Message: #352833
Ольга Княгиня » 08 Jun 2018, 00:11

We’re losing weight in no time. Alexey Valentinovich Faleev

are much more likely to give birth to premature babies, their offspring are much more likely to have such ailments as cerebral palsy and multiple sclerosis, which are very difficult to treat with current traditional medicine.

It is strange to me to see that many women who are aware of this kind of effect of alcohol and tobacco hope that their children will avoid such a disaster, even if they continue to use "moderately" low-alcohol drinks or smoke in the period of life before conception and during pregnancy. But на моей памяти ни одну не миновала. So the statistics of the births of children with pathology is formed in society, due to the addictions of parents to smoking and drinking.

Careful comparative observations of subsequent years did not allow us to establish a single case of the birth of a completely normal child by a woman who systematically consumes alcohol.

If, after reading the above, someone understands everything said so that women are to blame for everything, and men have nothing to do with it, then in reality he did not understand anything.

The influence of drunkenness on the health of offspring was known to the ancient Greeks. In recent years, extensive information has been accumulated that really indicates that the systematic use of alcoholic products by men causes significant defects in the physical and mental development of their children. Here are the observations of an experienced pediatrician, V.A. Dulnev, who studied 64 children born to fathers who systematically consumed alcohol for 4–5 years. Signs of mental retardation were found in all children without exception, even in those who well developed physically. French doctors, analyzing the development of children whose fathers abstained from drinking alcohol at various times, came to a rather optimistic conclusion that in order to produce full-fledged offspring, a man should not drink for 2-3 years (this also applies to women). The degree of ignorance of young parents about the consequences of alcohol consumption on the health of their children is striking. A group of Soviet sociologists and doctors who interviewed 800 parents whose children had serious birth defects such as "fetal alcohol syndrome" found that none of them suspected the danger of alcohol to offspring. Most of the young parents interviewed were not aware of the existence of any connection between alcohol and children's health.

There is a deadly silence in tobacco advertising: the advertisement is accompanied by an inscription that “The Ministry of Health warns: smoking is dangerous for your health,” but is silent about the fact that smoking is dangerous for the health of your descendants, and it, unlike yours, is not your property. КУРЯ AND ВЫПANDВАЯ, ВЫ РАЗРУШАЕТЕ ТО, ЧТО ВАМ НЕ ПРANDНАДЛЕЖANDТ.

Here it is necessary to say a few words about tobacco. Unfortunately, many, to the detriment of their health, disregard the truth about the dangers of smoking. His действие аналогично действию алкоголя. With the smoke of a cigarette, up to 20 toxic substances enter the human body. Brain processes are excited for a while, but then slowed down for a long time. Further происходит сужение сосудов, некий аналог тромбам и кислородное голодание клеток (гипоксия), с последующим их умиранием. Men's smoking is a disaster, women's smoking is twice the trouble, because it is a threat to both the smoker and her child. Many illnesses during pregnancy, childbirth, childhood diseases are associated with maternal smoking. Яды табака особенно опасны для мозга плода, он беззащитен от нtheir. Stillbirths, mental and physical retardation of children, their premature birth is a cruel price to pay for a mother's addiction to smoking. Notкурящие парни, ответственно относящиеся к созданию семьи, не берут в жёны курящих особ.

Passive smoking is very dangerous when non-smokers are in a smoky room. Each cigarette smoked costs a smoker 15 minutes of life ... (and climbing stairs - each step + 5 seconds of life).

Drug intoxication perverts and destroys the intellect, as a natural genetically predetermined process, therefore, if someone, in the fight against "stress" or in search of pleasure, embarks on the path of "strong" or "weak" drug addiction, then in essence, by doing so, he makes a statement that что РАЗУМ ДЛЯ НЕГО ANDЗБЫТОЧЕН AND МЕШАЕТ ЖANDТЬ, а ему было бы ПРANDЯТНЕЕ СУЩЕСТВОВАТЬ НЕРАЗУМНОЙ хорошо ухоженной декоративной (а не рабочей, рабочей он также не захотел быть, ступив на путь наркомании) СКОТANDНОЙ, живущей на всём готовом в своё удовольствие. Тем самым он изобличает себя В КАЧЕСТВЕ ДЕЙСТВANDТЕЛЬНОГО НЕДОЛЮДКА.

