Message: #71089
Татьяна Юсупова » 07 Feb 2017, 18:11

Beautiful legs. Calf exercises!

Beautiful legs can be a source of pride, which is especially necessary if you are in the habit of wearing skirts and dresses. Spectacular toned calves are a must for beautiful legs. Well, in the business sphere, when you can’t openly emphasize your attractiveness, calves, as the only open area of ​​​​the body, can tell a lot about their owner.

In everyday life, the calves have a pretty monotonous load, so this part of the body deserves special attention. Over time, the need for exercises on irks only increases, and is reflected not only in their beauty, but also in their health. You can have skinny calves or you can have thick calves. The exercises below will help you in both cases.

Muscle stretching. In order for the calves to grow, they need to be stretched, it is better before doing the exercises. You need to stand with one toe on a stand or step (height 10-15 cm). Most of the foot should be overhanging. From this position, the heels should be lowered as low as possible and held for 30-50 seconds. This exercise can be done daily 2-3 times a day.

You can stretch the calves as follows: you need to stand a meter from the wall, legs together. Next, rest your hands on the wall and slowly lean forward without bending your back. The heels should not come off the floor. You should feel tension in your calves. Slowly approach the wall, bending your elbows. The back should remain straight, you should kind of fall forward without lifting your heels. In the final position, you can linger for 30-40 seconds, and then slowly return to the original position.
This exercise can be done for each leg separately. To do this, you need to put one leg forward and bend at the knee. Repeat the rest.

Lifting on toes in a standing position. For a simple load of calves, no special equipment is needed. It will be enough to rise on toes and fall back. Such exercises can be done for 10-20 repetitions, in 2-4 sets.
To increase the load, you can modify the exercise: use some flat object, for example, a book. Put it on the floor under your feet (you can use two books), this will increase the amplitude when performing lifts. Or you can do this exercise on the steps of the stairs.

To diversify the load on the muscles, you can change the position feet during exercise. Three positions of the feet are possible: one parallel to the other, the toes look straight ahead (the load is distributed over the entire lower leg), the toes are turned at an angle of 45 degrees from the center line, i.e. turned outward (the load will fall on the outer region of the legs), socks inward (the load in this case falls on the inner region of the legs).
With the frequency of such training once every 7-10 days, you will keep your calves not only beautiful, but also healthy.

Jogging and running on the sand on the beach are great exercises for the muscles.

Rises on socks in a sitting position. With such lifts, the soleus muscle, which lies under the calf muscle, works better. Its main feature is that when standing up on toes, it does not contract completely. To reduce this muscle as much as possible, you need to do lifting on socks while sitting. Sit on the edge of a chair with your back straight. Place a stand or book under your feet (height 10-15 cm). With one dumbbell between your knees, bend your legs so that only the toes touch the support, most of the foot should be overhang. Lower your heels as close to the floor as possible. Then slowly lift your heels until you are on your toes. Also slowly and return to the starting position.

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