Message: #111404
Аннета Эссекс » 09 May 2017, 23:11

The ten commandments of a future mother

No. 1 – Fresh air
A pregnant woman should take walks in the fresh air. Every day at least one hour. It is best to walk in the forest, park or garden. Firstly, the norms of motor activity are observed, and secondly, fresh air enhances blood circulation, which is useful for both mother and her baby.

No. 2 – Vitamins
Nowadays, when the majority of the population has a state of hypovitaminosis and a decrease in immunity, modern women during pregnancy must definitely take special vitamin and mineral preparations, such as Pregnavit, Materna, Maternel, Gendevit, UNICAP-M, Lady-formula, etc. These vitamins contribute to the normal well-being of a pregnant woman, strengthen the immune system, protecting both the woman and the fetus from colds. It is best to start taking the above vitamins three months before conception in order to prepare the body in advance for the upcoming pregnancy.

#3 – Special Diet
The diet of a pregnant woman is different from that of a normal woman. This does not mean that you should simply increase or decrease the amount of food you eat. It is necessary to qualitatively change the diet and take a course on food rich in proteins, carbohydrates and vegetable fats. In the very first months of pregnancy, you can not deny yourself the pleasure and eat what you want. But closer to the middle of pregnancy (18-20 weeks), a specific diet is required.

#4 – Weight Control
It is important to carefully monitor weight gain! The main thing is that it should be associated with an increase in the weight of the fetus and the size of the uterus. This means that you can gain 200-450 g weekly (depending on your weight-to-height coefficient). Weight gain for the entire pregnancy should not be more than 8-12 kg. Extra pounds will not only spoil the figure of a young woman after childbirth, but will also significantly burden the course of pregnancy!

Subcutaneous adipose tissue requires the same circulatory intensity as the fetus. With an increase in the body weight of a pregnant woman, the blood circulation of the fetus worsens, which disrupts its development.

No. 5 – Calcium
At 22-24 weeks, the baby begins the process of bone formation. If the level of calcium in a woman’s body is not high enough, then calcium begins to be extracted from her teeth and bones. To prevent tooth decay, during this period of pregnancy, it is important to take care of the intake of calcium from the outside. The most effective are soluble preparations Calcium-Sandoz, Calcinova, Calcium-D3-Teva.

No. 6 – Hemoglobin
At 24-25 weeks of gestation, fetal hemoglobin is formed from maternal hemoglobin. Therefore, during this period, a pregnant woman has a sharp decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood. In this regard, it is sometimes recommended to take prophylactic preparations containing iron, such as Gino-Tardiferon, Ferrum-Lek, etc.

No. 7 – Allergens
During this period, the immune system develops in the fetus. Therefore, you need to exclude from your diet the most allergenic foods, such as chocolate, honey, oranges and tangerines.

No. 8 – Gymnastics
To strengthen the body before the upcoming birth, it is imperative to do special gymnastics for pregnant women, including both general strengthening and breathing exercises, as well as special exercises to strengthen the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, thighs and perineum. During childbirth, you will need a lot of strength. It is very important to be physically prepared for this important moment.

The main features of diet and gymnastics can be found in the numerous literature sold in bookstores and kiosks. The individual selection of the optimal diet, weight restriction and permissible loads during gymnastics, should be dealt with ONLY by a gynecologist.

No. 9 – Constant control of the doctor
There should be no uncontrolled pregnancies in our time! There are too few practically healthy people left. In this regard, there are a lot of women for whom pregnancy poses a real threat to their health, and often their lives. In order to give birth to a healthy baby and stay healthy, consult a doctor in a timely manner, take the necessary tests, undergo an ultrasound scan.

The optimal period for ultrasound is 20-21 weeks. At this time, all the organs of the fetus are clearly visible, it is possible to assess the correctness of their development and approximately determine the sex.

In addition to all the above tests, a woman is recommended to be screened for blood type and Rh factor. This is very important, since the presence of an Rh-positive fetus in an Rh-negative mother can be the beginning of a serious problem: an Rh-conflict pregnancy.

Screening for infections is also recommended: chlamydia, mycoplasmosis and other viruses of this group that can cause malformations of the fetus or lead to miscarriage, such as AIDS, syphilis, hepatitis antigen. Testing for AIDS and syphilis should be done three times during pregnancy (once a trimester), and for hepatitis virus twice. The level of hemoglobin in the blood also needs a systematic check. The liver and kidneys of a woman bear the greatest burden during pregnancy. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly check the biochemical composition of the blood and urinalysis. Without all these numerous procedures, you cannot be sure of the successful course and outcome of pregnancy.

#10 – Precautions
In the first and last months of pregnancy, abstinence from sexual activity is recommended. Since it is fraught with miscarriage or premature birth. In other periods, you can not deny yourself anything (within reasonable limits, of course), you just need to pay special attention to the hygiene of the genital organs and choose the right positions for sexual intercourse.

Expectant mothers should not be overworked! Moderate exercise is needed, but it is necessary to exclude night work, heavy lifting, too frequent bending, long standing or sitting. Long trips are also not recommended, especially in the second half of pregnancy.

And the most important thing is the state of mind of a pregnant woman. Stress, nervous tension are not allowed! After all, all feelings and emotions during this period are especially aggravated. Therefore, the expectant mother herself, and all members of her family, must make sure that nothing disturbs her peace of mind.

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