Message: #352772
Ольга Княгиня » 07 Jun 2018, 23:04

Lose weight together with Ksenia Borodina. About diets, pills, sports, style and … women’s happiness. Ksenia Borodina

Lose weight with Ksenia Borodina. About diets, pills, sports, style and ... women's happiness. Ksenia Borodina

From the author
"Hello! Help me lose weight! - every now and then exclaim my acquaintances and friends at a meeting. This is instead of the usual question: “How are you?”. It’s no secret that I didn’t pass the problems with being overweight even before pregnancy, and even during it, with my huge belly, I gave the impression of a real fat woman. Therefore, when after giving birth I lost a lot of weight, I immediately made a sensation. She excited many, starting with Yana Rudkovskaya and ending with my mother, who once, having called me from Italy, apparently for a different reason, at the end of the conversation still could not resist: “Ksyusha, so what should I do to lose weight?

Quite slender women were also interested in this, which once again proves: THE QUESTION OF WEIGHT LOSS is painful, it WORKS IF NOT EVERYONE, THEN ALMOST EVERYONE.

At some point, I began to seem to myself a person who stands at the subway with a sign: “Do you want to lose weight? Спроси меня, «как»?

And then I thought about the book. Picking up a pen was hardly easier than losing weight: like many mothers, I am torn between a child and work. However, I made up my mind.

Moreover, there were scammers who, on my behalf, also began to deceive people.

“The mysterious way to lose weight by Ksenia Borodina” interested more and more people. It got to the point that many actresses, singers and TV presenters turned to me for help, though not directly, but through mutual friends.

Yes, they are also involved in the birth of this book. As soon as the media trumpeted about the "miracle of Ksenia Borodina", unscrupulous citizens unknown to me filled the Internet with various banners and all sorts of false blogs. For a fee, they offered to reveal the secret of my diet. There were frankly charlatan sentences like: “Oh my God! All nutritionists of the world are shocked! Click the link, pay 50 rubles, and you will learn how to lose 10 kilograms in two hours.

I saw banners advertising some kind of "Borodina's cucumber diet" and other strange recipes that boggle the imagination. I was really shocked by a message in one of the allegedly “official” blogs: Ksenia Sobchak revealed to Ksenia Borodina her secret “enema diet”, which (if you do enemas every evening) promises instant weight loss. Because of these damn enemas, I became the object of ridicule. But Ksyusha and I have never discussed the topic of losing weight, and even more so through enemas!

When I became a TV presenter, the label "fat" firmly stuck to me. I know plumper artists and blue screen stars, but for some reason no one calls them fat. А вот обо мне журналисты постоянно писали: «Ksenia Borodina, постоянно испытывающая проблемы с лишним весом…».

I am short, only 165 cm tall. For people like me, every extra kilogram is noticeable: unnecessary centimeters are visible at the waist, “hanging” sides are striking. But this is not the only thing: about seven kilograms visually "adds" the TV screen. In the image, the body is stretched in breadth, and any person seems to be fuller than they really are. I looked like an overweight girl. People who are only familiar with my screen image, seeing me in life, were surprised: “Wow, you are not at all fat!”

I hate that scammers, hiding behind my name, mislead people

And yet, at various periods of my life, I really experienced problems with being overweight. I managed to solve them successfully. I like that now I'm so slim and petite. I want to stay like this. The main thing is that I came to my current weight in a natural way, while remaining a healthy person. I did not resort to any express methods, or cucumbers, or enemas. After all, losing weight is work, a system.

I want to help women get in shape, as I did, and at the same time stop the ugly antics of scammers. In this book, I will share my knowledge about proper nutrition and exercise. I’ll tell you which methods are really effective, and which absolutely cannot be done. Overweight problems are largely psychological problems. Therefore, I write not only about my struggle with extra pounds, but also about how I lived, becoming a TV presenter.

I. Psychology

History of pills
Before proceeding to the history of my weight loss, I must tell you how the problem with extra pounds arose in general. This story happened to me a few years ago, at the dawn of my television career.

All my adult life I dreamed of becoming a TV presenter. I dreamed about this work in a dream and in reality, sent out offers of cooperation to all known TV channels. My letters remained unanswered, no one was interested in the summary, and Going to auditions did not bring the desired result.

At some point, I despaired and decided to move to Italy - my parents live there - and, perhaps, find myself in the specialty that I received at the Institute of Hotel Management and Tourism. I'm a certified tourism manager. And suddenly, at the moment when they announced the landing on my plane, the phone rang, which turned out to be fateful. On the other end of the wire was a TNT employee who announced that I had passed the casting of the presenters and I should come to the TV channel's office.

Of course, I did not fly to any Italy, but rushed towards an old dream. My parents were not happy with the changeability of my decisions, but, knowing what this proposal meant for me, they reconciled.

When I finally got to the Dom-2 project, I was truly happy. I had to broadcast with Ksenia Sobchak herself and did not want to lose against her background at all. I tried to demonstrate professionalism: not only to be a great presenter and an interesting conversationalist, but also to look good in the frame. And here the problems began.

I have always been great at photography. And I could not even imagine how much the video camera “does not love” and distorts my appearance. No matter how thin I really was, in the frame I always looked large and well-fed. In general, the TV clearly does not decorate the TV presenter. Something urgently needed to be done about this.

And then I decided to try to lose a couple of pounds. Now I clearly know this: in order to reduce weight, you need to work hard. But then I, like many girls, believed that it was possible to lose weight without making any serious efforts.

One of the easiest weight loss options offered online is pills. And I chose this path.

I went to the pharmacy and bought very popular and, by the way, expensive Chinese appetite suppressant pills. It is believed that this is a completely harmless remedy for the body. So I also thought: nothing bad will happen if I take them. And I was cruelly mistaken: this drug really ruined my life.

The first couple of days I took pills and felt absolutely nothing. Soon the feeling of hunger began to recede, then disappeared. In the morning it seemed to me that my stomach was full, I didn’t want to eat at all. I was delighted: the weight began to decline rapidly. Only I lost 4-5 kilos in a week. That is even more than originally planned.

But how have I been sausage all this week!

First, I couldn't sleep. As it turned out, the pills had a very nice side effect - they acted like energy drinks.

I lay all night in bed with my eyes open and counted not elephants and not even dropped kilograms, but minutes before getting up. Every morning I had to go to work and broadcast. Since I could not fall asleep on time, I did not get enough sleep. Tried going to bed earlier. Useless. In the evenings I was covered with a wave of some insurmountable and inexplicable fear. There was nothing I could do to calm myself. It was terrible!

Secondly, during the entire period of taking the pills and a few more days after the end, I was in such a nervous state, as if I had a stable incessant PMS. At work, I constantly broke down, yelled at everyone. In short, she turned into a hysteric, became nasty to herself. What can I say about those around me - I exhausted them with my seizures! Perhaps someone thought that a “star disease” woke up in me, but this is not so: the pills are the reason for everything. And I was no longer happy with the weight I lost, I just wanted to get enough sleep and stop being nervous.

I stopped taking these pills. Only a week after that, my appetite returned, normal sleep was restored. Everything would be fine, but then I was overtaken by retribution for what I had done: the kilograms that hastily left me returned just as quickly, taking friends with them. No matter what I ate, I still gained weight: I could, for example, sit all day on water and apples, and wake up in the morning and stand on the scales, find more and more kilograms.

I "disappeared" in front of my eyes. It seemed that nothing could stop the merciless weight gain. And with my height and the “television effect”, each extra kilogram was visually multiplied by two.

Problems started at work. The producer of the project drew attention to my appearance: “Ksyusha, it is written in the contract that you should


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