In the vast majority of cases, medical treatment of drug addiction is ineffective, since going into drug addiction out of “stress” or in search of pleasure is an expression of moral depravity or other damage to the psyche. Therefore, if in the process of treatment morality and the structure of the psyche do not become human - and this requires efforts primarily from the patient, but not from medicine - then the person who has undergone treatment will remain a traumatized and intimidated subhuman.

Depression of one's own nervous system by smoking and alcohol - a decrease in one's own intellectual potential and the creation of increased danger to others by increasing the likelihood of various kinds of errors in one's activities. This applies to all types of activities, but our society has recognized only the unacceptability of driving vehicles under the influence, and everything else - from drunken lyrics to governing the state - can supposedly be done under "gas".

In addition, HIDDEN ADVERTISING IS DANGEROUS, which actively promotes the "cultural" use of alcoholic (and especially low-alcohol) drinks and smoking: a rare film since the late 1930s has done without showing festive feasts with the participation of drinking and smoking goodies who become role models for youth.

There are attributes of culture that seem innocent, in contrast to poorly tested medical drugs, alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, although they are also capable of having a striking mass effect on the organisms of the mother and fetus. It is primarily cosmetic. The consequences of the daily use of cosmetic drugs that are absorbed through the skin into the body of a woman, in the current technosphere in many cases are unpredictable. A mistake by a cosmetics company or deliberate sabotage by a maniac chemist from its staff can have even more serious consequences. This should also include many food preservatives and fillers: their abundance and diversity, in principle, can lead to the fact that even safe individually, they in the human body in some combinations will have a mutagenic or inhibitory effect on the genetic mechanism, which will have adverse effects on offspring.

The real opposition to the drug genocide involves the categorical exclusion of the consumption of any kind of drugs, and above all the most common of them - alcohol and tobacco. Отказ от алкоголя возможен, однако только на МANDРОВОЗЗРЕНЧЕСКОМ уровне, осознающим алкоголь тончайшим инструментом глобального управления, подрыва генетического потенциала нарождающегося поколения.

But, честно говоря, мне кажется, что очень скоро современные алкогольные привычки и традиции будут изжиты, подобно множеству обычаев, ушедших навсегда в прошлое. AND этот процесс уже идет. More and more young people are starting to adopt a healthy lifestyle for themselves. AND это очень правильно. It is much more profitable to lay the foundation for health from youth than at the age of 40-50 to start frantically looking for ways to heal a completely destroyed organism.

Questions and answers.

Letter: Здравствуйте Алексей У ВАС очень интересные рассылки. I have a question for you. My height is 190cm. weight 100kg. 33 years. Varicose veins have started to worry me a lot. I smoke a lot and sometimes I get pain in my legs. Stas.

Answer: Я давно хотел поднять эту тему о курении, но как-то случая не было. And this letter just, to be honest, outraged me. Well, how can you do this with your body, huh? After all, he is one with you, there will be no other ...

Yes, here I was surprised to hear the opinion that smoking helps to lose weight. This is a deeply erroneous opinion, which is why I would like to talk about smoking in more detail.

I'll start right away with the facts. ANDсследованиями установлено, что у человека, выкуривающего 10 сигарет в день, в первые два года в организме остается около 2 кг зольных остатков. By the age of 10 years of smoking, they already accumulate 4 kg, and by the age of 20 - about 6 kg. All this must be placed somewhere. Забиваются все каналы в организме: сосуды, нервы, musclesы, cell membranes. All this increases the resistance to blood flow, which leads to hypertension, and makes it difficult to evacuate waste products, which leads to metabolic disorders and, accordingly, obesity.

Imagine that you are holding 6 kg of spring greasy wet mud in your hands. Where would you place it in your body? In vessels? to the liver? lungs? ANDли вам не хочется ее помещать внутрь себя? So вот, она уже там. Let не 6 кг, а всего 4. ANDли даже один. AND что после этого говорить о том, что «я же мою руки перед едой, откуда у меня возьмутся паразиты… " Грязь уже есть. У курильщика она уже там, внутри.

Okay, let's continue listing all the dangerous consequences.

Do you want to know what is included in these "ash residues" that are stored in the body for decades? When smoking 1 pack of medium-strength cigarettes, 0.0012 g of hydrocyanic acid, 0.0013 g of hydrogen sulfide, 0.22 g of pyridine bases, 0.18 g of nicotine, 0.64 g of ammonia, 0.92 g of carbon monoxide, 1 g of tobacco tar are formed.

Carbon monoxide and nicotine from cigarettes increase blood cholesterol, cause the development of atherosclerosis, and cause various vascular lesions, most often the arteries of the legs. The lumen in the arteries


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