Message: #87365
Ольга Княгиня » 11 Mar 2017, 12:28

Karmic astrology. Volume 5. Karmic relationships. Martin Schulman

may be learned, but then we find that it does little to improve the overall relationship. This happens when we cannot connect with another person because we have not yet faced the truth about ourselves. Solving relationship problems by overcoming obstacles helps us prepare to accept the karmic understanding that will come later. Personal Growth Relationships предоставляют нам средство, с помощью которого должны быть проработаны на повседневной основе эмоции, идеи и позиции, чтобы возделать каждый дюйм почвы «индивидуальности», прежде чем вырастет духовный сад.
Anima and animus

Appearance often obscures the true stream of consciousness that is the source of our actions. We admire the beauty of a tree, but we never notice its roots. These roots hidden in the earth create the vital essence of the tree. The subtleties inherent in relationships come from the roots of those relationships. We see their manifestations as we see the branches of a tree. How the roots hidden in the ground grow determines the strength and arrangement of the tree's branches. The roots of any relationship are nourished by subconscious qualities and patterns that have developed over a number of years and lifetimes. The famous psychologist Carl-Gustav Jung introduced the concepts of anima and animus into the structure of the subconscious. He considered them two sides of the same source of subconscious development. These symbols are very important when we are trying to understand what is really going on in human relationships.
Sigmund Freud noted that a boy learns love for the first time from his mother. When ребенок растет, он сохраняет подсознательные memories of her love as a symbol or model of what he would later look for in a relationship. Over the years, separate fragments are added to this subconscious picture - the tree grows new roots every year. Собрав впечатления от различных людей, проявлявших к нему любовь, человек начинает медленно формировать в деталях то, что ему потребуется от спутника life. Perhaps the dark-haired teacher praised the boy for school success. He may subconsciously remember that the dark-haired woman contributed to the development of his intellectual abilities. Perhaps once a woman with a quiet and gentle voice comforted him when he felt fear. He may subconsciously remember this tone of voice as a symbol of a sense of security. When-то он мог встретить женщину, дарившую ему внимание и заботу, в которых он так нуждался. Her features are added to the subconscious construction of the image of the "perfect woman". The subconscious needs of each person develop naturally - the roots of the tree grow in the direction that promises more nutrition and moisture. When все эти различные аспекты любви, защиты и силы собраны воедино, формируется фигура «анимы». В процессе этого конструирования мужчина развивает свое представление о том, что он хочет от спутницы life. He will compare every woman with whom he communicates with this image.
A woman creates a similar design. She combines the qualities of men, including her father, who showed love for her in her childhood, and forms the subconscious figure of the "animus". In any relationship that she forms, she will compare the real qualities of the partner with this idealistic figure.
A tree grows from a tiny seed. Although a thousand acorns will grow into a thousand oaks, each tree will be different because its growth depends on the nature of the diet. Each tree will express peculiar characteristics of the seed from which it came, because an oak cannot become a maple. The roots of a tree are affected by the conditions that existed before it was born.
Carl Jung noted that fragments of anima and animus figures are associated with mythical images. It is also possible that subconscious memories of past life love can be brought into this life with the hope of finding the same qualities again. On the development of anima figures and анимуса может влиять сильный «остаток» прошлой life. This phenomenon will cause a person to attract "karmic" relationships in the current incarnation.
If people cannot find the anima/animus qualities in a partner, they become over-identified with those qualities themselves. In other words, they play both roles. If the woman also plays the role of the man, or the man plays on feminine qualities in addition to his role, the relationship can become very confusing. Usually, these people may not even realize that all this confusion comes from subconscious images.
Role-playing games

