Message: #52351
Лена Калининград » 07 Jan 2017, 12:35

5 steps of cleansing the body according to Ayurveda

Panchakarma (“pancha” in Sanskrit means “five”, and “karma” means “action”) is perhaps the most famous and popular cleansing therapeutic complex in Ayurveda, aimed at a comprehensive and deep cleansing of the body from toxins and toxins on all levels. In order for the cleansing to be gentle, effective and bring a lasting effect, it is necessary to prepare the body for panchakarma by releasing toxins and slags that have accumulated in the deep tissues of the body. To do this, an Ayurvedic doctor will develop an individual nutrition system, daily routine, exercises to stabilize the digestive fire (Agni), which will take into account your psychophysiological characteristics. People of Pitta constitution will need to weaken the digestive fire, representatives of the Kapha type, on the contrary, need to increase it, and for those whose Vata dosha is out of balance, a strategy will be developed to stabilize Agni. At this stage, it is especially important to balance and stabilize all the energies in the body.

Basic procedures of Purvakarma:
Oiling (Snehana). Includes external and internal oiling. In this case, the oils are selected individually, taking into account the characteristics of the patient. For external rubbing, sesame oil with various active ingredients is most often used, for internal use – Ghee oil in combination with medicinal herbs.
Warming up (Swedana). In Ayurveda, various types of forced sweating are distinguished, which are also applied strictly individually. Often, when warming, healing herbs and essential oils are used. Warming up helps to soften and release toxins as soon as possible.
Dripping of oil on the middle of the forehead (Shirodhara). Perhaps the most popular preparatory procedure, during which the patient is poured a thin stream of oil in the middle of the forehead. Shirodhara calms the nervous system, improves mental clarity and promotes purification from mental ama.
When developing a cleansing program, factors such as the state of the excretory channels (schrot), doshas, ​​level and type of agni are taken into account.

1 step. Therapeutic vomiting (Vamana). The patient is offered to drink several glasses of infusion of licorice or calamus root, and with the help of a special tongue massage technique they provoke an emetic attack. The procedure effectively removes toxins and stagnation of mucus from the respiratory ways. Especially beneficial for patients suffering from bronchitis, coughs, asthma, colds, as well as skin diseases, diabetes, disorders of the lymphatic system, tonsillitis.

Contraindications: children and the elderly, exhaustion, diseases of the cardiovascular system, upper respiratory tract bleeding, obesity.

2 step. Laxative procedures (Virechan). Provide deep cleansing of the small intestine. The effect is achieved through the patient’s intake of various medicinal herbs. Most effective for patients with bile stasis, jaundice, fevers, liver diseases.
Contraindications for this procedure are: weak digestive fire, digestive disorders, internal bleeding, exhaustion, diseases of the rectum.

3 step. Bowel lavage (Basti). Treatment with enemas, which may include various herbal decoctions and oils. Provides deep cleansing of the intestines, helps with increased acidity of the stomach, urolithiasis, diseases of the cardiovascular system, joints and bones, constipation, bloating and flatulence.
Contraindications: the elderly and children under seven years of age, chronic cough and indigestion, diabetes, anemia.

4 step. Cleansing of the head and cervical region (Nasya). It is achieved through the introduction of drugs through the sinuses and massage of the face, shoulders, chest, arms and feet of the patient. Helps with migraines, diseases of the ear, throat, nose and eyes. It improves the flow of oxygen to tissues and internal organs, the functioning of the brain, calms the nervous system and moisturizes the skin.
Contraindications: after meals, bath procedures, drinking alcohol.

5 step. Bloodletting (Rakta Moksha). There are various ways to bleed. The most common: autohemotherapy, blood ozonation, vacuum banks. Rakta moksha helps cleanse the blood of toxins, improves immunity and body resistance. It is prescribed for allergic reactions, gout, diseases of the liver and spleen.
Contraindications: children and the elderly, anemia, weakness, swelling.
Proper completion of cleansing procedures helps to consolidate the effect, restore metabolism and immune functions of the body. Paschatkarma includes compliance with the doctor’s recommendations on nutrition, daily routine, performing a set of physical exercises, taking Ayurvedic rasayana remedies.
Carrying out any cleansing procedures is contraindicated during pregnancy and menstruation. It is not recommended to detoxify the body without first consulting a qualified Ayurvedic doctor.

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