Message: #353141
Ольга Княгиня » 08 Jun 2018, 20:55

Fitness at home. Body transformation in 84 days. Dmitry Gudkov

according to the "Timeframe 4" protocol


Тренировка «ЛЯГAЙ» (пятница)

Warm up

1. Squat protocol 3xMax

rest 3 minutes

2. Squats according to the "Ladder" protocol

rest 3 minutes

3. Squats по протоколу «Таймфрейм 4»



Warm up

INыполнить как можно быстрее упражнения 1—6:

1. Burpee – 25 раз

2. Pull-ups - 25 times

3. Push-ups - 50 times

4. Sitaps – 75 раз

5. Squats - 100 times

6. Burpee – 25 раз



Warm up

Circular ladder. Rise as high as possible in 20 minutes in a circle (exercises 1-3):

1. Pull-ups – 1, 2, 3…

2. Push-ups – 1, 2, 3…

3. Squats – 1, 2, 3…



Warm up

AMRAP-ROUNDS protocol. INыполнить как можно больше кругов (упражнения 1—3) за 20 минут:

1. Pull-ups – 6 раз

2. Push-ups – 8 раз

3. Squats – 10 раз


5.2 Cardio-тренировки
We continue to do cardio according to the system described in the second cycle. Only now we are adding a press workout that needs to be done after the main cardio.

As a reminder, we do interval cardio on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and on Saturdays we do a 5-minute burpee test. The ab workout is added to all of these workouts.

5.3 Abs training
Тренировка проводится на время (по аналогии с круговой тренировкой A). That is, we turn on the timer, perform a given list of exercises in a given amount, write down the time and try to improve it at the next workout. Restаем по необходимости, к следующему упражнению не переходим, пока не выполним заданное количество повторений.

INыполнить как можно быстрее 2 круга упражнений 1—4:

1. Sitaps – 50 раз

2. Stretching - 50 times

3. Leg raises – 50 раз

4. Stretching - 50 times

5.4 Schedule
5.4.1 Week 9
Day 57

"Pull" workout

This week you train in a split. A split is a training schedule in which different muscles are trained on different days. But each muscle group is given a greater load than when training the whole body in one session. Restают при этом целевые мышцы дольше.

IN тянущей тренировке у нас основная нагрузка ложится на спину, бицепсы и задние пучки дельтовидных мышц. The forearms may also "clog". INсе эти мышцы (а может и еще какие, у меня на подтягиваниях ягодицы сводило даже) могут потом долго болеть. Afterу что сегодня они получат настоящий шок. They have never experienced such a load in one training session.

Therefore, they will recover one week before the next pull-ups. AND целых две недели до следующего такого же «удара». Thisт прием называется периодизацией нагрузок. This week we have a strong load on the muscles, the next it is average, but distributed both over time and throughout the body at each workout. On the other hand, general endurance will develop next week. То есть акцент будет сделан на других системах organism. We seem to weaken the tension somewhere, and strengthen it somewhere. Restаем, но не расслабляемся. AND не позволяем организму декомпенсировать вызванный тренировками и восстановлением рост.

IN общем, этот месяц вы тренируетесь практически как профессиональный атлет. There is a split, there is a periodization of loads, there are separate strength and separate cardio workouts. Plus a separate training of stabilizing muscles (abs). AND фитнес-тест в конце недели. This уже серьезно. But you are ready for it.

Day 58

Cardio + пресс

I remind you that cardio is getting more difficult this week. 19 laps, 30/30. Can делать не на предельных скоростях. But close to them. Just so that the hands do not fly off. Fast but technical. Warm up for a couple of minutes first. You can generally do a full set of warm-ups from strength training - and you will warm up, and the extra calories will burn. But this is not necessary in this case.

Press. In fact, the training is not so difficult. Rather, prevention of the muscles of the core .. So we support the safety of the work of the lumbar region, keeping its muscles in good shape. But if you do everything rhythmically and in good amplitude (read “with good technique”), then this kind of training is enough to form a beautiful belly.

Remember that a really flat stomach (or abs, if that's what you're aiming for) doesn't come from ab exercises. A от жиросжигания в области живота. So here squats and a diet will be much more effective than endless twisting, and you can build good muscles with abdominal exercises. Only under a layer of fat they will not be visible.

