Message: #352833
Ольга Княгиня » 08 Jun 2018, 00:11

We’re losing weight in no time. Alexey Valentinovich Faleev

Use very carefully in heart disease.

Letter: Мне нравится Ваша рассылка, я с женой уже начал пить масло. I have no issues with this yet :-)

You recently had a question in the mailing list about cleaning the lungs for smokers, so there is one old-fashioned way: you need to take fresh aloe leaves, grind them and insist on honey (proportion: 1: 1) for 7 days in a dark warm place, mix occasionally. You need to drink 1 tbsp. 1 hour before meals 3 times a day for 2-3 months. Помогает выводить с мокротой всю гадость, которая накопилась в легкtheir. Да, это не только курильщикам помогает, но и шахтерам и тем у кого запыление легкtheir. Sorry, I don't know any contraindications :-).

You also constantly raise the question of the effectiveness of the bath, so it is useful and tasty to drink herbal teas in the bath, but not sweet ones. Here is one composition: Linden flowers, thyme flowers, St. John's wort, mint. Take in equal parts, grind and can be consumed, approximately 1 tbsp. на 1л boiling water. Drink to health, tasty and healthy :-).

Answer: Насчет алоэ для чистки легких, все правильно, только я хочу еще привести противопоказания к вашему рецепту. Aloe is not recommended for diseases of the liver, gallbladder, uterine bleeding, hemorrhoids, cystitis and pregnancy.

Chapter 12. Разные письма.
Letter: Добрый день, Алексей! I have one suggestion for your book. The fact is that, citing the percentage of girls and women who are dissatisfied with their weight, you, in my opinion, operate with subjective data. Well, let's say 60% of girls and women are unhappy. So ведь в эту группу there are 13-year-old schoolgirls who weigh 46, not 44 kg, like their beloved Barbie, and therefore are unhappy, and Baba Klava, who weighs well for a centner, does not get in, and this suits her, because she can occupy two seats at once in trolleybus. В диспансерах, где проходят стационарное лечение от анорексии, девушки все до единой недовольны своим весом, аж пока не станут 26 кг весить при росте 170 см. AND они не просто недовольны, они все делают, чтобы снизить вес, некоторые даже умирают от истощения. But в группу довольных так и не переходят. Unfortunately, some unnatural norms of weight and physique are imposed on teenagers. ANDменно эти неестественные нормы являются критерием довольства/недовольства собой у девушек.

Perhaps it would be wiser to operate with some more objective statistical data? For example: 40% of Russian women in the age group from 18 to 35 years old have a body mass index of over 26, which is alarming for doctors. In 60% of Russians over 35 years of age, the level of cholesterol in the blood is 2 times higher than the norm. (The data was taken from my head, sorry). Roughly speaking, people with obvious mental disorders easily fall into the category of satisfied / dissatisfied. And the dry figures of statistics make it possible to impartially assess the situation.

Although, to be honest, it is imperative to take into account whether the woman herself is satisfied with the weight, which, from the point of view of medicine, is normal. Loving yourself is great!

Answer:По поводу статистики я еще подумаю, как сделать ее более красочной и, возможно, приведу другую, но скорее всего, оставлю как есть. After all, the root of all problems is in the subjective view of the girl on herself.

Men usually do not realize how important this is for girls and young women. I know many girls who look 100%, have a beautiful figure (with a height of 168 cm - weight 64 kg) and expressive appearance, and at the same time they have never met guys in their lives, although they are already 19 - 20 years old. And the whole point is that they consider themselves ugly. They find imaginary flaws in themselves, they are afraid of only one attentive male look - they are embarrassed and try to leave as soon as possible, and at night they cry into the pillow from loneliness. The most interesting thing is that guys like these girls! But они в это не верят, они парней избегают и боятся с ними даже поговорить. ANDм в детстве внушили, из лучших побуждений, кстати, что они уродины. After all, when a mother says to a child: “Look at yourself, how fat you have become,” then the mother means something - “daughter, stop eating so many cakes,” but the daughter understands her differently. The daughter only hears that she is being scolded for something, begins to think that she is not like everyone else, that she is worse than others, and as a result, a complex arises. AND сколько бы она потом не худела, все равно комплекс живет.

