Message: #116729
Аннета Эссекс » 23 May 2017, 23:39

Healthy daily routine for your health

If we are talking about the daily routine or daily routine, then almost everyone can say – I know it. It is necessary to somehow distribute the time of day and try to fulfill it. Everything must be done on time. But, the question is, at what time should one do this or that thing? When to rest and how much? Do many people know this?

But a healthy daily routine has a significant impact on the processes of digestion and assimilation of food. And this is one of the important factors of human life.

The daily routine, and even more so a healthy daily routine, is the foundation for your health!

A person spends a lot of time in his life sleeping and eating. It is what gives us energy as well as relaxation. In the remaining time, in order to be in time everywhere, to do everything, we must be light and active. And for this, we must be healthy and mobile. In order to succeed in everything in life, you need to follow a certain regimen. So, a healthy daily routine will allow you to keep yourself in great shape, both physical and mental, for this you need to adhere to the following.

Get out of bed in the morning before 6 o’clock.

After 6 a.m., a person falls into a deep sleep, after waking up he will feel unrested, with a heavy head. The Indian teaching of Ayurveda, one of the varieties of non-traditional, alternative medicine, recommends waking up no later than 6 o’clock in the morning, while the sun has not yet risen.

The translation of the word Ayurveda means “knowledge of life”, as well as “knowledge of long life” or “science of life”. Currently, Ayurveda is practiced by about three hundred and fifty thousand registered doctors.

Ayurveda helps a person achieve harmony or, as they say, “continuous happiness.” Considering a person as an integral part of the Universe, which is in close mystical relationship with it.

The rise time in winter may be adjusted, taking into account the time of sunrise, but it is better to rise at the same time all year round. So, the rise time is one of the dominant factors influencing a healthy daily routine.

Until noon, until the sun has reached its zenith, a person has the greatest physical activity. Therefore, at this time it is necessary to work and try to do the bulk of the day’s work.

It is advisable to warm up in the morning, spend 10 minutes on it. It is recommended to do a yoga warm-up called “Sun Salutation”. The exercise is done in the morning. It will help you stretch your muscles before a working day, after sleep.

For lunch, it is necessary to allocate the best time from 11 to 13 hours.

The most perfect lunch time. The sun is at its zenith at this time. Activity is high, energy of digestion is high. Dinner is required at this time. Dinner is not to be missed.

After dinner, at the indicated time, the person will still be light, as well as efficient.

It is useful to engage in physical exercises at 16-17 hours, before your dinner. At this time, they will bring more benefits to the body than classes in the morning. Morning hours are better to devote to intellectual activity.

For dinner, a healthy daily routine recommends a time from 6 pm to 8 pm.

Dinner after 20 hours does not recommend a healthy daily routine. Dinner should be 2-2.5 hours before bedtime.

Do not work after 6 pm. Activity drops at this time. It is better to rest in the evening. Evening is the time to get ready for bed. It is recommended not to do active work. Spend time with your family, read.

It is contraindicated to watch TV or movies shortly before bedtime, and you should not work with a computer. Since this leads the nervous system into an excited state.

Going to bed, a healthy daily routine recommends from 22 to 22:30 hours.

This is the time when you should be in bed already. This also applies to the summer, when it is still light. Moreover, if you go to bed before 10 pm, then toxins are burned in your body. This is the recovery time of your organs, and each organ has its own specific recovery time.

The best time for the restoration of the nervous system is the time from 22 to 24 hours. Therefore, if you go to bed later than this time, then your nervous system will begin to collapse.

It has been noticed that from 10 pm to 2 am, a person almost does not have dreams. This is the time of the deepest and most complete sleep. During this period, one hour of sleep equals two hours at any other time.

Starting from 22:00, the action of the elements of fire begins in nature. At this time, you usually want to eat, but it will only harm you.

Watch and check that between 9 and 10 pm you are very sleepy. Trust your intuition and go to sleep.

All this was invented before us and recorded in Ayurvedic books. Keep in mind that Ayurveda is only instructions for the human body. And very well written instructions.

A healthy daily routine, the routine is simple, but the question is – will it be easy for you to follow it? But, believe me, you must!

A healthy daily routine is a powerful weapon that promotes your health and, in case of illness, helps you recover. Therefore, follow it, a healthy daily routine.

Compliance with the daily routine is the key to recovery, as well as a full active life. It’s not in vain, Ayurveda says that 50% of health is adherence to the regimen. Therefore, evaluate this advice: “50% of health is the observance of the regime, a healthy daily routine.” Go to bed on time, and also get up on time, have lunch and dinner on time, have breakfast, work on time, and, of course, find a certain time for rest.

Follow a healthy daily routine, and you will forget about the disease. And all you need to do is get up before 8, go to bed before 22. After all, this is the basis, a simple word – a regimen, a healthy daily routine.

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