Why, then, is the abdominal muscles often given special attention? Afterу что это не обычная мышца. In other muscles, the main function is to move parts of the skeleton in space. Бицепс сгибает предплечье, трицепс выпрямляет, грудь отводит руки от корпуса и т. д. A дополнительной функцией является удержание этого скелета в равновесии. The abdominal muscles are the opposite. Stabilization is their main function. Moreover, at the weakest point, they must hold the skeleton - in the lower part of the spine. Where one small piece of bone connects the massive top with the massive bottom. Therefore, such a big responsibility is imposed on the muscles of the press and the lower back. They always work and do not let us break. A недостаточное внимание к мышцам-стабилизаторам ведет к травмам в поясничном отделе.

By the way, this is why we first trained stabilizers primarily with the plank, and not with sit-ups or leg raises. We, as it were, strengthened the work of the main function of the stabilizers - holding the body. IN данном случае делали это в неудобном position. IN этой же тренировке все упражнения выполняются в хорошей амплитуде движения, а разножка помогает с одной стороны отдохнуть мышцам, с другой – не остыть.

Day 59

Workout "Push"

This type of training is not a marathon. You don't need to save your strength. Vice versa. The goal of these workouts (where we target one or two muscle groups) is to load the muscles as much as possible. Give them such a shake-up that they leave for a week, and then rehabilitate for another week.

Так что расстройства по поводу того, что где-то получается сделать всего 1-2 повторения, не принимаются. This же хорошо! That's the way it should be. AND не забивайте голову мыслями о том, сколько еще подходов и протоколов впереди. Work in the present. Drive away any thoughts, except thoughts about the present.

Focus on the technique, on the breath, on the serenity of the facial expression. Feel what muscles are working. Set yourself up to do as many reps as possible after the burning sensation - that's the real work.

Try to love this burning sensation in the muscles. Although бы разумом. Desire it, achieve it, praise yourself for being able to exercise through burning muscles.

Remember that all the numerical results, namely the time, the number of approaches and repetitions, someday you may also have the weight of the shells - these are all nothing more than understandable and measurable guidelines. They help us to progress morally. With the help of them, we tune in to the desired intensity of work. But in fact, the muscles do not know how to count! They are only under stress. AND если она достаточна для того, чтобы вызвать адаптационные процессы, то это будет толчком к развитию. This is exactly the task.

Day 60

Cardio + пресс

Abs are always recommended to be done at the end of a workout. It doesn't matter if it's a strength or cardio workout. Especially important for strength, but in our case we do with cardio.

I have already said that the main function of the press is not to bend and unbend the body, but to hold it. The abs and lower back muscles are the largest stabilizers. AND они оберегают позвоночник от перелома в самой слабом его месте.

These muscles work in absolutely all movements. ANDменно поэтому некоторые спортсмены специально пресс не качают, а кубики у них все равно есть. For example, push-ups are the same bar for the abdominal muscles and lower back. IN приседаниях some may also feel tension in the lower back. AND в других упражнениях тоже.

But, if you do additional exercises for the press, then the muscles on them get very tired. At the same time, in a mode that is unlikely to occur in real life. Well, what situation will make you bend 300 times in a row? INыталкивая машину, вы можете утомить грудь и трицепс (вы толкаете). Climbing a tree or a sheer cliff, or mooring a yacht - the back and biceps get tired (you pull). Поднимаясь в гору вы по-сути лягаете землю и т. д. This все базовые движения.

A упражнения на пресс – изолируют для работы только пресс и поясницу. Thus, they tire separately from the whole body. AND если делать такие упражнения в начале тренировки, то мы ослабляем наш организм при выполнении основных функциональных движений. This increases the risk of injury in the lumbar region. For many people there, and without it, not everything is in order.

IN кардио мы прыгаем. Jump rope, jacks, or running are all about getting off the ground and landing. Each landing creates pressure on the spine. What saves him in this case? Also stabilizing muscles. Should I weaken them first? No, it's not worth it.

INот по этим причинам в большинстве тренировочных программ пресс выполняется в конце занятия. AND вы тоже помните об этом, когда решите «покачать пресс».

AND еще. So that you do not think that everything is clear. There is a situation when the press is done before cardio. This в том случае, когда он прорабатывается в силовом стиле (в рамках силовой тренировки). That is, with some kind of heavy resistance, when you do no more than 15 reps per set. IN такой ситуации вам нужна полная концентрация на каждом повторе упражнения. AND лучше это делать в «свежем» состоянии. But now this is not our case.

Day 61

Workout "Kick"

I don’t know about you, but for me, leg day


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