Message: #352837
Ольга Княгиня » 08 Jun 2018, 00:15

The blueberry diet. The new slimming miracle. Svetlana Dolina

juice with 2 cups of whey, cool. Перелить в бокалы, положить ягоды черники (taste). Add sugar to taste as well.

blueberry tea

Boil 100 g of dried blueberries in 1 liter of water for about 5 minutes. Then оставить на 40-60 минут, процедить, добавить лимонный сок и сахар (taste). Pour into glasses, add ice.

blueberry wine

5 kg of blueberries are sorted out, washed with clean water and placed in a bottle. In a separate bowl, dissolve 1.5 kg of sugar in 5 liters of water. Pour blueberries with this solution. And left to roam. At the end of fermentation, the wine is filtered through a cloth, and then filtered through cotton wool. Wine is poured into dry vessels, corked and stored in a dry and cool room. Vessels (bottles) should be stored in a horizontal position.

Blueberry wine (second option)

5 kg of blueberries are sorted out, washed with clean water and passed through a juicer. 10 kg of red grapes are washed, the berries are separated and the juice is squeezed out on a press. 500 g of sugar is added to the resulting grape juice. После того как сахар растворится, смешивают его с соком blueberries. The mixture is poured into vessels and fermented. Процесс брожения длится около 6-7 days. After that, the wine is filtered through cotton wool and poured into clean and dry bottles (bottles). Bottles are corked and stored in a dry, cool place, in a horizontal position.

"Summer Eating"

We will need: 200 g of canned fruit, 200 g of ice cream, 60 ml of raspberry syrup, 60 ml of blueberry juice.

Place fruit, ice cream, raspberry syrup and blueberry juice in bowls. Stir. Dessert можно подать со взбитыми сливками.

blueberry ice cream recipe

We will need: 300 g of fresh blueberries, 3 bags of vanilla sugar, 3 tbsp. tablespoons of rum, 150 ml of heavy cream, 2 sprigs of mint, 300 g of vanilla ice cream, chopped pistachios.

Place very clean blueberries in a large bowl and mix gently with 2 sachets of vanilla sugar and rum and refrigerate for 15 minutes. Divide vanilla ice cream into bowls. Garnish with whipped cream. Sprinkle with blueberries and chopped pistachios, “green” with mint leaves.

Blueberries with corn flakes

We will need: 500 g of blueberries, 0.5 l of milk, 75 g of sugar, 150 g of corn flakes, 25 g of creamy margarine, lemon zest, 1/3 teaspoon of cinnamon, 2 proteins, 4 tbsp. spoons of powdered sugar.

Boil milk together with sugar. Pour corn flakes with this milk, put on fire. Boil lightly and add creamy margarine, lemon zest, cinnamon and blueberries. Mix everything, arrange in vases and put in the cold. Serve with a cream made from egg whites whipped with powdered sugar.

Decoctions, infusions of fruits and leaves
Используют плоды и листья blueberries.

1. From the fruits you can make infusions and decoctions. Usually the recipe is as follows: 2 teaspoons of fruits are brewed with a glass of boiling water. Make blueberry jelly or decoction. В последнем случае 1 st. pour a spoonful of berries with 2 cups of water and boil until 1 cup of liquid remains. Также используют сок blueberries.

2. Infusions are prepared from the leaves. A teaspoon of blueberry leaves is brewed with 1 cup of boiling water, infused for 30 minutes, then filtered. The infusion is used as an astringent, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent in the treatment of wounds, ulcers, and douching.

6 art. spoons of blueberry leaves pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 2-3 hours, strain. Пить по 5-6 стаканов в day с равными промежутками времени в течение месяца. Break for 10 days, then repeat. It is also allowed with medical treatment.

2 tbsp. spoons of blueberry leaves pour a full glass of boiling water, leave for 3-4 hours, strain. Пить по 1/3 стакана 3 раза в day до еды.

При поносе, болезнях желудка, энтерите и изжоге полезен отвар плодов: 1 st. pour 2 tablespoons of dry berries стаканами горячей воды, пить по 60 мл 4 раза в day до еды. The same infusion is used to rinse the mouth with stomatitis.

4 teaspoons of dried blueberries are poured into a glass of water at room temperature and infused for 8 hours. Drink throughout the day, in several doses. Used for gastrointestinal disorders.

Prepare decoctions of dried berries. Take 50 g of dried berries, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over them and boil for 15-20 minutes. Take 0.5 cups every half hour for diarrhea.

Infusion of blueberries, cinquefoil, immortelle, sage and cumin for stomach diseases

Taken: blueberries - 20 g, cinquefoil rhizome - 10 g, immortelle flowers - 10 g, sage leaves - 30 g, cumin fruits - 10 g. Two tablespoons of the collection are poured with 2 cups of boiling water, insisted for 20 minutes, filtered. Принимают 3 раза в day по 1/3 стакана за 15-20 минут до еды.

