Message: #352777
Ольга Княгиня » 07 Jun 2018, 23:07

Express diets for slender goddesses. Fast, safe, comfortable. Anna Vladimirovna Vishnevskaya

tuna, chopped peppers, chopped radishes, boiled mushrooms, cucumber and celery, add seasonings. Serve this mixture with lettuce and spinach.

• Cabbage soup.

• Italian baked fish

2 толстых куска белой рыбы, 1/2 средней луковицы, 1 зубчик чеснока, 200 г консервированных итальянских помидор, 1/2 ч. spoons сушеного базилика, 50 г тонко порезанных грибов, сок 1/2 лимона, соль и перец, свежие листья базилика.

Preheat the oven to 180°. Roast the onion and garlic in the microwave in a sealed container until soft. Put the tomatoes in a Teflon-coated pan, add the onion, dried garlic, basil, salt and pepper. Bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Place the fish on a shallow oven dish, season with salt and pepper. Sprinkle each piece of fish with lemon juice. Put an equal amount of the tomato mixture on each piece of fish. Cover the plate with foil and bake for about 15 minutes. Cooking time depends on the thickness of the fish. Decorate рыбу свежим базиликом. Serve with a fresh green salad.

• Fresh herb salad

2 помидора средних размеров, огурец средних размеров, 1/2 оранжевого болгарского перца, 1/2 желтого болгарского перца, 1 ч. ложка свежей мелко порубленной зелени, 2 ч. spoons лимонного сока, 2 ч. spoons воды, немного подсластителя, 1/2 bunches of watercress, some basil.

Arrange the watercress on a plate. Cut tomatoes, cucumber, pepper. Lay the vegetables on the salad. Make salad dressing by mixing greens with lemon juice, water, and sweetener. Decorate салат побегом базилика.

• Cabbage soup.

• Yogurt (you can drink a daily portion).

7th day (меню № 2)


• Tangerine Dream

For 2-4 servings - 1 peeled apple without core, cut into slices, 1 teaspoon blueberries, 2 nectarines and 2 pitted peaches, cut into slices, 7 strawberries, cut in half, 1 tangerine, peeled and cut into pieces, 6 cherries, juice of 2 tangerines, 1 tbsp. tablespoon finely chopped lemon thyme

Blend all ingredients in a saucepan until pureed. Sprinkle lemon thyme on top and serve.

• Cabbage soup.

• Asparagus with yoghurt-lemon seasoning

6 стеблей спаржи, 150 мл йогурта, цедра и сок 1/2 lemon. Carefully cut off the asparagus stalks.

Place in a pot of water and blanch for about 1 minute. Take out the asparagus and cool it under cold water. Bring the water back to the boil and blanch the asparagus for 1 minute more. Смешайте йогурт с лимонным соком, полейте спаржу, сверху посыпьте цедрой lemon.

• Yoghurt 75 ml and a piece of fruit.

• Cabbage soup.

• Beet salad with orange

225 г свеклы, 1 большой апельсин, 1 ч. ложка семян сельдерея, 2 ч. spoons белого винного уксуса, 75 мл воды, немного подсластителя, сок 1/2 апельсина, соль и молотый черный перец.

Boil the beets, peel and cool them. Crush the celery seeds in a mortar and put in a saucepan. Add vinegar, water, orange juice and sweetener. Boil until about 2 teaspoons of liquid has boiled away. Remove from heat and refrigerate. Peel the peel from the orange, cut the orange into rings, drain the juice into a bowl and add to the seasoning. Cut the beets into thin slices and place them in the center of the plate. Spread the orange slices around the edges of the plate. Pour season salad and garnish with orange zest.

• Spinach mix

Handful of stemless baby spinach, 50g mushrooms, diced, 1/2 diced red and 1/2 yellow bell pepper, 8 seedless green grapes, 1 tangerine, juice of 1/2 orange, 1 tsp low-calorie seasoning, salt, ground black pepper.

Rinse the spinach and pat dry with kitchen paper. Arrange the spinach on a plate. Mix mushrooms, peppers, grapes and sliced ​​mandarin with orange juice and seasoning. Salt and pepper and place in the middle of a plate over the spinach.
seasonal diets
Spring Cucumber Week
Fresh cucumbers are very useful, they stimulate digestion, cleanse the intestines, normalize the water-salt balance, cleanse the skin, act as a diuretic and stimulant of metabolism. A cucumber in combination with fat-containing foods (mayonnaise, sour cream, vegetable oil) provides a feeling of satiety for 3-4 hours.

Start your morning with a glass of drinking or mineral water (without gases).

After 15-30 minutes, breakfast - protein or carbohydrate for 200 kcal - at your discretion: an egg (cheese, porridge, cottage cheese, poultry, fish, toast).

Next, in three doses, you need to eat a salad of 1 kg of cucumbers (do not cut finely):

• at 12–14 o'clock;

• at 16-17 hours;

• at 19-20 hours.

