Message: #68065
Buckshee » 03 Feb 2017, 12:18

Dinosaur Training. Forgotten secrets of strength and development of the body. Brooks Cube

Brooks Cube Dinosaur Training. Forgotten secrets of strength and development of the body


In your hands is the long-awaited guide to strength training, written by Brooks Kubik himself - the national bench press champion and the author of many articles published in the best strength training magazines. This book was written for those of us who are interested in POWER, not in its APPEARANCE; for the first time in one book, he talks in detail about many of the most productive methods - not only to increase muscle "mass", but to develop truly functional muscles in the best traditions of the strongmen of the past. If you are looking for an alternative training method for developing truly genuine strength, then you have purchased the right book!

For some reason, we've lost track of the Iron Game in our pursuit of greater muscle size and strength. We float through the air, aimlessly, like balloons, picked up and carried away by any shifting gust of wind or "new" training system, constantly changing direction, constantly moving somewhere and never ending up anywhere. The author, on the other hand, grabs us by the legs, pulls us back to the ground, whips us in the face like an icy shower, and offers us a fresh look at the forgotten proven methods for developing massive, brutal strength. He does not claim to be an "inventor". No, he only invites us to rediscover and retrieve from oblivion the training methods of the masters of the past, our ancestors of methodical, progressive weight training.

This guide - educational, inspiring, practical - is destined to become a classic book on strength training and take pride of place in the library of every serious athlete.
If you are as serious as I am, you will order two copies. One for my strength training library, and the other for constant use as a source of motivation, to full reading to the holes!

Preface to the first edition

This preface has three purposes. First, I want to introduce myself to you and tell you a little about what, in fact, gave me the right to write this book. Don't take this as an empty boast, but I just want to offer proof that I am not just another member of the despicable and pathetic race of armchair theorists who have become a real bane to the world of strength training and, moreover, breeding at the same time as larvae, which they look like. (You will hear more about armchair "experts" later in this book.) Secondly, I want to tell you why I wrote this book. Thirdly, I want to say a big thank you to some people and thank them for making this book possible.


I am 38 years old. I have been training with iron for over 25 years. I LOVE strength training and all the best in it and always have. I have studied the art of strength training for almost my entire life. By the way, a small digression: productive strength training is nothing but an ART ... not a science. If anyone ever tries to sell you a book, training course, or exercise machine based on supposedly "scientific" principles of training, then don't hesitate to hit him hard and run away from such a person.

My height is 175 cm, weight is 102 kg. I wrestled at school and won many competitions and awards. I lived in Illinois and Ohio when I competed in wrestling. Placed third in the Ohio State Academic Wrestling Championship and became the Illinois State Greco-Roman Wrestling Champion. Heavy weight training helped me on the wrestling mat. I would have been a much better wrestler if I knew then everything that I know now. The information in this book is of great value to wrestlers, football players, and anyone else involved in combat sports. This is a book about developing FUNCTIONAL strength. If you belong to the category of narcissistic "pump" poseurs of those who like to spin in front of the mirror, then this book is not for you.

After high school, I went to college, then enrolled in law school. I currently work as a lawyer in a large, by the standards of the Midwest, law firm. I'm just like most of the guys who will be reading this book: someone who's serious about strength training but doesn't make a living from it. Between the ages of 33-36, I competed in the so-called "natural" powerlifting and bench press competitions. I competed in two different federations. In one, I was a three-time US bench press champion, set three US bench press records, and several other national level records in the 90 and 100 kg categories. I have also won many national and regional titles. competitions and set many records - both national and state. In another federation, I was a two-time U.S. bench press champion, set at least six U.S. and national level records, and set three world records in the 100kg category. My best official result is the one that brought me victory at the fifth US championship: 185 kg. Not bad for a middle-aged lawyer, huh?

Also, in one of the federations, I served as a judge in several powerlifting and bench press competitions and, once, even took an honorable second place in the competition for the "best male judge of the year."

After winning five national championships in the bench press, I decided to take a break from competition and do other things, such as writing this book and other materials.

Although I don't compete in powerlifting or bench press today, I train regularly and I'm stronger today than I was when I competed. I will dwell on some of my current achievements later: I do not want to bore you now with the repetition of these figures. Suffice it to say that your author really trains, really lifts heavy weights regularly, wrote many articles about various aspects of strength training and is NOT an armchair theorist, showed on the platform that his ideas work, and proved - at the highest level of "natural" competitions - that he has something to show, even in the fight against the best lifters in the world. Your author is not a "skin and bones", not a hired scribbler who has no idea about training, and, rest assured, not just another empty-handed scientist with no practical experience in training.


I wrote this book because I love strength training. I wrote this book because I hate what happened to the Iron Game in the last thirty or forty years. But, most importantly, I wrote this book because there is a lot of valuable information on training, but there is no such book in which one could read it. Most training books are written for bodybuilders or pseudo-bodybuilders, not for men who are interested in developing absolute, raw power and tremendous functional strength. This book is an attempt to even the score in that regard.

In addition, this book is an attempt to make strength training fun again. One after another, books on strength training are published - but they are impossible to distinguish from each other, because they present all the same boring ideas. The Iron Game has been inundated with self-styled experts who really have nothing to offer when it comes to true strength training. Many of the most valuable aspects of strength training have been literally lost - buried in the sands of time, forgotten, neglected, not used. Interestingly, these lost secrets are exactly what makes strength training enjoyable. Things that turn it from just an activity into an adventure. This book will spice up your training. You can think of this strength training book as a kind of KAMA SUTRA.

The purpose of this book is to open to YOU, and any serious athlete who purchases it, a real treasure trove of LOST IDEAS that really work. Whoever you are and no matter how much you know about training, this book will allow you to learn something new about training and share new ideas with you. And for those of you who are new to the Iron Game, or who know nothing but "modern" training methods, this book will be a revelation.

This book is just psychic dynamite. It will turn your current ideas about training to ashes. It will expand your horizons in ways you can't even imagine right now. Have you ever lifted heavy barrels? How about heavy sandbags? Ever used a thick bar for an upper body exercise? Did you make heavy singles? How about working in a power rack? How about squats and bench presses from the bottom position? Hard grip work? Pinch grip raises? Round back lifts? Farmer's walk? Deadly sets? Deadlift with two fingers? Anvil lifts? Vertical lifts? Lever work? The book talks about all this and more.


This book owes its existence to many people. And, above all, Ginny, my wife of 16 years, who has never (well, almost never) complained that I love the keyboard more than her. Thank you dear.

Secondly, this is Bill Hinburn, a TRUE gentleman and a man who epitomizes the best that the Iron Game has to offer. Bill gave me a lot of valuable advice on the practical aspects of publishing and marketing a strength training book. He also corrected and edited the manuscript, provided useful information, provided a cover photo, and wrote an introduction. Thanks Bill.

Thirdly, this is my good friend, Mike Thompson, who for several years urged me to write this book and always supported and encouraged me. Mike is one of the best writers in the field and one of the strongest


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