Message: #68047
Buckshee » 03 Feb 2017, 12:08





Who to imitate?*

Who is an amateur?*

Typical amateur *


Purpose of this book.*

How are we different*

General assessment of genetic giftedness*

Take courage*


Muscle Size*


John McCallum Formula*

Another formula *

What is behind the numbers *


How to keep track of your progress*

Is there a limit to perfection?*

four. THREE "P" *


Small pancakes*

Correct technique*




Dissimilar Twins*

Modification example*

"To failure" or "almost to failure"? *

Fine tuning*

Growth Mind*

Almost, but not all*


Joy of work*

Forward movement*

Required Caution*

Sensitive Guidance*

Basic Training Options*

Once again about the main *



Modified training cycle*

If you are out of shape...*

Errors in determining the starting load*

Mini cycles*

Clarifications and additional remarks*

Cycle with variable intensity*


Long cycle*

Possibility of "failure" of the cycle *

Preparing for "Achievement Periods"*

How to deal with illness*

Can loops be abused?*



Workout three times a week*

If you train three times a week*

Personal example*

Light at the end of the tunnel*

What does recovery consist of*

Split system workouts*

What do you need for rest?*


Abbreviated Workouts *

A step in the right direction*

Do all muscles "work" in reduced programs?*

Work with individual muscle groups (specialization) *

Other sports*

What to do if you have a hard job*


Testosterone production*

How to learn to squat *

The overall effect of squats*

No need to be gullible*

Other types of squats*


Excuses *

In order not to lose enthusiasm*

How to get the most out of squats*

Leg position*


Boom Position*

Squat variations with 20 repetitions*

Lifting on toes*

Squat Depth*

Bench squats *

Weightlifting belt*


Squat Technique*


Load increase *

How many reps to choose?*

If Squats Don't Help*


Leg Press*

Dumbbell Squats*

Front Squats*

Single leg squats*

Other Alternative Exercises*


Chest expansion?*



Sports equipment*

How to train*

Sets and reps*

Neck, calf and forearm exercises*

Neck work*

Working with caviar*

Forearms *

Working with the press*

General warm-up*

Special warm-up for individual exercises*

Developing the Right Technique*

Increasing intensity*



Aerobic exercise*

Training programs*

Program sequence*

Advanced Amateur*


oneone. Technique*

Bodybuilding abuse*

How to Avoid Overtraining*

Work with pectoral muscles*

Work with the muscles of the shoulder girdle *

Work with back muscles*

Pull-ups and block work*


Abdominal work*

Trunk twists*


Neck work*

Hand training*

Are isolation exercises necessary?*


Especially for teenagers*


Manual therapy*



Leaders and Followers*

Powerful hands*



"Powerful" appearance*

Specialization Technique*

Target selection*

Specialization time*

Individual "tuning"*

Where to begin?*

Increasing the intensity*

Additional Tips *

Softening period*


Day after day n twice a day*

Sets without a break*

Try everything!*

One Day Specialization*

For the system to work*


Should I change the number of repetitions? *

Single repetitions*

Variety of exercises*

Super Intensity Training and Alternatives*

"Drawing" repetition *

Good thing that brings results*

Are the bones growing?*

Super Slow Training*

Training scheme*

Observation *

Patience and perseverance*


Additional Tips*

onefour. FOOD*


Variety of food*

Fat and cholesterol*


Calorie count*


"Fat" amateur*

How to be?*

Calories and muscles*

"Burning" fat*

Separate meals*

Dietary fiber*

Nutritional supplements*

No evidence*

How to use supplements*


Another point of view*



In any business, sooner or later, a Copernicus is born. In bodybuilding, such a “subverter of the foundations” turned out to be an unknown bodybuilder Stuart McRobert, who lives in a remote bodybuilding province on the Mediterranean island of Cyprus. For many years he unsuccessfully "swung" according to well-known popular methods, until he finally asked himself a heretical question: maybe these methods do not give returns because they are erroneous? At first glance, such an assumption seems like a form of stupidity. In fact, what about the great champions who “pumped up” mountains of muscles with the help of such methods? But the whole point is that these champions are not sinless in the sense of steroids, and our hero did not want to mess with "chemistry" for anything. Moreover, he could never come to terms with the idea that "chemistry" is the only way out of the impasse in which every amateur sooner or later finds himself after a more or less successful initial period of training,

After a long analysis of his own and other people's experience, Stuart McRobert confirmed his paradoxical conclusion: the training methods recommended today are, indeed, deeply erroneous. However, this was only the first step in the right direction. One statement of fact was not enough, it was necessary to find a way out of the impasse. And Stuart McRobert found it! He created a fundamentally new methodological system that revolutionized amateur bodybuilding! Suffice it to say that Joe Weider himself praised MacRobert's work as a sensation. После выхода книги в one99one году, она переиздавалась 6 раз! Stuart McRobert's methodical manual is rightly regarded as the "bible" of any novice bodybuilder.



