Message: #352833
Ольга Княгиня » 08 Jun 2018, 00:11

We’re losing weight in no time. Alexey Valentinovich Faleev

narrows and overgrows, the nutrition of the tissues of the legs is disturbed, which in the future can lead to gangrene. Without smoking cessation, treatment will be ineffective.

Hydrocyanic acid, penetrating into the blood, reduces the ability of cells to perceive oxygen from the flowing blood, resulting in oxygen starvation, which primarily affects nerve cells. So что, закурив, и почувствовав легкое успокоение, знайте – синильная кислота начала действовать.

The effect of ammonia on the nerve endings of the respiratory tract is subjectively felt by the smoker as a refreshing influx of strength.

Nicotine in the first phase of its action excites the vasomotor center, and this leads to a drop in pressure, in the second phase it inhibits it, which leads to an increase in pressure and narrowing of peripheral vessels. ANDтогом этого может быть приступ панической атаки, вегето-сосудистой недостаточности, головной боли, шума в ушах и т п.

So стоит ли сначала отравлять себя, а потом бегать по врачам в поисках волшебной пилюли, платить бешеные деньги за, по большей части, безрезультатное лечение (если вы так и не бросили smoking)?

I won’t even talk about lung cancer - this is already clear to everyone.

I'll say one more thing. Smoking is the main cause of senile dementia. Have you seen the old people who wander the streets, forgetting to button the fly on their wrinkled trousers, spreading the smell of urine and feces around them, swearing at every step? People shy away from them, their relatives are embarrassed and try to see them as little as possible, and the children in the yard throw clods of dirt at them. Not очень приятная старость, верно? But this is only the initial stage of dementia. Then such old people just lie there, do not react to anything, bulge their eyes and mumble something.

And the only reason is tobacco. By the way, there are very few elderly women suffering from dementia. Because in those days it was not customary for women to smoke. But now ... Apparently, in 30-40 years there will be an order of magnitude more feeble-minded old women, and perhaps even more than feeble-minded old men. And you don't want to be one of them, do you? So позаботьтесь о своем будущем сейчас. Not ждите, когда гром грянет. And then, in fact, he really bursts.

Well, for young women, smoking is also dangerous because it can affect the unborn child. У курящих женщин выкидыши и мертворожденные дети случаются на 200—300% чаще, чем у некурящtheir. So что, если не хотите думать о себе, то подумайте хотя бы о ребенке. What is he guilty of? If we conduct statistics on children born with cerebral palsy and mentally retarded, it turns out that mothers in 99% of cases smoked. AND мучаются потом матери с такими детьми всю жизнь, и готовы от отчаяния себе руку отгрызть, которой поджигали и засовывали себе в рот сигарету, да поздно уже.

How to get rid of this habit. There are several recipes.

1. When there is a desire to smoke, chew a little fresh or dry calamus root. Contraindications: gastritis and stomach ulcers with increased secretion of gastric juice.

2. Infusion of calamus and mint (in a ratio of 3: 2 - 1 tablespoon of the mixture per glass of boiling water) you can rinse your mouth if you want to smoke.

3. Brew 2 tablespoons of oats with a glass of boiling water, bring to a boil, remove from heat. Insist 1 hour, strain. Drink 1/4 cup 4-5 times a day for 3-4 weeks.

There are more ways. But, например, мой знакомый просто посчитал своим долгом бросить курить в тот день, когда у него родилась дочка. By that time, he had been smoking for 15 years. He has not smoked for 20 years.

Well, for those who do not count on their strength will, there is a wonderful technique of Timur Mamedov - www stopsmoke ru.

It's a way to quit smoking that doesn't require willpower. There are no analogues to this method in the world yet. This is the only way that works 100%. You just need to do everything as the authors recommend, without any gag.

Timur himself was a former heavy smoker. Notоднократно пытался бросить курить, но вскоре начинал снова. Однажды он привлек к этой проблеме своего товарища – врача, сотрудника Московского ANDнститута Мозга. When they abandoned the “why smoking is bad” approach and began to consider smoking in terms of what smoking is good for, this method of getting rid of smoking was born.

