Message: #68055
Buckshee » 03 Feb 2017, 12:12

Athletic gymnastics without equipment. Vladimir Georgievich Fokhtin

Athletic gymnastics without shells Vladimir Georgievich Fokhtin

It has been established that people with strong and developed muscles are not only attractive in appearance, but also have high working capacity, they get less tired. Today, the passion for bodybuilding with weights has become very fashionable. This book offers sets of exercises for athletic gymnastics without shells. Exercises are built on the principle of self-resistance to the load on various muscles or muscle groups. Athletic gymnastics will help develop strength, flexibility, endurance, and prevent osteochondrosis. It is accessible to people of all ages.

Vladimir Fokhtin

Athletic gymnastics without shells


The official recognition of athleticism as a sport and mass physical culture has led to a surge in reader demand for methodological and popular literature on the problems of strength training, as well as to an increase in the number of authors offering all kinds of exercise systems. Often, the authors turn to the origins of athleticism, enriching the previously existing methods by expanding our knowledge of the physiology, biochemistry, and bioenergetics of the human body.

В книге «Athletic gymnastics without shells» описаны комплексы упражнений, выполняемых по принципу самосопротивления. The author's analytical approach to the kinematics of the musculoskeletal mechanism of the human body made it possible not to ignore any muscle group and offer many exercises.

It is important that the book was written by a person who has tried them in practice and to whom they brought and continue to bring a tangible healing effect.

But I would like to warn the reader that, despite the seeming extreme simplicity and versatility, self-resistance exercises and the isometric mode require a certain amount of caution. This is due to the fact that their impact is significantly different from the impact of the dynamic mode of operation. They, like all other systems of exercises and training methods, occupy a strictly defined place in the system of physical education, and their merits should not be overestimated.

First of all, it should be taken into account that the capabilities of a person who resists himself are limited by the level of development of his muscles. Since physical perfection involves the necessity of a gradual increase in the load, of course, there will come a moment when the exercises simply cease to have a training effect.

According to a number of Soviet scientists working in the field of sports, excessive enthusiasm for self-resistance exercises is undesirable, since the constant tension of the antagonist muscles during movement disrupts neuromuscular connections.

Finally, limited opportunities to increase loads will not allow fans of this type of training to significantly increase muscle mass and at a certain stage their development and improvement will stop.

I would recommend that readers consider the system of exercises proposed in the book as a temporary means of physical preparation, which is convenient to use when leaving on vacation, on a business trip - in other words, as a short-term replacement for dynamic weight exercises. You can use sets of self-resistance exercises in cases where there is absolutely no possibility for a full weight training.

Please note: self-resistance exercises can cause an increase in blood pressure - an effect inevitably associated with the need for straining), so it is better for those suffering from hypertension to refrain from them. These exercises can be successfully performed only by people who do not have disorders of the cardiovascular system,

Книга «Athletic gymnastics without shells» приобщит широкие массы любителей физкультуры к систематическим упражнениям, Она наглядно свидетельствует о том, насколько разнообразными могут быть методики для самостоятельно занимающихся.

L. Ostapenko, Secretary General of the USSR Athletic Federation


This work is the result of my search for a scientifically sound answer to many questions related to physical culture and sports, the result of almost my entire conscious life, lived in an inextricable alliance with sports, to which I remain devoted even now, on the eve of my fiftieth birthday,

I joined physical culture a long time ago - in the early fifties - at a time when domestic sports were making their first big steps in the international arena. The heroes of the 1952 Olympics in Helsinki were not much older than me. My first sports activities coincided with the triumph of T. Lomakin, A. Vorobyov, V. Kuts, V. Chukarin, V. Muratov, Yu. Vlasov ... I was lucky to see the performances of the famous gymnasts P. Stolbov, A. Azarya, B, Sh l. wedge a, Yu, Titova, M. Voronina.

I was an eyewitness to the then phenomenal jump of V. Brumel by 2 m 2eight cm in the track and field athletics match between the USSR and the USA, held in Luzhniki.

