкая прогулка. IN конце можно сделать заминочку. Pure pleasure!

Прошло уже 3/4 training. I hope you have discovered something new for yourself and continue your transformation. Afterу что работать это все будет, только если поменять свой образ жизни.

Yes, someday you will have very intensive and voluminous programs. How, например, в этом месяце. Regarding the level, of course. Someday there will be a maintenance regime. You can't progress linearly. ANDногда приходится делать шаг назад, чтобы сделать два вперед.

The same goes for diet. You can't be in calorie deficit mode all the time (or surplus mode if you're in a muscle-pack). You need to rest both mentally and physically. There are unloading days, there are loading days. What can we say about long-term prospects.

But in general, everything that we do here should become your habit. Данная тренировочная программа – просто хорошая показательная модель, которая касается всех аспектов training. We do strength and cardio training, there are microcycles and macrocycles, we use different protocols, the principle of progression in volume and intensity, we complicate the technique, we divide training into different muscle groups and learn to work in different conditions with improvised materials.

How видите, процесс глубже и интересней, чем просто кидай дальше, беги быстрее. A training program is not a list of exercises with sets and reps. So don't assume it's everything is monotonous and some great willpower is needed to constantly do the same thing.

Fitness is the whole world. AND остерегайтесь всяких категоричных заявлений. ANDз серии «кроссфит лучше бодибилдинга!» or “Pilates is the surest way to health!”. There can't be a steak better than a helicopter and vice versa. Take everything from life.

Day 63


The following questions often arise in online trainings. Don't we train a lot - right every day? Are there any studies on this? Who even said that this is how it should be? AND все в таком духе.

Surely there are studies. I even found a link to a study cited in the authoritative publication Soviet Sport. They referred to some British people who were experimenting with time per week for exercise. It turned out from 1 to 1.5 hours a day. But that's not the point.

Can бесконечно исследовать очевидные вещи, получать за это гранты и тратить на это time. For example, one study found that women like V-shaped men. That is, roughly speaking, the shoulders should be wider than the priests of a man. Without this study, the pear-shaped men apparently considered themselves the crown of creation. ANDли зачем надо было подтверждать то, что нарисовано даже на дверях общественных туалетов?

Can еще, конечно, рассуждать на тему, что факторов разных много. Well, except for training time. Can час приседать со штангой в 60 кг. A можно час прыгать на скакалке. Obviously, the nature of the loads is different, the fatigue will be different. But both can be called "training". INпрочем, и тут пытливый ум будет просить каких-то усреднений. For example, calculate the load based on the heart rate. A для мышц можно с помощью анализов изучать концентрацию молочной кислоты или других каких-то реакций на нагрузку. INсе это будет крайне научно, громоздко и т. д.

We can even ignore the vast experience of athletes, athletes, coaches. AND прочих людей, которые верят только результатам, полученным естественным путем, а не в лабораторных условиях. There, the amount of load is obtained empirically. Based on analysis and obvious results. Hasn't anyone tried to get a better result with less effort? Are we really the first ones who got tired of cardio and thought, is it possible to do the same thing, but without it? Yes, probably not. People are always looking for a way to do less and get more. INидимо, в спорте это не очень хорошо работает.

But let's just turn on the head. AND подумаем, что такое фитнес.

This ведь очень молодой вид деятельности. It began to appear only in the middle of the 20th century, and became widespread only at the end of that century. Even 50 years ago, people would look at you like a jerk if you spent money on what others get it for - on physical labor. Halls and stadiums were visited by sports fans. That is, people who are passionate about the competitive process. For которых тренировки как хобби были в первую очередь, а не как образ жизни и способ держать себя в форме.

Modern fitness is an alternative to physical labor in the era of mental labor. We just realized that our body in peace, to which we have been striving for so many centuries, begins to suffer. It turned out that without proper exploitation, it loses its properties, which leads to obesity, dystrophy, metabolic disorders and, as a result, various diseases. Roughly speaking, if you do not drive a car, it will rust from the inside.

This очень важно. Understand why we do it at all. Build muscles? Pull your butt up? Remove fat? This самоцель разве? AND какой в этом смысл? Trying to answer these questions, one way or another we will come to health. Well, or to strength, as a way to dominate society. Which, in general, all leads to a good quality of life. A именно брать от нее по максимуму. It's hard for the weak and the sick.

That is, with the help of fitness, we are trying to place our body in its natural conditions. Expecting a positive response. INедь наша жизнь часто лишена физической борьбы за выживание. We do not hunt, we do not collect edible plants, we do not defend ourselves from wild animals and enemies that encroach on our wealth. A как часто надо это делать? Well, before that, I wonder how often people actively moved in order to eat or not die? Maybe in a day? ANDли 3 дня подряд воевали, а один отдыхали?

Well, the answer is clear. How часто ты хочешь есть, так часто ты будешь двигаться. A чем больше ты хочешь жить, тем активнее обязан это делать. ANDначе более активный тебя убьет, съест твою еду. A может и тебя съест. By the way, if you think about it, we are the descendants of those who won! ANDначе бы нас не было. Nature is harsh: the weak is at an expense, but he managed to survive, give birth, educate and help so that others give birth - well done. Only you have to try for it. INот мы дети, внуки, правнуки, пра-пра-пра… тех, кто постарался. AND живем мы в телах, которые формировались этим трудом, этими победами. Now it's called genetics.

Nature, by the way, has remained the same harsh. AND правила игра те же. So if you yourself are weak, then you will give birth to weak children. INоспитывать их будешь в слабости. AND род твой закончится. The branch will be interrupted, giving way to the stronger ones. Can, конечно, сказать, что сейчас достаточно быть умным, чтобы быть приспособленным. But, firstly, being sick and smart is not very simple from the point of view of the fact that our body is a single whole. A, во-вторых, в мире полно сильных и умных, которые отнимут хлеб у просто умных (и у просто сильных). This только в фильмах всякие богатеи страшные, потные, лысые и с одышкой. IN реальности ни Прохоров, ни Гейтс, ни Брэнсон, ни голливудские актеры, ни Путин (далее можно много перечислять сильных особей мира сего) не производят впечатление «убогих задротов».

By the way, most of them train every day.

5.4.2 Week 10
Day 64

Круговая тренировка A

This week's workouts are familiar to you from the last cycle. You need to break records, although now it can be very difficult. The fight goes on in seconds.

AND все же, для мышц это скорее неделя активного отдыха. Growth stage support. So the pain in the muscles will gradually subside. AND в конце недели вы оправитесь и будет бодрячком. Ready for another run for targeted muscle attack.

Do not forget to move with or without a reason. Park cars a block away, don't use elevators, etc. Install a pedometer on your phone and set daily step goals. A very busy friend of mine sets a goal of 10,000 steps a day when she's cutting weight. AND это работает.

AND nutrition. I must be very kind. AND не дергаю вас по этому вопросу. But let me remind you that you cannot lose


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