Already in the process of developing the system, Timur quit smoking himself, and then his friends and relatives quit smoking. So как методика оказалась очень эффективной, то теперь Тимур обучает этой методике всех желающtheir. At the same time, he gives a lifetime guarantee that you will never start smoking after this course. Quit smoking and those who smoked only one year and those who smoked more than 50 years. Therefore, if you have this bad habit and you are determined to get rid of it, then feel free to contact Timur.

So вот, Stas. It is urgent to quit smoking, otherwise no treatment will give any sense. It is necessary to clean the intestines, the liver, pickle the parasites in the liver with lime ash. Engage in moderate physical activity, for example, do push-ups from the floor for an amount, beat a pear, in short, you need to start pumping blood through the body. When you quit smoking, smear the veins on your legs with cedar oil, lift your legs up and lie at home for an hour after work with your legs up. You can shake the press at the same time.

Letter: How можно почистить организм после того как бросил курить? I am now taking a course with Timur. У него все бросают:-) But 6кг грязи внутри – впечатляет!!! It has to be shaken out somehow. I cleaned my intestines with oil and flaxseed. Quite satisfied. I'm planning on doing a liver cleanse this weekend.

Answer: Да, все правильно. Then we'll pickle the parasites in the liver, clean the joints and kidneys. But the lungs are best restored with badger fat.

Badger fat has a powerful bactericidal and cleansing effect on the lungs and treats such serious diseases as pulmonary tuberculosis, chronic bronchitis in smokers, blackout on the lungs, general exhaustion of the body, regardless of factors, some types asthma, atherosclerosis, the initial stages of silicosis, gastric and duodenal ulcers (in the old days the badger in Rus' was called "ulcer"), normalizes hemoglobin, intestinal activity, etc. It is recommended to drink badger fat with a decoction (infusion) of rose hips or St. John's wort flowers. In the absence of an allergy to honey, it is desirable to mix badger fat (liquid state) with linden bee honey in a volume ratio of 3 to 1, i.e. 3 parts of badger fat and 1 part of honey. ANDли в таком же соотношении можно барсучий жир смешать с вареньем черной смородины. Especially for children who are recommended to drink badger fat with warm milk.

It is advisable to start taking badger fat three times a day for two weeks 30-40 minutes before meals in a tablespoon, followed by a transition to a two-time intake - in the morning 30-40 minutes before breakfast and at night 2-3 hours after dinner (It is important here that if the stomach was not full, badger fat was absorbed not into food, but into the blood, into the body).

Children can rub their chest, shoulder blades at night, rub into the feet for any colds. Subject to the recommendations, the success of recovery in the treatment of badger fat is guaranteed.

Store badger fat in the refrigerator at t 0-5 C. Shelf life is 18 months.

Instead of badger, you can use groundhog or bear fat.

If there is no fat, then you will have to use the juice and cake of black seed radish. It is done like this. They take 10 kg of black radish tubers, free them from small roots, wash them and, without peeling them, prepare juice from them.

About 3 liters of juice are formed, and the rest is cake. Juice is stored in the refrigerator, and cake mixed with honey (in extreme cases, with sugar) in the proportion: for 1 kg of cake 300 g of honey or 500 g of sugar. Everything is kept warm in jars pressed down with a press to prevent mold.

Juice drink one teaspoon an hour after eating. If there is no pain in the liver, then the dose can be gradually increased to one tablespoon, then to two, and finally to 0.5 cup.

It must be remembered that black radish juice is a strong choleretic product, so if you have cholelithiasis, you should consult a doctor.

ANDногда при проведении этой процедуры, если в желчных протоках содержится много солей (минералов) и проход желчи затруднен, то человек ощущает боль в области печени. In this case, when the pain is significant, it is necessary to put a water heater on the liver area, or take a hot bath. Usually the pain is felt only at the beginning of the course, and then everything returns to normal. Salts come out imperceptibly, but the effect of removing salts is huge.

Carrying out this procedure, it is necessary to follow a more fresh diet, avoid spicy and acidic foods, but only for the period of drinking juice.

When the juice runs out, you need to eat cakes, which by that time will already turn sour. Cakes are used during meals, 1-3 tablespoons for the entire time, until they run out. This procedure is extremely important for strengthening the body - especially for the lung tissues and the entire cardiovascular system.

Contraindications: peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum with high acidity.


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