Message: #333907
Аннета Эссекс » 05 Apr 2018, 08:14

Folk remedies for migraines

Migraine is not just a headache, it is a chronic disease, sometimes hereditary, that can last for years. During a migraine attack, a one-sided headache occurs that usually lasts at least 12 hours and is accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
The nature of migraine is not fully scientifically explained, therefore there is no reliable medication that can prevent an attack, especially since a wide variety of factors (stress, stuffiness, pungent odor, any kind of food) can be the reason for it.

Migraine therapy by means of alternative medicine consists of two components – relief of an attack and interictal therapy, the purpose of which is to prevent the headache from returning.

At the beginning of an attack, you can take a decoction of willow roots or leaves and young stems of raspberries. These plants contain acetylsalicylic acid, which suppresses pain and reduces blood clotting. The effect will be enhanced if you take the drugs in combination with strong black tea.

A more effective remedy is an infusion of ergot (infuse half a teaspoon of ergot in a glass of 300 ml of boiling water and take a tablespoon 4 times a day). However, some caution must be observed in the use of ergot. It is strictly forbidden to take this remedy during pregnancy, with hypertension or atherosclerosis. Never take ergot for more than 7 days in a row.

Also, external agents are used to relieve pain.

Melissa and peppermint are rubbed behind the ear, on the temples, on the forehead, and for pain caused by the cervical vertebrae – on the back of the head. Caraway oil is also rubbed into the temples and forehead, as it has an anticonvulsant effect (of course, if there is no allergy to these substances).

If it is not possible to use these remedies, Kneipp water therapy will help, which has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and on the regulation of the state of blood vessels. First of all, it is a cold compress on the head. After wetting the hair on the head with cold water, you need to cover it with a towel, preferably linen, and strengthen it with a bandage, without tightening it tightly. The compress is left for an hour and a half, and if necessary, done several times a day.

Also make distracting compresses. Warm compresses are applied to the back of the head, and cold compresses or baths are used for the feet.

Another effective way to relieve pain – acupuncture or acupressure.

You should start by pressing with your thumbs on the points in the recesses of the temples (1-2 minutes), then move on to the points at the corners of the eyes and at the outer ends of the eyebrows. They need to be massaged with the index finger. Then massage the points above the jaw joint.

You can prevent the next migraine attack, or at least reduce its likelihood, by following a simple diet. It is necessary to avoid strong tea and coffee, alcohol, eat less meat (especially red), cheese and chocolate.

You need to eat more fresh vegetables (except tomatoes) and drink enough fluids, because dehydration very often provokes another migraine attack. It is also recommended to take B vitamins.

To normalize the state of the body and prevent migraines, you can use the acupuncture complex described above. It should be done daily three times a day, and massage points on both sides of the head, regardless of where the pain usually appears. Acupuncture normalizes the flow of energy in the body, the violation of which, according to Oriental medicine, is the cause of the disease.

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