You can add fresh herbs and a little low-calorie mayonnaise or sour cream to the salad. With salad, you can eat a piece of black bread (50 g).

At night (22-23 hours) eat a large apple, orange or pear, you can make a fruit salad at the rate of 100 kcal.

The calorie content of this diet is 900-1000 kcal.

summer diet
summer diet включает семь meals.


(choose one dish from three options):

• a glass of milk, 2 standard pieces of black bread with a thin layer of light butter;

• coffee with milk (without sugar), 2 cereal loaves with a thin layer of light butter;

• tea (no sugar), raw vegetables with 1 teaspoon low-fat sour cream + small banana.
Lunch: Яблоки, апельсины или груши (1–2 шт.).


(choose one dish from three options):

• lean sorrel soup with egg and st. a spoonful of sour cream;

• 300 g mashed potatoes with raw vegetables;

• 100 g of lean meat, or 150 g of chicken, or 150 g of boiled fish with a side dish of raw vegetables (no more than 300 g).

To the main course you can add 1 slice of rye bread.
Afternoon snack: Салат из любых овощей, кроме картофеля (редис, огурцы, помидоры, зеленый лук, болгарский перец, капуста, морковь).


• At 5-6 pm (4 options to choose from):

• 50 g low-fat cheese;

• 100 g low-fat cottage cheese;

• 1 hard boiled egg;

• 2 boiled potatoes (you can make potato salad).

To the main course можно добавить 1 кусочек черного хлеба + 300 г любых сырых овощей.

After six in the evening: twice with an interval of two hours: apples, oranges or pears (1 pc.).

Drinks during the day: green tea, any mineral water, diet carbonated drinks, kvass. Liquids should be drunk up to 2 liters per day.
autumn diet
As a rule, in the cold season we eat more high-calorie and nutritious food. The body is preparing for winter, and you need to carefully lose weight in the autumn. First of all, you should refrain from pronounced low-calorie diets and reduce fluid intake (no longer 2 liters per day as in summer, and no more than 1.5 liters).

• If the feeling of cold and hunger annoys you, you can think of soups. Especially good are warm, but not hot, soups containing a lot of vegetables, including potatoes. But remember that soups should not be too salty! Salt prevents weight loss by retaining water in the body.

• Potatoes are very useful at this time of the year, but not seasoned with butter. Jacket-boiled potatoes and a small amount of low-fat cottage cheese with dill is a very tasty, nutritious and low-calorie dish. Sauerkraut goes well with potatoes. It contains a lot of vitamin C and very few calories.

• In autumn, you should try to eat only heated food. Limit snacks. If you wish, you can snack on raw carrots, an apple, or some other fruit, but no more.

• Autumn is especially drawn to sweets. After eating it, we experience a temporary improvement in mood, but at the same time we imperceptibly gain weight. Therefore, it is better to consciously limit yourself in sweets.

Autumn menu


Hot sandwich with a thin slice of cheese (bread - multi-grain or with bran) and greens, coffee with milk without sugar.


For the first (4 options to choose from):

• Lenten borscht;

• lean cabbage soup;

• vegetable soup;

• zucchini soup with cheese.

For the second (5 options to choose from):

• carp with sauerkraut;

• chicken with bell pepper salad with curdled milk;

• spinach casserole with rice;

• potatoes baked with sour cream and herbs;

• eggplant casserole with cheese.

For dessert: compote of apples, oranges, pears without sugar.
Dinner: (4 варианта на выбор):

• braised cabbage;

• cottage cheese casserole;

• two-egg omelet with finely chopped cabbage;

• fruit salad with honey and/or raisins, can be seasoned with low-fat yogurt.

Before going to bed: a glass of low-fat kefir, yogurt or a large apple or pear.
winter diet
On this diet, you can lose up to 10 kilograms.

• 1-3rd days: kefir.

• 4-6th days: boiled chicken breast without skin.

• 7-9th days: vegetables.

• 10—12nd дни: сухое красное вино с сыром (вина – до 350 г в день, сыр лучше твердых со ртов).

The amount of food and calories consumed is not limited. You can eat as much as you like. A slight feeling of hunger is usually experienced only on kefir days, and only in the evening.

After the end of the diet, you can switch to a regular diet, but do not get carried away, avoid overeating.

Star diets
Diet Larisa Dolina
The most incredible rumors circulated about the ways in which Larisa Dolina turned from a puffy lady into an elegant lady in a short time. It was claimed that the singer was sitting on Herbalife, that she had liposuction and even went under the knife of a plastic surgeon. However, according to the singer, there were no operations.

«Я начала худеть не потому, что мечтала стать, как девушка с обspoons, а потому, что мне надоело быть той Долиной. My image did not suit me at all, I wanted to become completely different and start a new life. Refusal of food was not violence for me, the violence at first was playing sports. But I had to force myself, because if I had only been on a diet, then, of course, I would have thrown off a certain number of kilograms, but this would not make the muscles elastic. And I really wanted to wear an open swimsuit in the summer so that they would pay attention

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