Message: #118685
Аннета Эссекс » 29 May 2017, 13:46

Eating habits leading to obesity

Any woman strives to maintain a figure and avoid weight gain. Of course, to maintain the beauty of the body, you must adhere to proper nutrition and exercise. However, you need to study the eating habits that lead to obesity in order to prevent the accumulation of extra pounds.
Meals in a hurry
This problem is one of the most common of all factors leading to obesity. Eating habits hastily are typical for business women who are always busy with work, as well as for housewives and young mothers, who sometimes even have no time to eat. You need to know what happens in the body when eating hastily. If we eat quickly, practically without chewing food, then the receptors located in the stomach simply do not have time to transmit a message about its fullness to the brain. As a result, the feeling of fullness is delayed, and therefore a person eats twice as much food than what he ate calmly.

It is important to understand that only the food that was eaten with pleasure can benefit a person. And in order not to overeat and not harm your body, you need to abandon the habit of eating in a hurry, while you need to eat in a quiet and calm atmosphere, carefully chewing every bite. Remember that the brain receives a satiety signal only twenty minutes after eating. And if we hurry, then in these twenty minutes we will eat much more. Calm eating not only allows you to avoid overeating and obesity, but also to enjoy food.

Inability to focus on food
Today, few people eat in a specially designated place, most often we eat while reading a newspaper, watching TV or sitting in front of a computer. Since our brain does not receive sufficient information from the organs of vision and smell about the quality of food, a person simply does not get satisfaction from the meal. In addition, not focusing on eating, we do not pay attention to chewing, and just swallow food. As a result, we do not monitor the amount of food consumed and overeat. Another danger of this eating habit is that the meal does not end with the onset of a feeling of fullness, but when the work we do, the TV show or the newspaper article ends.

This problem can only be solved by focusing on food. To overcome this habit you need to learn to put off all things and in the process of eating to deal only with it. This is the only way to avoid overeating and achieve satiety.

Stress jamming
This habit is one of the most popular factors leading to obesity. In the human body, during stress, defense mechanisms are activated. Namely, in a state of tension, the hormone cortisol is released into the blood, causing the body to need glucose. This causes an increase in the feeling of hunger. The fastest way to get glucose is to eat sweets. After some time, the absorbed glucose turns into fat, and the person again feels hungry. You need to know that eating under stress can lead to many negative consequences. In a depressed state, a person moves little, and unused glucose and low activity become the causes leading to obesity. In addition, such eating habits lead to diabetes, vascular disease, and increase the risk of heart attacks.

Of course, it’s not easy to completely get rid of the habit of emotional eating and frustration, but you can learn to control yourself and look for healthier ways to deal with stress. For example, when you want sweets, then try to deceive your body. Drink sweet tea or a glass of water. If you haven’t managed to avoid overeating, then don’t lie down on the bed, but take a walk or go for an evening jog. Physical activity will help you not gain excess weight and cope with problems. You need to find other ways for yourself to deal with stress, especially if they are frequent. For example, you can go with friends to the cinema, to the theater, to an exhibition, to get as many positive emotions as possible. This will help get rid of unnecessary thoughts and distract from food.

One should not make a cult of food intake, but one should not neglect the usual rules of nutrition either. Take care of your health and avoid bad eating habits.

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