Message: #181259
Аннета Эссекс » 08 Sep 2017, 14:40

10 habits of modern people that lead to obesity

Worldwide, about 500 million people have been diagnosed with obesity. Such a disease occurs due to many reasons, and not only those related to the love of unhealthy food. Next, we will look at 10 habits that can quickly lead to excess weight.

Meals alone. Experts have proven that regular meals together with household members prevent the appearance of extra pounds. When close people gather in the family circle, a cozy homely atmosphere contributes to healthier food culture habits. If children prefer to eat alone, then they consume 25% more junk food than those who regularly eat with their parents at the same table.

Combining eating with watching TV or a computer monitor makes a person consume larger portions, as well as coffee in large quantities. A person is distracted by something interesting and simply does not notice how much and what he ate and drank. Therefore, it is better not to combine these two activities, but to find time and opportunity to enjoy food, slowly and in full awareness of what and how much you eat.

If a person stays up late at the computer or even performs duties at night, then this mode contributes to a change in metabolism and weight gain. The fact is that our body is imprisoned for sleeping at night and eating in the daytime. If you lead a nocturnal lifestyle, then the physiological cycle begins to be disturbed, and energy consumption during the day decreases. However, if you are forced to work at night, then reduce the amount of servings or daily calorie intake.

Lack of sleep is another reason for weight gain. The less sleep, the more weight, since sleep plays a significant role in energy metabolism. If a person does not get enough sleep, then his body, trying to maintain wakefulness, begins to require more food.

If you live in an ecologically inhospitable area, this may be another reason for weight gain. The influence of pollutants is explained by the fact that they begin to accumulate in adipose tissue, penetrating inside through fish, meat and other fatty foods.

It also matters how you spend your free time. If you watch TV for two to three hours every day, then the risk of obesity increases by about 25%. Watching TV during sleep, as artificial light lowers melatonin levels. A decrease in this hormone, whose function is to protect the body from metabolic disorders, leads not only to a set of extra pounds, but also to a disease such as diabetes.

When choosing high-fat and low-fat foods, choose the first option, as they are more filling than low-fat, and as a result, the risk of developing weight problems is reduced. In addition, nutritionists claim that products that, according to the assurances of advertising, have less fat, are actually much more high-calorie.

Regular consumption of fast food. Fast food is, of course, convenient, but there is very little useful in such food. Therefore, limit harmful snacks by replacing them with healthy ones, if you like fast food, then eat it no more than once a week.

Soda. Carbonated sweet water contains a lot of sugar, preservatives and other harmful substances. The more you drink sugar water, the more fat you get.

Lack of physical activity and laziness. Our body is so arranged that if it is not trained, it gradually loses its shape, smartness and mobility. Therefore, you need to do in any form what you like and what keeps your body in shape and tone. It can be running, swimming, dancing, long walks, cycling, yoga or going to the gym and many more options.

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