Almost all bodybuilding literature talks about achievements and methods of those who are genetically predisposed to this sport. But natural talent is rare. Most bodybuilders are the most ordinary people with average genetics. They cannot boast of the natural advantages of professionals. So what benefit will the average "pitching" bring "star" methods of champions? Yes, none! It makes no sense for an ordinary amateur to focus on "supermen". Elite methods are for the elite. And for a person with average data, imitation of champions will only lead to a dead end.

In addition, most of the "stars", simply put, are pumped up with steroids. They don't know how to train without pharmacology. Hardly at least one "serious" training takes place with them without artificial drug stimulation. It is anabolics, combined with genetic talent, that allow them to achieve champion titles in a matter of years. You open a magazine and read an article about a "brilliant" winner who has taken the world of bodybuilding by storm and all thanks to enthusiasm, will and hard work. Do not believe! Every rush has a shady downside: steroids.

Who to imitate?

For years from fifteen to more than twenty, I lived only one bodybuilding. And if in our business everything was decided by determination, coupled with blind imitation of champions, I would long ago have stood on a par with the best of the best. This did not happen and could not happen.

The word "champion" is misleading. Despite all their extraordinary genetics, many champions would not even come close to their current level without steroids. To be honest, all these "stars" are pseudo-sportsmen. Well, a real bodybuilder is the one who built himself, on his own, without "chemistry".

"Invincible" champions, pumped up with steroids, have nothing to do with us ordinary people. They are beings from another planet. It took me years of torment and disappointment to grasp this crucial truth, not to mention thousands of hours wasted over magazines and books with "champion" portraits on every page. If I were the only fool who believed in the advice and methods of a gifted minority, then my experience would not matter. But I have seen hundreds of times with my own eyes how people with the same, or even better, physical potential literally torment themselves with "champion" systems, and also without any sense.

Let's get down from heaven to earth. An ordinary amateur needs not "star", but "amateur" methods. Let's take a reasonable approach to training. Let's finally get real! This does not mean that we should be satisfied with insignificant achievements. Nothing like this! The most ordinary amateur can achieve phenomenal results if he starts to act methodically competently and has patience. Perhaps, to a professional, these results will seem more than modest. But for beginners and untrained people, this will be truly grandiose accomplishments!

It is quite natural that beginners trust the experience of champions: they say, who has more muscles, he understands more. There is no doubt that champions know a lot about training, but only about those methods of training that are designed for outstanding genetics and constant steroid use. They have absolutely nothing to advise those who do not want to destroy the body and brain with "chemistry" and have an average potential.

Of course, you should not go too far and say that in the arsenal of champions there is absolutely nothing useful for an ordinary bodybuilder. But on the other hand, we can say with confidence: none of the championship methods is capable of making a bodybuilding champion out of an ordinary person who does without steroids. I repeat: in order to achieve results, we middle peasants must follow a completely different path. Remember the biblical commandment: do not make yourself an idol!

A technique that gives super results to a gifted minority does not work at all in the case of an ordinary amateur.

What is an amateur?

Let's discuss the terms. In my understanding, an amateur is a person who grows muscles and gains strength with great difficulty. In fact, almost all non-professional bodybuilders and powerlifters fall into this category.

The opposite of an amateur is a potential professional. In almost any gym there is one, or even several of these "born" bodybuilders, who themselves do not always really understand how generously endowed them with nature. Everything is so easy for these lucky ones that they do not work very hard in training. So the "stars" of bodybuilding, they eat anything, lead a stormy life, becoming addicted to drugs or alcohol, twist with a lot of girlfriends, experience frequent stress, and yet they can boast of excellent physique. Their amazing natural inclinations, along with anabolic steroids, compensate for everything else. But sooner or later, retribution still comes. True, bodybuilding magazines prefer not to write about this.

Techniques that are effective for professionals are through the roof. In fact, any system will give them results. Professionals can make all sorts of methodological mistakes, but their muscles will still grow.

An amateur is forced to meticulously select a technique for himself. To "make yourself" in bodybuilding, the amateur must take into account every detail. And there are much more of these "little things" for an amateur than for a professional. If the amateur overlooks even one detail, whether it be food, recovery, sleep, training frequency or reps, all his other efforts can go to waste. Compare this to the life of a professional who breaks a lot of taboos and still piles muscle upon muscle.

typical amateur

I spent many years in hard, but completely fruitless training. Looking back, I wonder why my resolve didn't falter: there was so little return from this hard labor.


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