Message: #87365
Ольга Княгиня » 11 Mar 2017, 12:28

Karmic astrology. Volume 5. Karmic relationships. Martin Schulman

individual identity by subconsciously wrestling with memories of his father and the structured power of the super-ego that he feels he must overcome if he is to mean anything to himself. В единственном аспекте, где Richard Burton ощущает силу Марса, он должен бороться с притесняющей силой Сатурна women. He may feel like a little boy dominated by his elders, whose expectations he will probably never be able to live up to. it препятствует легкому развитию relationships.
The last two aspects show the struggle with fame. Юпитер Ричарда Бартона формирует оппозицию к Плутону Elizabeth Taylor. Его чувство чести и славы будет конфликтовать с ее привлекательностью для массового consciousness. Her Jupiter squares his Saturn and points to the struggle between her fame and his notions of tradition.

Was this relationship based on personal growth or did it involve some specific karma? All relationships provide an opportunity for growth. На примере взаимоотношений Ричарда Бартона и Elizabeth Taylor мы видим, что каждый партнер мог духовно развиваться, преодолевая препятствия и превращая их в выложенную из камней дорожку, которая могла быть использована для развития более глубокого и богатого понимания life. But the reasons for the relationship don't end there. Сатурн Elizabeth Taylor в Inдолее формирует соединение с Южным Узлом Ричарда Бартона в Козероге — сильное кармическое вовлечение. A woman appears from his past to remind him of a long-forgotten debt. Южный Узел в шестом доме указывает на обязательства, а при соединении с Сатурном бремя прошлой жизни должно быть разделено партнерами в этих relationships.
The nodes of both partners are in opposite houses (sixth and twelfth). Both partners have Saturn in the fourth house and Moon in the second house. it говорит нам о следующем. The sixth house represents the completion of the lower hemisphere of the chart, and the twelfth house represents the completion of the upper hemisphere of the chart. В известном смысле Южные Узлы обоих гороскопов представляют сферы опыта, которые должны были быть завершены в прошлой life. If the karma has been completed, each partner must start a new karma through the North Node.
Поскольку Узлы Elizabeth Taylor и Ричарда Бартона находятся в противоположных домах, Северный Узел каждого из них отражает опыт дома, сходный с Южным Узлом другого. As a result, the relationship brings each of the partners to the conscious awareness of what was not finished in the past.
Северный Узел Elizabeth Taylor (или высшая сфера выражения в текущей жизни) находится в Рыбах, управитель которых, Нептун, является значимой планетой в карте Ричарда Бартона. Her South Node is in Virgo; Richard Burton имеет Луну в Деве. it намекает на карму, связанную с Матерью (Moon) и ребенком (управитель Девы — Mercury). Saturn of both partners is in the fourth house - the family responsibility of the current life, as well as the burden felt in childhood, which serves as a reminder to both individuals of the importance of family structure. We also see here an attraction to parental figures, home and family traditions.
The fourth house represents the mother, but it also symbolizes the origins of the soul. Interestingly enough, it forms an opposition to the tenth house of career, a very difficult position for two individuals whose careers have proved to be so vast and time-consuming. Акцент четвертого дома будет напоминать обоим партнерам о кармическом требовании в их прошлом на некотором подсознательном level.
Сатурн Elizabeth Taylor в Inдолее в четвертом доме формирует соединение с Южным Узлом в Козероге Ричарда Бар-тона. The karmic burden that a woman brings to her partner in this life is a family matter from a past incarnation. Thus, the most difficult areas of these relationships must have centered around the creation of a family.
If we look at the same conjunction through the chart of Richard Burton, then the sixth house of duties, dharma, health and working conditions is added to the picture. Many of the strengths and weaknesses of this relationship depend on the ability to balance work responsibilities, health, and maintaining the structure of the family union.
Interestingly enough, the powerful connections of the Nodes indicate that no matter who each partner is married to, the karmic relationships between them continue to be a source of inspiration and conflict for both of them.
A person cannot see himself in a running stream; it can only be clearly reflected in calm waters. По этой причине мы выбираем определенные взаимоотношения, чтобы обрести стабильное место в нашем путешествии по life. Мимолетные эмоции меняются так быстро, что мы ищем устойчивость прочных relationships.
From moment to moment changes occur in the unchanging realm. Легкая рябь не нарушает гладкую поверхность прочных relationships. She is обеспечивает окраску и фактуру, благодаря которым человек растет.
Все, что мы можем усвоить духовно, оказывает мало влияния на нас, пока мы не можем применить это в повседневной life. We cannot live on top of a mountain, isolate ourselves from the outside world, and prove that our spiritual rules work. Only as a result of everyday efforts aimed at understanding and loving another does our spirituality surface.
Victory and power over yourself is a wonderful life goal. To learn such skill in the company a loving person is a much greater achievement. Spirit can lift us up. Problems can bring us down. Neither the higher nor the lower position provides a balanced stream of consciousness, i.e. our true reflection. Our thoughts are never completely right or completely wrong. If we try to achieve spiritual greatness autonomously, we may never know the truth. We can understand the words or ideas of the great sages, and we can even feel that these words are true. But we will never know for sure until we can reflect on the calm waters of a clear stream.
The essence of the relationship becomes a test, justification and confirmation of the reality of a person. If learning how to truly love another despite obstacles is the greatest lesson in the Earth School, is there a greater reason for human existence?

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