Message: #68046
Buckshee » 03 Feb 2017, 12:05

Bodybuilding. Menzer

Menzer Bodybuilding

Don't jump to conclusions*

Truth of the "majority"*

Obey the laws of nature *

Concepts: accuracy of wording*

root cause*

Theoretical dispute: summing up *

Two plus two is not equal to three and a half *

Next Step: Recovery*

About training frequency*

From theory to practice*

Nature miracle*

Duplication of loads *

New Training Technique Static Contractions*

Impossible possible?*

Learn self-control*

Program one*


Program II*

Workout A:*

Workout B:*


Nutrition and bodybuilding *

Или  или*



The book you hold in your hands is my ultimate attempt to bring clarity to the fundamentals of the science of bodybuilding. As in previous writings, I present my views on the philosophy of heavy, heavy-duty, stress training. But this time I tried to "dig" much deeper. My goal is to highlight the most important principles of knowledge necessary for familiarization with any science, or at least its foundations.

For many bodybuilders, such philosophical concepts as mind, essence, individuality, theory, principle, rational thinking, act of will, causality, judgments, morality, ethics have little to say. Why do we need such wisdom, you say, especially when applied to bodybuilding? However, without them it is simply impossible to comprehend the science of training. Moreover: these concepts are an indispensable condition for the cognition of being, and its highest form of human life.

This book is written for those who sincerely want to learn the theoretical foundations of bodybuilding. Based on recent research, I would like to help the reader get rid of delusions, "shoe" theoretically. In this book, for the first time, I make a distinction between primary and secondary, fundamental and superficial. And without realizing this difference, believe me, it is impossible to master any science! The material for the book was personal observations of the training of my wards, understanding the laws of logic when they are applied in practice. I can say without false modesty: I managed to make exciting discoveries, come to exciting conclusions and formulate a whole range of hypotheses. I hope they will not leave indifferent readers of my previous works. And perhaps they will attract new attention. I would call the last three years of my life a joyful and instructive journey into the world of scientific knowledge. And I want to share the results of this journey with those who think "in unison" with me.

Today, bodybuilding has grown into the science of high-intensity training and the physiology of stress. Studying this new situation led me to one of the most remarkable findings: the body's response to high-intensity exercise obeys the laws of stress physiology. The theory of stress physiology was developed by the brilliant medical scientist Dr. Hans Selye. Enthusiastically received in the world of medicine, she significantly expanded knowledge in the field of human physiology.

My other important discovery was the fact that the science of training has its roots in medicine. In essence, it should be considered as part of medical science. This helps to better understand the very essence of training, and therefore make them more effective.

Man embodies the indissoluble unity of consciousness and matter. Man is not an incorporeal spirit and not a spiritless flesh. Western philosophy suffers from an incurable disease of dichotomy (separation) of soul and body. This chronic disease is destroying our once great culture. The decline of culture is facilitated by the total worship of material goods and the almost complete oblivion of true, spiritual values.

Each living being, in its quest to survive, develops a special behavior that is dictated by its nature. This behavior is primarily the result of brain activity. And in fact it involves more than just physical survival.

The human mind and body, like all things in general, have their own nature. Religious teachings have served as an obstacle to the development of mankind. They imposed ethical restrictions on the mind and brought to the forefront the opposite principle of faith. Many do not even want to think about the fact that the mind should be used for its intended purpose. Meanwhile, the mind is created in order to cognize reality and accumulate knowledge, including knowledge of the theory of training.

To many, the human mind seems to be something separate from reality, supernatural and even unnatural. Such an approach seriously hinders the intellectual and moral development of the individual. Once I had to explain to one of my wards, an intelligent young man, who, by the way, is interested in philosophy, that thinking has its own nature, which can be given a clear and precise definition. My words sounded like a revelation to him! Possessing a strong moral sense, this young man wandered for a long time in search of a non-religious, scientifically based life ethic, the only sure way to achieve moral perfection. Realizing the deep meaning of my words, he literally choked with delight! Like all objectivists, we strive not only for the realization of our material needs and goals, but also for material well-being, but also for intellectual and moral perfection, for the creation of an ideal society where not omnipotent state power will triumph, but free mind.