For us, the boys of the 50s, the future was unclear, and the past is connected only with bitter memories of the difficult war and post-war years, and physical education and sports were perhaps the most joyful and bright events in our "televisionless" and "recordless" childhood. What we just weren’t fond of - skiing, pole vaulting, javelin and hammer throwing, gymnastics, barbell, bodybuilding and other types of physical activity. This was explained by the availability of choice and the fact that at that time there was still no early sports specialization, that is, we were not recorded in some specific section, but gave the opportunity to test their strength and endurance in many sports.

Sport has been an integral part of our life. The younger ones imitated the older ones, and the football matches of the teams of neighboring streets, in which both boys and adults participated, gathered many fans.

At the age of 32, I competed in gymnastics for the last time (the program of masters of sports), but I did not give up physical education - I joined regular running, skiing, participated in city and regional competitions, showed results no lower than the first category.

The serious gymnastic "school" that I went through not only helped me get in good shape, but also instilled an interest in everything that has links with physical culture, in particular, in physiology and psychology. When knowledge accumulates, you begin to understand or comprehend some truths in a new way, look for answers to emerging questions. Often in solving the problems of modern mass physical culture, we cannot go beyond the well-known, rooted, traditional, and sometimes the solution is dug in a simple one, it is only necessary to expand these limits, take a fresh look at the problem.

My profession is related to inventing and solving a wide variety of scientific and technical problems. Thanks to this, I acquired the habit of analytically approaching various phenomena, the "decoding" of which necessarily requires only deep knowledge, well, and a lot of mental work.

A kind of training helps me, which I will talk about in this book.

The fashion that came to us from the West for rhythmic gymnastics (known back in the pre-war years), aerobics (the term was introduced by K. Cooper) - health-improving aerobic exercises (jogging, skiing, cycling, etc.), bodybuilding, which is experiencing another "renaissance" today”, far from solved the problem of improving the health of the population.

The effectiveness of any system of physical activity can be assessed: a) by the amount of muscle effort; b) the amplitude of contraction of muscle fibers; c) the speed of movement of bone levers or skeletal links; d) the duration of muscle work.

The intensity of physical (muscular) activity is also assessed, that is, the amount of work performed and a unit of time, which determines the physiological efficiency of any system of physical training, of course, within the energy capabilities of the body.

The proposed book describes athletic gymnastics without shells and any sports equipment. This gymnastics, which I have been doing for more than three years, has become a kind of psychophysical training for me, which helps not only to maintain good physical shape and maintain health, but also promotes mental activity.

On the recommendation of the State Committee for Sports, my training system was tested at the All-Union Research Institute of Physical Culture in the laboratory of Professor I.P. Ratov and approved by specialists in psychophysical training of the Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center.

My system of athletic gymnastics without equipment could not have appeared without using the valuable experience gained in the development of physical culture and sports, whether it be military-applied sports, the art of martial arts, health-improving exercises or modern methods of physical training. The new is not born in a vacuum. The law of selection is constantly at work—that which does not lose its value even under new conditions is preserved, and everything new becomes a prerequisite for further development.

In the book, I tried not only to convince readers of the need for physical education, to talk about the undoubted benefits of physical activity for people of different ages, but also proposed a specific program exercises and complexes of original gymnastics without shells, aimed at activating the psychophysical functions of a person, which are based on bioenergetic processes.

Every moment of life is “paid for” by energy consumption, and therefore it is important to know the mechanisms for managing the bioenergetics of the body.

Chapter 1

Two periods of life

The specialization of the sciences, leading to the study of particulars, prevents the solution of many problems. Thus, medical specialists and scientists working in the field of sports have not yet found answers to a number of questions that lie at the intersection of medicine and sports, for example, questions related to a different approach to physical training depending on age. The main differences, due to age characteristics, are ultimately laid down in bioenergetics,

Human life is divided into two unequal periods or two stages.

The first period is the stage of growth and development of the organism. The formation of all its organs and systems can be compared with the


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