Message: #68065
Buckshee » 03 Feb 2017, 12:18

Dinosaur Training. Forgotten secrets of strength and development of the body. Brooks Cube

people I have ever met. Also, no one gives you better technical advice than Mike. Thanks Mike

Fourth, Bob Vellan. Like Mike, Bob also urged me to roll up my sleeves and concoct a book, and like Mike, he was always there when I needed words of encouragement. Bob is one of the most prominent strength trainers in the world today. Thanks Bob.

Fifth, Greg Pickett, one of the strongest cellar dwellers in the world, a true fan of the Iron Game, and one of the kindest lifters I have ever seen on the platform. Greg was the third member of my "writer support group" when I was working on this book, and he, like the others, helped me stay focused and motivated. Thanks Greg

Sixth, Kim Wood, strength coach for the Cincinnati Bengals, with whom I have talked many times about serious strength training, and many of the ideas in the pages of this book are his. If you decide to take on heavy bags and barrels and the next day your whole body hurts like hell, don't blame me, blame Kim. It was his idea. Thanks Kim.

Seventh, Ozmo Kiiha, who supported my efforts by publishing excerpts from this book as articles in The Iron Master, and who allowed me to advertise the book there. Ozmo is an outstanding lifter and collector and one of the most erudite people in the field. Thanks Ozmo.

Eighth, Dr. Ken Leistner. In my opinion, Dr. Leistner is one of the best writers in the history of the Iron Game and the person who has played a major role in promoting intelligent, meaningful, and productive training. Dr. Leistner gave me permission to include in the book excerpts from his amazing mailing list, "The Steel Tip," which he hosted from January 1985 to December 1987, and which is one of the best sources of information on serious strength training. Dr. Leistner has inspired us over the years with his amazing articles in Powerlifting USA, Muscular Development, Ironman, H.I.T. Newsletter, Milo and other magazines. Thanks dr. Leistner.

Ninth, Dr. Randall J. Strossen, author of "Super Squats" and "Ironmind: Stronger Minds, Stronger Bodies", editor and publisher of John McCallum's "Keys to Progress", editor and publisher of John Brookfield's amazing Mastery of Hand Strength, editor and publisher of Milo and owner of Ironmind Enterprises, which sells quality and unique training equipment. Dr. Strossen also supported me and gave me many valuable suggestions for the book. Thank you Dr. Strossen.

And finally, one more person I want to thank is YOU. Thank you for your desire to learn more about strength training, thank you for believing in me and buying this book, and thank you for the courage, determination, perseverance, and fortitude it will take to implement the training ideas contained in my book. Thank you and good luck with your training!


Too long foreword for any book. Let's get to work! Open the first chapter!

Preface to the second edition

I originally intended Dinosaur Training to be a short (60-80 pp.) manual. I thought that I would just copy it on a photocopier, stitch it up and give it to friends - or sell it, 20-30 copies, to people who might be interested. Then I realized that the manuscript I had typed already had over 300 pages, and I decided that I would publish a normal book.

The idea almost collapsed when it became known that no publisher would take on a circulation of less than 2000 copies - and I was sure that I would not sell so many for the rest of my life. After all, how many people are really interested in such old fashioned things as heavy iron, hard work, "pure" strength training, thick bars, grip work, bags, barrels and everything else that is contained under the cover of this book?

Bill Hinburn, Bob Whelan, Greg Pickett, and Kim Wood finally convinced me to go through with it, and after a year of writing, editing, and proofreading, the unsuspecting world finally got Dinosaur Training.

Then something amazing happened. The first edition with a circulation of 3,300 was completely sold out in a year and a half. The book has been reviewed in MILO, THE IRON MASTER, HARD TRAINING, IRONMAN and other magazines, it has been advertised on, it has received excellent reviews from some of the most knowledgeable experts in the field of strength training. IRONMIND ENTERPRISES and IRON MAN took over the sale. It was read by coaches of football teams - amateur and professional. Dinosaur Training terminology has taken root everywhere you look; such words as "handbrakes", "territory of chromium and ficuses" began to be used everywhere. Fat vultures began to sell like hot cakes - and if someone had the foresight to sell sandbags or barrels, he would become a millionaire.

