Message: #40408
Варюша » 22 Nov 2016, 17:24

Kundalini-yoga for beginners

The goal of kundalini yoga is to awaken a powerful internal source of energy and achieve with its help an elevated state of consciousness and spirit. To raise your kundalini energy to this level, you need to practice this type of yoga for many years. However, noticeable results of the practice may appear after a few months of classes. But only on the condition that you carefully learn the basics. Kundalini yoga is based on mantras, meditations and kriyas. “Mantras are words that vibrate within the body and tune our energies into practice. We sing them during meditation. Kriyas are exercises that can affect a specific chakra or organ. They can remove energy blocks and cleanse the body.” Each lesson begins with the chanting of mantras. After a short warm-up, the group proceeds to perform the kriyas. On one day the instructor may give kriyas to work out the spinal energies, on another day – to cleanse the liver. “We will often make kriyas on the manipura chakra, which is responsible for the will. This will strengthen our determination to continue practicing Kundalini Yoga. At the end of the class – meditation and again chanting mantras. Each kriya is recommended to be performed daily for 40-90 days. In the classes you will learn how to cleanse the body and work out some of the chakras with the help of kundalini yoga exercises. Of all the kriyas, you should choose the ones that suit you best and practice them yourself. This is how you can achieve noticeable results from practice. We advise our students not to set themselves the goal of getting tired physically during classes. Fatigue negatively affects the practice and can reduce its effectiveness. By the way, you can also increase the benefits of lessons by giving up alcohol, junk food and tobacco. But even if you cannot do this, kundalini yoga will do it for you. Gradually, changes will begin to occur in you: you will give up food addictions developed over the years, and bad habits will disappear by themselves. Worth a try to see for yourself.

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