Blueberry infusion with nettle, galangal, mint, walnut and chamomile

Normalizes bowel function.

Taken: blueberries - 1 part, nettle leaves - 1 part, galangal rhizome - 1 part, walnut leaves - 1 part, chamomile flowers - 1 part. Завариваются из расчета: 1 st. a spoonful of the mixture for 2 cups of boiling water; insist in a thermos for 2 hours. Пьют по 2-3 стакана в day за 30 минут до еды.

A decoction of blueberries and bird cherry

Taken: blueberries - 2 parts, bird cherry fruits - 3 parts. A tablespoon of the mixture is brewed with glasses of boiling water; boil for 20 minutes, cool, filter. Принимают по 1/3 -1 стакана 3 раза в day при желудочно-кишечных расстройствах.

Menorrhagia (abnormally heavy bleeding during menstruation).

1 st. pour a spoonful of blueberry leaves with a glass of boiling water, soar in a water bath for 15 minutes, leave for 1 hour. Strain. Пить по 1/3 стакана 3 раза в day до еды.


Pour 4 teaspoons of blueberries with a glass of water at room temperature, leave for 8 hours (it is better to put it at night). Drink in fractional portions throughout the day.


Съедать ежедневно по 1 st. ложке свежих или сухих ягод blueberries.

Делают густой отвар из сухих плодов blueberries. 100 g of dry berries are poured into 0.5 liters of water and boiled until the amount of water decreases to 0.3 liters. Lubricate burns, skin rashes. Also used as a rinse for sore throats.


From prepare a thick decoction of fresh berries and, without filtering, apply a thick layer on the affected areas and tie with gauze. Rashes, pimples, necrotic ulcers and burnt places are treated with the same decoction.

Freshly squeezed blueberry juice is used for compresses in the treatment of weeping eczema, burns, purulent wounds and ulcers. Compresses are changed during the day 34 times.

A decoction of blueberries, wild rose, bird cherry, nettle with beriberi

Taken: blueberries - 2 parts, rose hips - 3 parts, bird cherry fruits - 1 part, nettle leaves - 3 parts. Заваривают из расчета 1 st. a spoonful of the mixture for 2 cups of boiling water; boil for 10 minutes on low heat, then pour into a thermos and leave for 2 hours. Принимают в горячем виде по 1 стакану в day в качестве витаминного средства. (Be careful: you should not get carried away with such tea with irregular bowel movements.)

1-2 teaspoons of berries are poured with a glass of boiling water and infused, wrapped, for 3-4 hours. You can add sugar to the infusion. Пьют понемногу 5-6 раз в day при подагре, ревматизме и других заболеваниях, связанных с нарушением обмена веществ.

A decoction of blueberries, currants, strawberries, blackberries and knotweed

Taken: blueberry leaves - 2 parts, currant leaves - 1 part, strawberry leaves - 3 parts, blackberry leaves - 2 parts, knotweed grass - 1 part. Brew at the rate of 1-2 teaspoons of the mixture per glass of boiling water; bring to a boil and insist in a thermos for 1-1.5 hours. Пьют по 1-2 стакана в day с сахаром или медом. The decoction is used as a vitamin drink.

A decoction of blueberries, currants, strawberries, blackberries, couch grass, oregano and thyme

Taken: blueberry leaves - 2 parts, black currant leaves - 1 part, strawberry leaves - 3 parts, blackberry leaves - 2 parts, couch grass rhizome - 2 parts, oregano grass - 1 part, thyme grass - 1 part. A tablespoon of the mixture is brewed with 1 cup of boiling water, boiled for 10 minutes, insisted for an hour in a thermos. Пьют по 0,5 стакана 3-4 раза в day после еды. It is used as a vitamin remedy.


They take 50 g of dried blueberries, put them in a thermos, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water; insist 68 hours and drink during the day, in small sips. Recommended for the treatment of mild forms of diabetes, as well as nephrolithiasis, gout, rheumatism, anemia.

Можно делать настой из листьев blueberries.

Take 50 g of leaves blueberries, pour 1 liter of boiling water and insist for an hour. Принимают по 0,5 стакана 3-5 раз в day при диабете, болезнях почек, печени и поджелудочной железы.

Boil 60 g of leaves for 20 minutes in 1 liter of water. Пить по 50 мл 3 раза в day при колите, диабете и внутренних кровотечениях. With this decoction and infusion of blueberry leaves, you can wash wounds and make enemas for hemorrhoidal bleeding.

blueberry juice самостоятельно или пополам с земляничным соком применять при лечении диабета, а также при анемии, мочекаменной болезни, подагры, авитаминоза. Пьют по 0,5 стакана сока с 1 st. ложкой меда 3 раза в day до еды.

Often in the treatment of diabetes, blueberries are present in decoctions along with other medicinal herbs.

A decoction of blueberries, beans, galega officinalis and mint



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