The order of the chapters follows the structure of the philosophy itself, each devoted to a specific topic. The first six chapters are based on the two main philosophical areas of metaphysics and epistemology, revealing the nature of man and the meaning of his existence. The first chapter talks about the role of thinking in the conscious life of a person and is entitled "Do not rush to conclusions." The second acquaints the reader with logic as a method of cognition of the surrounding world. The next four chapters show how I honed the theory of superpower training with the help of logic. And the last chapter is connected with the third section of the philosophy of ethics. In it, I evaluate the moral positions of bodybuilding. It is important to note that I was guided not by the biblical commandment: "Do not judge, lest you be judged", but by a completely different principle "Judge and be ready to endure judgment yourself." Only such an approach allows both an individual and society as a whole to stand firmly on a reasonable, moral and, therefore, life-affirming basis.

If you are completely far from philosophy and even experience some fear of it, I still advise you to strain your brains and "pull" through the book. Get over yourself, read carefully, try to fully penetrate the meaning. If you come across new terms, look in the dictionary, compare unfamiliar concepts with related, already known ones. And you will certainly be pleasantly surprised, just discover in yourself what already exists at the subconscious level. And then the "dark" words will become simple and clear for you. Don't Fear Philosophy: Reflections Develop intellect, reveal to man the meaning of being. Moreover: spiritual education will teach you to get true joy from material goods, including from a healthy, muscular body!

Don't jump to conclusions

Treasure your mind, bring every event, every statement to its judgment. Do not be afraid to ask questions, up to the question of the existence of God. If God exists, he will give preference not to blind fear, but to the power of reason. T. Jeffersoy, Third President of the United States, American educator

Freedom is the recognition of the fact that it is your responsibility to make decisions, and nothing can relieve you of this responsibility. No one will think for you, and no one will live your life for you. The most disgusting kind of self-abasement and self-destruction is to subordinate your mind to the mind of another, to find a master of your thoughts, to take other people's statements for reality, someone else's word for truth, someone else's will for an intermediary between your consciousness and your behavior. E. Rand, philosopher

I titled one of my many magazine articles: "Confusion in the camp of bodybuilders." Are they really confused? Of course, and what! Pretty much every serious bodybuilder I know is at a loss. They can’t understand why they are frozen in mass growth, although they use the training system that is known to be the immaculate foundation of modern bodybuilding.

Personally, I see the root of the problem in the fact that most bodybuilders do not understand the essence of the fundamental principles of training. By emphasizing copying other people's methods (for example, those that brought success to the "stars"), bodybuilders lose sight of a much more important point: the ability to think independently (and independently!) But without this, believe me, in principle, progress in any business, including bodybuilding, is impossible! Let me remind you: the main distinguishing feature of a person is the ability to think! Therefore, there is nothing more valuable in the world than knowledge, because it helps a person in his main business of thinking. The vast majority of bodybuilders are illiterate in matters of human physiology and anatomy, and therefore are not able to critically comprehend the methodological schemes they offer. Moreover, bodybuilding magazines, pompously called training bibles, teach them to accept the current training ideas without any serious argument at all. But, you see, not all that glitters is gold!

Literally drowning in an ocean of new "theories" of training, the average bodybuilder cannot make sense of the abundance of conflicting and sometimes mutually exclusive advice. He is hindered by endless juggling with minor issues like lifting dumbbells, how to properly hold a barbell, doing five exercises of four sets or four exercises of five sets, two days of work and a day of rest or vice versa, and so on and so forth. As a result, bodybuilders, as they say, do not see the forest for the trees.

I did not in vain mention secondary problems. These problems are derivative, they matter only in the context of the main thing


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