In short, I was convinced many times that until a woman likes herself, she will not be able to create a normal and happy family. AND скорее всего будет жить одна. And her real appearance does not matter. ANDмеют значение только ЕЕ СОБСТВЕННЫЕ мысли насчет СОБСТВЕННОЙ внешности! From this, in the literal sense, her whole future life depends.

Do you want a real life example?

There lived a girl of 7 years old. The girl went to school. The girl had a congenital defect - crooked legs, shapes (). But у девочки были очень умные родители. They always said that she was the most beautiful, more beautiful than all other girls, as beautiful as a person can be.

Therefore, the girl was very fond of wearing short skirts and showing everyone her ugly legs. When her friends said to her: “What are you doing? Your legs are terrible ... ”She twisted her finger at her temple and reproachfully said to them“ De-e-e-vochki. Yes, I have the most beautiful legs in the world! Are you jealous? Not завидуйте, ведь мы же подруги» Короче, через несколько лет весь класс смотрел на ее ноги как на эталон женских ножек. Quite seriously. She was able to convince everyone of this.

By the end of the 10th grade, the girl became a girl. Not очень красивой, курносой, лопоухой и рыжей. Yes, even with crooked legs. Only the feeling that no one saw this, everyone was as if under some kind of hypnosis and considered her very personal, quite normal and even pretty.

There was also a recognized beauty in her class who won the city beauty contest. AND эта красавица дружила с парнем из параллельного класса – высоким, стройным, сильным футболистом – мечтой всех девчонок школы. Not трудно догадаться, что нашей героине этот мальчик тоже понравился, и решила она его отбить у признанной красавицы.

Our heroine again tried to keep her friends (oh, these friends ...), they said: “What are you doing! How will you compete in beauty with this champion! The girl did not care about the opinion of all her friends combined and after some 3-4 months, at the graduation ball, this boy announced that he would soon invite everyone to the wedding - him and this girl, our heroine.

20 years have passed. The evening of the meeting of school graduates, former classmates and classmates gather all together in a restaurant. Everything is fine with our heroes - two children, a happy family, prosperity, by the way, the restaurant in which the meeting was celebrated is their restaurant. In the midst of the celebration, this man gets up and raises a toast: "To the most beautiful woman on Earth - to my wife!"

This story was told to me by a woman - a participant in the events and a friend of that girl - she says: “I have not seen my friend for many years and during this time the hypnosis from communicating with her seemed to dissipate. For the first time since my school years, I saw my girlfriend for who she is - she is so ugly, just awful. But надо же как она смогла нас всех околдовать в классе, а ее муж и до сих пор уверен, что женился на красавице…»

Letter: AND несколько вопросов:

1) Is it possible to return the breast (female) to the 'historical homeland' without surgical intervention?

2) Is it possible to earn hemorrhoids in training, and, accordingly, get rid of them without surgical intervention?

4) how to find out if the pulse is within 100-140? How are you measuring it?

Answer:1) Поднять грудь можно. Суть такая – надо усиленно закачивать грудные musclesы и принимать трехфазные противозачаточные средства, типа ТРANDРЕГОЛа. Закачка грудных muscles нужна для усиления тока крови в этой области, и, если в этот период принимать эти таблетки, то в области груди будет повышенное содержание женских гормонов. The chest will become young and firm, and will rise.

Закачивать грудные musclesы можно либо лежа разводкой гантелей в стороны, либо на тренажере «бабочка». Weight should be set small and done in quantity - the more, the better. If it is not possible to go to the gym and there are no dumbbells, then you can use water bottles instead of dumbbells, or do push-ups from the wall (windowsill). In general, who wants to do it.

Of course, this remedy is only suitable for those who are already taking such pills in one way or another. Taking pills just to lift the chest - I would not advise.

ANDз народных рецептов подойдет такой продукт пчеловодства, как маточное молочко. His надо намазать на палец, а затем палец сосать, как конфету. This will help to slightly increase the hormonal background, and against this background you need provide increased blood flow in the chest area - physical activity, massage or vacuum procedures.

2) You can earn hemorrhoids if you try to do “passages” or lift weights that you are clearly not ready for. ANDзлечить его иногда бывает просто – например, некоторым достаточно поделать в течение пары месяцев три


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