Message: #68065
Buckshee » 03 Feb 2017, 12:18

Dinosaur Training. Forgotten secrets of strength and development of the body. Brooks Cube

kilograms everything I could.

Another 20 or 30 minutes passed before I was called for my third and final attempt. All the while I kept telling myself to be ready, to be strong, to press hard, to be collected for one more try. I was sweating, I had to sit on a towel because the back of my legs was so sweaty. My hands were dripping and I had to dry them all the time with a towel. Я смазывался мелом каждую пару minutes. to me было интересно как я выступил в соревнованиях, говорил себе, что это не имеет значения и концентрировался на выходе и на том, что я сделаю все, что смогу.

I asked myself what it was that made me participate in the national championship. Я пообещал себе, что если я добьюсь своей цели на этом чемпионате, я больше никогда не сделаю ничего такого безумного, как this is.

I wondered if my last bench would be the one that wins or loses the competition. What если я не смогу его взять?

"Don't think about it. Just think about the bench." I said to myself.

They called my name.

I was in despair.

Then I was near the platform.

Then I was on the platform. It was just me and the barbell. 180 kg. 386 lbs. it был поединок между нами двоими. Nothing else mattered. Nothing else existed. The whole universe faded into the background, leaving only me and the barbell. One of us will win, one of us will lose. The barbell won two weeks ago.

Today was my turn.

I growled at the bar, turned around, planted my feet, arched my back, and lowered myself into position on the bench. I took a deep breath, held my breath, nodded to the assistant and took the barbell on outstretched arms.

180 kg. 386 lbs.

I lowered the bar to my chest.


I pushed the bar up and back. Heа дошла до мертвой точки и замедлилась почти до полной остановки. I pressed with all my might - I pressed with everything I have. The bar continued moving... slowly. I'm sorry and sorry. The bar moved centimeter by centimeter up.

The bar trembled and almost stopped. Heа СОБAndРАЛАСЬ остановиться. The weight was too great.

I couldn't believe I wouldn't finish the bench by getting this close. it было нечестно. I've worked so hard for this moment! A lifetime of effort has been compressed into an almost imperceptible movement of the barbell. I pressed furiously to finish the attempt.

Suddenly my hands exploded into lock-out.


I sat down and looked at the scoreboard.

Three white lights.

it был хороший жим. I smashed the weight. I won. I was against the bar and I won.

"Congratulations," someone said to me. "it был самый тяжелый жим в твоей группе".

I almost fell to the floor. it было как взрыв воздушного шарика. I felt as if all my strength, power and nerves had been sucked out of my body. I tried to put everything back together.

Я сделал самый тяжелый жим в моей группе, что означало, что я выжал больше всех в моей весовой categories.

I became a national champion.

I became the champion of all the United States - all 50 states - all. In high school, I was a state champion in Greco-Roman wrestling. But this is different. it был один штат. Now it was all of the United States.

I felt so weak that the slightest breeze could knock me over.

I could not believe it. All the years of sweat and effort paid off. Все года изучения Железной Andгры. All those lonely hours of training because no one else trained like me. All the years of training when my only partners were Bradley Steiner, Piri Ryder and John McCallum.

it сработало. I have truly triumphed beyond my wildest dreams. A skinny teenager who read Steiner's books and articles over and over again never dreamed of becoming a national champion one day.

Steiner said he would jump as high as me if I won the Mr. America title. it были не соревнования Мистер Америка, но тоже довольно хорошо.

"National Champion"


I looked at the cups on the table. One of them was mine.

I smiled and wished that Steiner was here. Then I realized that he was here.

"Thanks Brad," I said.


it был первый из пяти национальных чемпионатов в жиме lying down. I also set a number of records чемпионатов и рекордов Америки в жиме lying down, а в одной организации я установил пару мировых рекордов. Мое последнее соревнование было в 1993 году и как и мое первое, оно было чемпионатом NASA среди Мастеров и Субмастеров по пауэрлифтингу и жиму lying down. I won the submaster class in the 100kg category and set a championship record and an American record with 185kg. После этого, я сосредоточил все свои усилия на написании книг и на тренинге типа "у себя в подвале", который я описал в this book.

There are a few points about all of the above that I want to discuss. First, I want to point out that everything in this book really works. it не бесполезные домыслы диванного теоретика. it вещи из реального мира, от парня, который доказал, что это работает бросив вызов и победив некоторых из лучших натуральных лифтеров в мире.

Secondly, I want you to understand that my story is a story that YOU can repeat. You may not win a national championship or set a record, but that's not what matters. Andмеет значение то, что ТЫ можешь сделать то, что Штайнер сказал Я могу сделать. He сказал, что я могу превзойти все свои ожидания. You can too. And я хочу, чтобы ты сделал this is. I'm in your corner, fighting with you for every inch of your path. I have full confidence in your ability to achieve those goals that far exceed anything you can now imagine.

Someone once believed in Steiner. Steiner believed in me. I believe in you. it то, как устроен мир. Настоящая красота Железной Andгры в том, что она является живой традицией. It has no past, no present, no end. When I work out in my basement, I work out with John Davis, Harold Ansorge, Kim Wood, Ian Dillinger, William Hinburn, Reg Park, Clyde Enrich, Tommu Cohn, Arthur Saxon, George Jowett, Bruno Sammartino, Mike Thomson, Bob Whalan, John Брукфилдом, Грегом Пикетом, Хью Кассиди, Полом Янгом, Doc. Рэндалом Штроссеном, Морисом Джонсом, Томасом Andнчем, Сигом Кляйном, Джоном Гримеком, Стивом Станко, Норбом Шемански, Бобом Пиплзом, Аполлоном, Луисом Сыром, Джозефом Хайзом, Луисом Абелем, Дугом Хепберном, Фредом Ховеллом, Уильямом Буном, Пири Райдером, Генри "Майло" Steiborn, Harry Pischol, John McCallum, Georg Hackenschmidt, Деннисом Вейзом, Дейвидом Хорном, Виком Боффом, Doc. Ken Leistner, Clevio Massimo, Earl Liederman, Alan Calvert, Edward Aston, Bob Hoffman, Bradley Steiner and many more.

The tradition has been handed down from one generation to another and will be passed on to future generations. Now I pass on the tradition to each of you.

Вместе с традицией, я передаю тебе свое горячее желание достичь великих и славных вершин в Железной Andгре. I have absolute and unwavering faith in you. I KNOW what you can do. I KNOW what you can achieve.

Over the years of training, you will have good times and bad times. You will meet with victories and defeats. You will have a lot of pain, accidents and injuries (hopefully not serious!) and there will be times when you want to throw in the towel.

Never do it! Never give up.

Each of us, each of the dinosaurs of the past, each of the dinosaurs of the present is next to you, presses, pulls, bleeds and sweats with you. Steiner was with me when I won my first national championship. I will be with you the day of your victory.

ОЖAndДАЙ успеха - потому что ты ДОСТAndГНЕШЬ его!

I wish good luck, health, strength and power to each of you. I am incredibly proud of each of you. You наследники богатой и прекрасной традиции. Andспользуйте ее с умом.

God bless you and good luck!

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