Message: #69213
Лена Калининград » 05 Feb 2017, 00:32

Best exercises for target groups

5 most effective chest exercises
Bench press. The king of all upper body exercises. The bench press is so popular that many people set aside a separate training day for it – Bench Press Monday.
Bench press on an incline bench. For many top pro bodybuilders, the incline bench press is the number one exercise.
Push-ups on bars. An analogue of squats for the upper body. Dips are a great addition to any bench press variation.
Dumbbell bench press. With this type of bench press, you can really feel the work of the pectoral muscles.
Incline dumbbell bench press. A worthy alternative to the barbell bench press on an incline bench.

5 most effective back exercises
Deadlift. No exercise works out the back muscles the way the deadlift does. Holding a heavy barbell is a huge stress for the latissimus dorsi.
Pull-ups. Absolutely the best traction movement for the latissimus dorsi. You can pull up once – pull up twice. You can two – pull up three! You can not pull yourself up even once – use auxiliary belts.
Bent over barbell. Training the back muscles is unthinkable without heavy traction, and the traction of the barbell in an incline is the leader in this category.
Incline dumbbell row. The second place among traction movements is occupied by the dumbbell row in an incline, which should be paid special attention to people with weak psoas muscles.
Lifting the bar to the chest. The explosive power of this exercise acts on the entire back – from the trapezium to the lower back and gluteal muscles.

5 most effective exercises for the shoulder girdle
Army press. This exercise has been the foundation of shoulder training for decades, and it remains so today.
Push the bar from the chest. The exercise is somewhat similar to the military press, but is performed using explosive technology – a powerful and sharp push.
Bench press. Yes, you are not mistaken. The bench press is a fantastic front delta growth stimulator. If you do several types of pressing movements on chest day, then you most likely won’t need an accented study of the anterior deltoid muscle on the day of the shoulder girdle.
Press from behind the head while sitting. Great choice! Put your hands down shallow – until the forearms are perpendicular to the floor.
Seated dumbbell press. For many, this bench press option will seem simple and convenient, because with dumbbells, the hands are always in a natural anatomical position.

5 most effective leg exercises
Squats. The king and god of “muscle building”. That says it all.
Front squats. Another of the kings of bodybuilding. Front squats are not easy to master, but they give amazing results.
Deadlift on straight legs. And now we strengthen the hamstrings!
Platform leg press. If the squat rack is busy, the leg press is a great alternative.
Barbell lunges. Lunges are another fundamental leg exercise.

5 most effective hand exercises
Reverse pull-up. Shocking exercise! The reverse grip pull-up (palms facing your face) is a brutally effective biceps workout, perhaps even more productive than a barbell curl.
Close grip bench press. This exercise allows you to load the triceps with a very large weight.
Push-ups on bars. Much more effective than most triceps isolation exercises.
Lifting the bar for biceps. Classic. Just don’t do the exercise in a squat rack.
Extension with two hands on the triceps while sitting. So you can take a lot of weight and achieve a large range of motion.

Worth taking on a pencil
Lifting the torso with weights. Why raise reps when you can add weight and power.
Powerful “explosive” shrugs. Explosive repetitions allow you to use large working weights and stimulate intensive growth of the trapezius muscles.
Twisting on the block. Forget about crunches on the floor – go to the block, add weight, develop and strengthen your abs!
Side twists. Side crunches not only teach you to control your body and maintain balance, which is useful when performing complex multi-joint movements, but also work the oblique muscles of the abdomen and create amazing muscle definition in this area.
Rise on socks sitting. The simplest method of isolated bombardment of the calf muscles.

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