Message: #71091
Татьяна Юсупова » 07 Feb 2017, 18:14

Leg exercises, calf exercises

, calves
If you lead a sports lifestyle and prefer to spend your weekends on the sports fields, then strengthening the muscles of the buttocks, thighs and calves is more than necessary for you.

People with well-developed muscles in this group will be successful in almost any sport. So train your legs and you will reap a lot of benefits from it.

Unfortunately, not all the guys who visit the gym are aware of the importance of leg training and devote the lion’s share of the time in their training to the development of the upper body, not paying attention to the necessary exercises for the leg muscles.

Remember: training the upper and lower parts of your body should be given an equal amount of time. One of the reasons for this “discrimination” on the part of gym goers is the fact that training the muscles of the lower body requires more energy, which is related to the size of the muscles involved in the process of exercising, but this is the wrong approach to business. You must develop your body harmoniously, without giving preference to its individual parts. And to provide your body with enough energy, do not forget about a proper nutrition program.

Muscles of the buttocks.

The gluteus maximus is the most massive of the 600+ muscles in the human body. The gluteus maximus is located directly under the skin in the buttocks.

buttock muscles

She unbends the leg at the hip joint, turning it outward. If we fix the legs, then it will carry out the extension of the torso bent forward.

The gluteus maximus is not the only gluteal muscle. Two more lie under it – the middle and small gluteal muscles. The gluteus medius muscle in its back is covered by the gluteus maximus muscle, and lies superficially in front. Contracting, the gluteus medius abducts the thigh. If only its anterior bundles are reduced, then the thigh rotates inward, and when the posterior bundles contract, the thigh rotates outward. The gluteus minimus lies under the middle one and performs functions similar to it.

In addition, the gluteal muscles play an important role in maintaining the balance of the body. The buttocks are the center of your body and they help maintain balance.

We train the buttocks

At first glance, the buttocks training program is quite simple and includes all kinds of squats and lunges. In fact, all these exercises will require you to have a lot of muscle tension and considerable energy costs. This is due to the fact that when performing exercises on the buttocks, in addition to the gluteal muscles, which in themselves are massive muscles, the muscles of the legs are also included, which also form a fairly large muscle mass.

One of the most effective exercises for the gluteal muscles are squats, which also actively load the quadriepses of the thighs, biceps of the thighs, and even the muscles of the legs.

The second, and no less effective exercise for the lower body are lunges. There are several varieties of lunges that you can incorporate into your training program as you see fit. But whatever lunges you do, use light weights to begin with, or do lunges without weights.

You can do lunges as you like – forward, backward, and even sideways, using dumbbells, barbells or performing them on simulators. With side lunges, you will take a step to the side, and with reverse lunges, you will take a step back.

The most traditional lunge variation is the frontal lunge, in which you take a big step forward and lower yourself into a deep squat, bending both knees. At the same time, at the lowest point of the lunge, the front thigh should be parallel to the floor, and the back thigh should be perpendicular to it.

Как тренировать buttock muscles

When training with weights, it is very important to accurately determine goals and objectives for yourself, since the muscles you work with in training, depending on the training tactics you choose, can either be developed to hypertrophied sizes or made more graceful, focusing on their shape. This is equally true for the gluteal muscles. First, decide whether you are interested in increasing the volume of the buttocks. If not, then keep in mind that it is possible to reduce body volume, but this is a rather complicated and lengthy process. However, you can adjust their shape and keep the buttocks as small as possible for you.

If you have large buttocks, then you shouldn’t be doing exercises like barbell squats and lunges with heavy weights for low reps.

Exercising with heavy weights will stimulate the growth of muscle mass, which will steadily lead to an increase in the volume of the buttocks.

The effect of weight loss As a result of sports loads, it is explained by the destructive effect of adrenaline on adipose tissue. This hormone is released into the blood in response to exercise. The problem is that in the buttocks, the sensitivity of nerve receptors that respond to adrenaline is reduced, which means that the process of destruction of adipose tissue is much more difficult. This situation can be corrected by increasing the blood flow (and therefore the flow of adrenaline) to the buttock area by increasing the number of repetitions.

Therefore, if you want to strengthen and shape your glute muscles, and not add mass, then focus on more repetitions and use either light weights or give up weights altogether. Lunges, for example, do with light dumbbells or use only your body weight. Back leg swings are a great exercise for shaping beautiful buttocks. Do them on all fours and repeat as many times as you can.

Each of us has our own problems in life. And while some frantically struggle with large volumes, others, lacking them, are actively building muscle mass. Well, to each his own. But if there is such a problem, then it must be solved.

The only way to increase the volume of the buttocks is to train with weights, while using heavy weights for low reps: the more weight, the more muscle fibers you involve in the process and the more actively the muscle will grow. In this case, you should give preference to exercises such as barbell squats and lunges with weights.

A very effective way to stimulate muscle growth is to mentally focus on its contraction during exercise, or rather, during the eccentric phase of the exercise. So you can use this secret trick.

Muscles of the thighs – quadriceps (front muscles of the thigh)

The muscles of the thighs are involved in upright walking, maintaining the body in an upright position and, of course, move the legs. In the course of human evolution, these muscles acquired an elongated shape and fused into powerful muscle masses with one common tendon, forming the multi-headed muscles (for example, the biceps and quadriceps femoris).

thigh muscles

The muscles of the thigh are divided into three groups: anterior (extensor muscles), posterior (flexors muscles) and medial (or internal) – adductor muscles. And if the first two groups determine the movement of the leg in the knee joint, then the adductor muscles act exclusively on the hip joint.

The largest muscle of the thigh is the quadriceps femoris, or quadriceps, which occupies the entire front and partly the lateral surface of the thigh and consists of four interconnected muscle heads. The quadriceps femoris muscle is one of the extensor muscles and performs extension of the lower leg in the knee joint.

By training quadriceps, you not only make the muscles in relief, but you can also protect yourself from all kinds of damage and injuries in the knee joints. This is due to the fact that by strengthening the muscle, you are simultaneously strengthening the connective tissue that ensures the integrity of the knee joint.

The quads, as larger and more massive muscles, should be stronger and more trained than the hamstrings, located at the back of the thighs.

If, for example, when performing leg curls in the simulator, which, as you know, are aimed at developing the biceps of the thighs, you use a weight of 22.5 kg as a weight, then in order to develop the quadriceps of the thighs, you need to use a weight not less than this when extending the legs and gradually increase it or the number of repetitions. The weight for the biceps of the thighs should remain unchanged.

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