All this pleased, of course, but the most important thing was letters from readers. The lines I treasure most - and I keep them all - were often found on the back of envelopes and other such places. They came from everywhere - from Europe and Asia, Australia and Canada, Mexico and the USA. They were all on the same topic; all of them contained, approximately, such words: "Thank you for returning to me the JOY from communication with Iron, the PASSION AND PLEASURE of serious strength training!"

These letters prompted me to do two things. First, I thought of republishing "Dinosaur Training" a second time in a revised and expanded form, giving readers this time what they've been asking for in their letters: more training programs.

Second, I began publishing a monthly newsletter, The Dinosaur Files. The first issue came out in August 1997; reader feedback was amazing. If you like Dinosaur Training, try Files too. (Ordering information is in the appendix, along with other sources of valuable but sometimes inaccessible training information).

Many have written to me that they have never made such progress as after reading "Dinotraining" and incorporating its elements into their workouts. Trust me guys, this book is more than just ink on paper. It really does work. Try it. The results will surprise you.

This is more than enough for a preface. Buckle up, one of the most amazing adventures of your life begins!

Chapter 1

Weight training is an easy task. However, commercial interests, "armchair" theorists in slippers and soft, warm armchairs, and well-meaning but completely confused "experts" have complicated this matter. so much so that now no one really knows how to train productively. Instead of gyms where people could train productively and efficiently, all over the world we see gyms in which people make some ridiculous movements and inconceivable swings that will not help them build even a gram of muscle mass - and they develop strength no better, than a leisurely game of checkers on a warm summer day.


Let's be sensible: the barbell squat is one of the most productive exercises available to man. But how many gyms have you seen where heavy heavy squats are regularly performed by the majority - and not just a handful of people?

And what can be more effective than pulling with a trap bar? This diamond-shaped bar (which, by the way, costs less than $150) allows you to pull with more weight, and is safer and more productive than a regular straight bar. But have you met many halls where there is a trap bar? And how many trainees even know what a "trap bar" is? How many of those who train with weights are more concerned with buying now fashionable "accessories" - such as branded sneakers, t-shirts and shorts with "necessary" symbols, "cool" gloves or baseball caps - than with the purchase of a trap bar?

If you have set yourself the goal of developing your strength and power to the maximum limits, then you must forget about the simulators - exercising on them, with a few exceptions, is just wasted time. However, how many gyms are literally filled to overflowing with the "latest" and "most effective" chrome wonder machines? How many trainees spend literally all their energy (let's not say "effort") pulling or pushing the padded handles of these "miraculous" machines?

To maximize the development of raw power and brutal genuine strength, upper body workouts should include exercises with a thick neck (with a diameter of 5 to 8 cm). But have you seen such vultures anywhere in the halls? How many jocks have ever seen such a neck? The thick barbell was part of the usual weights set for any self-respecting enforcer of the past. Today, almost none of those who work with weights even think of using a barbell with a thick neck.

achieve the maximum development of muscles and strength in the whole body will be possible only for those who will not spare tons of effort and a sea of ​​shed sweat in specialized grip exercises - mainly those associated with lifting, carrying and holding very large weights using different types of grip, handles and vultures of various thicknesses and shapes. Do you know anyone who trains like this? How many readers of this book can name at least one person in their gym who regularly does farmer's walks, does deadlifts or curls with a thick 8cm bar, or lifts pancakes by holding them on the edge with their fingers?
Performing singles, i.e. single repetitions with maximum and submaximal weights is one of the most effective ways to achieve outstanding results in the development of strength and musculature. But how many people regularly train this way? And how many use programs consisting ONLY of single repetitions - including warm-up sets?

Stop fooling yourself: real results are impossible without real work. The real

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