Message: #87365
Ольга Княгиня » 11 Mar 2017, 12:28

Karmic astrology. Volume 5. Karmic relationships. Martin Schulman

Karmic astrology. Volume 5. Karmic relationships. Martin Shulman

What is relationship? What do people experience in relationships? What makes relationships form and end? These are all questions people ask themselves as they seek better ways to integrate with others. Some of the relationships are karmic in nature, while others are not. Sometimes we see partnerships where only one person seems to bear the burden of responsibility. In some cases, we notice an air of mystery in people's relationships with each other - a mystery that is difficult to understand.
The nature of the relationship may involve various levels, some of which are conscious and some of which are subconscious. Hidden motivations and karmic lessons often lurk just below the threshold of consciousness. As a result, partners spend a lot of time and effort trying to smooth out those irregularities that are not always obvious. Each person has a multifaceted personality, and these facets mix and intertwine with the qualities of another person and ultimately determine the overall picture of "relationships".
People can easily get along with each other in some areas, but have serious difficulties in others. Sometimes these problem areas can be overcome or even ignored if the inherent quality that is inherent in the overall picture of the relationship is worth it.
We can deal with what we know, but we cannot understand what we do not know. Whether the relationship will run smoothly or not is less important than understanding the constructive and non-constructive energies available. Astrological aspects symbolize the ebb and flow of the current between people. We can see how the river of understanding makes its way to enlightenment, and we can appreciate the nooks and crannies and dark corners that need to be explored in order to get the best out of our relationship.
It is important to acknowledge the fact that not all relationships work well. However, they all exist for a reason, and when we understand the reasons for these relationships, we can better understand ourselves. Some relationships seem to be karmic in nature, others seem to be physical or emotional. When we consider various aspects between the cards of two people, the pressure and thrust of the energy flow show that our emotional connections are actually a mirror image of our emerging consciousness.
Love: compatible ideal
Love is one of the great mysteries of life. Since time immemorial, people have tried to define and understand the mysteries of love. We know about intimate love between two people. We have a love for nature. We have love for material things. We feel love for children and family. We are embraced by love for God and for life itself. These are all different forms of love, but in a subtle, elusive way, they are all the same. An unbreakable thread binds all forms of love together, so that the differences between them are based more on the object of love and on the quality of love itself, rather than on its basic essence. We know that when one person feels love for another, they are able to feel love for other things in the universe as well, because the "love center" is open. When a person feels a great love for life, he is able to love everything, because love for something is the basis of love for everything!
The modern definition of love can be confusing and confusing. We sometimes confuse passion with love because we misunderstand the difference between sexual stimulus and feelings. Passion excites a person. Love makes the soul soar. Passion is power. Love is the only force that can overcome passion. If people are bound only by passion, they can experience such a rapid and changeable succession of emotions that all ethics and conscience are thrown aside. Love is less exciting, but it has a disproportionately greater value, since its essence is a calm supporting force that flows from a person’s soul, softens and fills all the empty space of his being, bringing him a sense of completeness
They say that "time heals all wounds". This is not always the case, because many people linger on the same wounds for many years. The great healer is love. The power of love is undoubtedly the greatest power on earth. In search of the reasons for our existence, we sometimes overexert the intellect in order to understand our place in the universe. And we only need to experience love in order to fully understand the divine purpose. Where reason and logic end, love begins.
Love nourishes the spirit and soul. Love is the difference between a musical note and the perception of music. It evokes gratitude for the life that flows from the very center human soul.
Due to the fact that people try to simplify feelings, we have come to believe that love and hate are two opposite concepts or two sides of the same coin. However, people whose hearts are filled with love are incapable of hatred. Those whose hearts are full of hatred cannot even know that love exists. Love and hate are so different that we cannot find the pure essence of both in the same person. Love is what drives everything to come together. Its true meaning is not easy to put into words. It can be compared to the light that shines in the source of truth, bringing warmth and divine inspiration to all who can perceive its essence. Love has the power to piece together the puzzle of life, solving all the riddles in the mind and giving meaning to seemingly unrelated experiences. This is the only force that brings a person to harmony with himself.
When a person can achieve a harmonious understanding of himself, he becomes more in harmony with all the love that is in the world. He can start moving on the path to becoming a divine spirit being. The study of astrological compatibility will help us along the way, as the card itself indicates a way of understanding how much we are part of the divine power that guides and moves our lives. No one can feel love for others and be at odds with themselves.
When a person is fulfilled through the love of another person, a third factor comes into play. It seems that the universe is changing in order to fulfill the goals of both people. Difficult situations become easy. Obstacles miraculously disappear. A deep sense of purpose begins to blossom from two stems weaving together into universal unity. When we realize that love is manifested through art, music, poetry, form, design, feeling, nature, wisdom and all levels of understanding, it becomes easier for us to understand that a relationship (or the opportunity to find and share love with another person) is truly a treasure. life.
Karmic relationships

All relationships contain opportunities for personal growth. They bring rewards and hurdles, traps and climaxes—personal experiences that show us how we deal with philosophy of life when we have to experience what we “preach.” When karma is involved, we feel a lack of control over the circumstances and events that occur, as well as over how we react to these events. A person may find himself acting in a way that is uncharacteristic of himself when he exercises and corrects certain past life qualities associated with an individuality with which he has no conscious contact. These qualities must be karmically developed if a person is to have greater contact with his current life. Karmic relationships принимают «оттенок» каждого человека, убирая иллюзии другого. As a result of this process, a new awareness is achieved and a feeling of lightness and freedom can arise, as the karmic burden is lightened. Interestingly enough, the karmic pattern is usually only clearly understood after the lesson has been learned! A person can struggle through relationship difficulties for months or years without even realizing what caused this struggle. Only after this difficulty is brought to the surface and resolved, the karmic burden will disappear. The reward for hard work is understanding, and that comes after we realize the intertwining connection between the remnant of a past life and the Present!
Karma is likely to be expressed through a series of similar experiences over a number of years. When мы вступаем во взаимоотношения, это часто происходит из-за того, что мы подсознательно ощущаем что-то в другом человеке, что может помочь нам решить какую-то кармическую проблему. In other words, we attract those whom we need at a given time, if we are ready to understand. Древнее изречение гласит: «When ученик готов, учитель уже здесь». This is truly a characteristic background of why and how karmic relationships happen.
Personal Growth Relationships

A flower blooms when it is ready for it. At the appropriate time, the petals begin to unfold, revealing the great secret of flowering. The miracle of birth occurs only after a period of preparation. Discoveries related to karmic understanding also require a period of maturation. We are usually not ready to solve karmic problems - we are in the stage of collecting information. Sometimes this process of "shaping" takes years and forces us to go through a series of relationships - these temporary or intermediate relationships of personal growth give us a basic understanding that sets the stage for the future resolution of karmic patterns. Подобно эмбриону в матке, эти краткосрочные взаимоотношения представляют основу, обеспечивающую ступеньки эволюционной лестницы, по которой мы взбираемся вверх в поисках лучшей life.
Unlike karmic relationships, the lessons that can be learned in such relationships do not appear in sequential order, but are pieces of a puzzle whose shape has not yet been decided. Often one difficulty or obstacle is resolved only to be replaced by the next. A lesson


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