Message: #52361
Лена Калининград » 07 Jan 2017, 13:02

Ayurvedic approach to removing wastes and toxins

Ayurveda identifies three main types of pollutants in the body.

Ama. Translated from Sanskrit, this word means “immature”, “raw”. This term in Ayurveda refers to toxins and toxins that accumulate in the body as a result of weakness of the digestive fire (Agni) or mental “digestion” (prajnaparadha), metabolic disorders and various bad habits. Accumulations of ama in organs and tissues are the main cause of most disorders in the functioning of the body, which is why the first stage of any disease is also called ama. It is worth noting that ama is not just a substance, a toxin or a slag. In a broad sense, it is poorly digested material, spiritual or mental food that clogs the physical and emotional channels, blocking the even flow of energies in the gross and subtle human body. Accumulations of physical ama attract parasites, which are also carriers or pathogens. Stagnation of mental ama leads to perversion of thinking, self-will and various abuses. At the same time, bodily and mental slagging are closely related.

Cleansing: Small amounts of ama can be removed from the body with simple cleansing procedures, with the help of Ayurvedic preparations and herbs. They should be carried out at every change of season.

Amavisha. If ama is localized in large quantities in some part of the body, then it can turn into a more toxic substance – amawisha, which is much more difficult to remove from the body. This type of ama is often the cause of most chronic diseases.

Cleansing: in order to safely remove this type of toxins, it is necessary to first soften the clots of hardened ama and only then proceed to remove them from the body, otherwise the cleansing channels of the body (shrota) may be damaged. If the accumulations of amavisha are not large, then home remedies, herbs and Ayurvedic preparations can help to remove them, in other cases, cleansing procedures will be required under the supervision of a doctor.

Garvish. A special kind of toxins, toxins and toxic substances, the distinguishing feature of which is that it enters the human body from the outside, and not from the inside. Accumulations of this type of ama appear in the body when eating food with the addition of preservatives, artificial dyes, toxic substances, when working in hazardous industries, contact with chemicals and poisons in everyday life (synthetic powders, cleaning products, synthetic fabrics). Polluted air and water, food with a long shelf life and much more that the modern city dweller encounters in everyday life is the source of this type of toxins.

Cleansing: if the intoxication of the body is great, aggravated by external factors and a serious imbalance of internal energies, then cleansing procedures are categorically not recommended. You should consult an Ayurvedic doctor and undergo a stationary course of cleansing procedures as prescribed by him.

Symptoms of slagging of the body: causeless drowsiness, loss of strength, lack of clarity of consciousness, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract (constipation, diarrhea, flatulence, bloating), heaviness in the body, increased levels of mucus (chronic runny nose, etc.), mental and physical exhaustion, lack of appetite, skin rashes, dry mouth, whitish coating on the tongue in the morning, feverish conditions, muscle weakness, nausea. The Ayurvedic approach to the elimination of toxins and toxins is complex and aimed at strengthening the natural cleansing mechanisms of the human body. The lifestyle of a modern city dweller, constant stress, seasonal and climatic fluctuations contribute to the formation of ama, and therefore cleansing procedures are recommended for everyone in the off-season. Especially effectively toxins are removed from the body in the spring, when all forces in nature are directed to renewal and purification. It is not recommended to focus on the improvement of only one organ: the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, etc., as this will not bring a lasting effect. It is best to conduct a comprehensive detoxification of the body at all levels from the mental to the body. Eat only freshly prepared, well-cooked food that is pleasant to look at and taste. Avoid frozen foods, processed foods, canned foods, vegetables and fruits treated with chemicals.
Stick to a diet that suits your body type.
Exclude from the diet too fatty, fried foods, sweets, which contain refined sugar (in large quantities), yeast pastries. Focus on a vegetarian diet.
Eating dried fruits (prunes, figs, apples, pears, pineapples), cabbage and greens that have undergone heat treatment, quinoa, barley, rice cereal, amaranth, as well as ginger, shamballa, coriander, fennel and turmeric help in preparing the body for cleansing procedures.
Drink hot water in small portions throughout the day for two weeks, or herbal teas recommended by your Ayurvedic doctor.
Don’t overeat, but don’t starve either. Keep breaks between meals at 3-4 hours. Start eating only when you have a healthy feeling of hunger. Avoid snacking.
Eat food while sitting, in a relaxed atmosphere, without haste. Do not combine eating with business negotiations, watching TV, reading or talking on the phone.

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