We enter every relationship with different expectations. We expect to achieve security or enduring love, recognition of our existence, or even confirmation of our outlook on life. When relationships arise, many people tend to play certain roles in them. The society in which we live defines these roles: mother, father, child, friend, housewife... Some people are more comfortable playing the roles of mother/child or father/child than men and women.
Imagine a girl who was receptive to her father. It may be easier for a man to communicate with this woman by acting in a fatherly way. The more (consciously or subconsciously) he accepts this role, the more receptive it can be to him. In fact, she is likely to attract those men who find this role natural.
The boy may have been especially receptive to his aunt. It may be easier for a woman communicating with this man to approach him, subconsciously accepting the same role. He will also attract those women who will feel comfortable in this role.
It is possible that a brother/sister could have been an influential figure in childhood. This creates a certain scheme in the subconscious, which the individual will try to implement in the relationship.
The essence of what a person gives and receives in a relationship is ultimately the interaction between the conscious and the subconscious. Past life karma and early childhood memories form the basis of the subconscious, while the desire to improve one's life by creating a better future comes from the activities of the conscious mind. The subconscious mind is the ruler of the past. Consciousness seeks to experience the present. If we are too immersed in the subconscious, then we may not be aware of everything that can offer relationships. Similarly, if we are overly preoccupied with conscious pursuits without taking into account the subconscious, we may never be able to get beyond playing out a particular motivation. Integration of both levels is necessary, because when we realize and interact with each of them, we can achieve the fullness of the relationship.
spiritual growth

All relationships contain the potential for spiritual growth. Whether karma is involved or not, among the many roles and interchanges, there is an opportunity for each person to experience a spiritual relationship. The flow of each life may take many turns, but it is always moving. In some places its waters are deep, in others they are not. Sometimes its waters are dark, sometimes their purity is like the purity of the soul itself. Water does not think about what it can gain or lose when it nourishes the soil - it just does it.
Если мы сможем научиться питать другого, а не держаться только за себя, даже наиболее трудные аспекты в гороскопе станут частью вечно текущего потока life. We can soar above karma instead of sinking into it. The burdens, responsibilities, and obstacles we cope with can, over time, become the support that strengthens our ever-growing character. When река жизни меняет направление, это же делает и «плот» кармы, никогда не борясь с течением, а двигаясь вместе с ним к своему вечному месту назначению.
Relationship aspects

Relationships are the result of the paths people take. There are no parents or children, husbands or wives, relatives or friends. Все мы учителя и ученики, которые дают, делятся и учатся, двигаясь в потоке life. Overlapping roles often hide the essence of the relationship. If we could understand these roles and understand the reasons for their existence, we could discover the meaning and reason for any relationship.
See M. Shulman, Karmic Astrology, Volume I-1V.
The aspects that form between two natal charts show the ways in which people learn from each other as each helps the other understand karmic lessons. As we move through life, we go through endless learning experiences. Every time our subconscious solves a problem, it calls into our lives people who have pieces of the answer we are looking for. Therefore, you can find an endless stream of Aries, included for several months in a person's life. Then, almost as suddenly as it began, Aries disappears to be replaced by a string of people born under a different sign. This is a manifestation of what the subconscious requires.
When формируются подлинные взаимоотношения или человек вступает в брак, уроки, которые нужно усвоить, становятся значительнее и требуют более длительного периода времени и более тесного контакта. Usually there are many lessons at different levels. The duality of the mind moves towards harmony through polemics. There is a collision with different feelings, and as a result, each person achieves greater contact with himself. Questions of spiritual significance, opinions about a person's place in the world, the battles that take place in it - everything is brought to the surface. Sexuality is understood on a deeper level. The whole fullness of human existence is being tested - how much it can expand and grow, while maintaining at least a modicum of harmony with itself and with the universe, thanks to which it sees its starting point.
We must understand that evolution occurs as a result of overcoming friction. Criticism, quarrels, differences of opinion and ideas are catalysts. The essence of harmony does not imply the blissful ideal that we imagine exists in "perfect" relationships. Bliss is not growth. It comes momentarily as a result of the struggle. Harmony can also exist in

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