Message: #71086
Татьяна Юсупова » 07 Feb 2017, 18:01

Peculiarities of working on calf muscles

Calves are, of course, not the part of the body that makes him sexy or attracts a lot of attention. However, if the calves are too thin and expressionless, the legs may appear disproportionate, with a shape far from perfect. This worries, of course, mostly only women. It is understandable: the fair sex wears skirts and tight trousers, so it is important for them to have beautiful legs. And rounded, embossed, well-defined calves are one of the important components of the beauty of the legs.

female athlete’s legs

Sports girl calves

However, men are also interested in this topic, because it is human nature to strive for perfection. If the shoulders are pumped up so that the young man can barely fit in the doorway, while the legs are surprisingly slender and thin, such a discrepancy looks strange, if not comical. Pumped up your arms and shoulders? Pay attention to your legs, including your calves.

pumped up calves

Features of working on the muscles of the calves
The muscles of the lower leg are subjected to high loads. The many movements we make throughout the day make these muscles work. However, our caviar is not pumped over. Why?

Because our body is “composed” very competently: those muscles that are subjected to higher loads are anatomically adapted to them. The muscles of the lower leg are called extremely hardy. Such “hardy” muscles have a low potential for growth, but they do not get tired for a long time. Consequently, it is quite difficult to increase the calf muscles – for this you need to load them, as they say, “to failure”, because you “do not scare them” with a low load.

Leg muscles of the posterior group
The part of the body that we call the calves consists of two muscles: the gastrocnemius and the soleus. The gastrocnemius muscle is biceps – it seems to be divided in half. The soleus muscle is larger in size – it lies under the calf.

calf muscles

The soleus muscle is the most enduring, it is very difficult to increase it. The calf muscles are easier to pump up. Pumping the calf muscles makes the lower leg more prominent and filled. But this does not mean that the soleus muscle can be left alone. Only the work of both muscles will give the best result.

Как накачать calf muscles?
Both soleus and gastrocnemius muscles are responsible for ankle flexion. Следовательно, чтобы нагрузить calf muscles, нужно сгибать и разгибать feet. The calf muscles pump, performing lifts on socks. And if the calf muscles work when lifting on toes in a standing position, then the soleus muscle is pumped by lifting the heels in a sitting position. For a harmonious result, the exercises must be combined.

The muscles of the calves are well worked out under such loads as squats and lunges. If your goal is not only to increase the calves, but also to work out the muscles of the legs and buttocks in general, be sure to perform a variety of squats, and the result will not be long in coming. However, it is worth including special exercises for the calf muscles in the complex.

Calf exercises
Exercise 1. Rise on socks in a standing position. Stand up straight, legs apart (between the feet 10-15 cm). In the hands, lowered along the body, dumbbells. On the count of times, slowly rise on your toes, on the count of two, lower your heels to the floor. Slowly do 15-30 repetitions until a burning sensation in the muscles of the calves.

how to pump up calves

Exercise 2. Rise on socks in a standing position. Starting position – as in the previous exercise. On the count of times, slowly rise on your toes, on the count of two, lower your feet, but do not touch the floor with your heel. The heel always continues to hang in the air. Perform 10-20 repetitions.

calf raise

Exercise 3. Raising and lowering the feet on the platform. You will need a low platform or its equivalent (large book, step, flat stone, etc.). Take dumbbells in your hands. Put your socks on the platform so that your heels are in the air. Lower your heels below a line parallel to the floor, but not to the floor. On the count of one – rise on your toes, on the count of two – lower your heels below a line parallel to the floor. Do not rush. Do 20-40 repetitions in 2-4 sets. If it is difficult to maintain balance, you need to take a dumbbell in only one hand, and hold on to something with the other hand.

platform calf exercise

exercises for thin calves

If the platform is small, you can do the exercise first for one leg, then for the other. To do this, you need to put your right foot on the platform – just as described above. In the right hand is a dumbbell. The left hand rests on a wall or other support. The left leg is bent at the knee and raised or laid back. On the count of one – raising the right leg to the toe, on the count of two lowering. Do 20-40 repetitions in 2-4 sets for each leg.

как увеличить calf muscles

Exercise 4. Raising the knees in a sitting position. Sit on a stool, bench or fitball so that the thighs are parallel to the floor, and the legs are bent at the knees at or close to a right angle. Put your hands with dumbbells on your knees. On the count of times, lift the heels off the floor and transfer the foot to the toe. This raises the knees. On the count of two, lower your heels. The exercise is performed calmly and smoothly, without jerking. The knees should rise as high as possible. Find your amplitude to feel the burning sensation in the calf muscles. Perform 40-60 repetitions in 3-4 sets.

how to download caviar

Exercise 5. Lifting on toes in a squat position. Put your feet wider than your shoulders, turn your toes, sit down. Put your hands on your belt or, holding the dumbbells, on your hips. This is the plie pose.

While in this position, first tear off one heel from the floor, lower it. Then another. Alternately tear off the heels 10-20 times. Without changing the position, go to the second phase: tear off two heels at once, that is, rise on your toes in a squat position. Do this not abruptly, but smoothly, feeling a burning sensation in the calves and thighs. Repeat calf raises 20-40 times, then exit the squat position. This exercise will strengthen and pump not only the calves, but also the hips and buttocks.

exercise for thin calves

how to pump up calves

How often and in what combination do calf exercises?
It is not necessary to work out the calves every day. It is better to do this in a day or two. Professionals recommend alternating exercises for the calf and soleus muscles. That is, in one day, include the first three exercises for calves in your complex, in a day – the other two. It is believed to be more efficient. Although if you do all the exercises at once, the results will also not be long in coming.

On days when you won’t be doing calf exercises, jumping rope is recommended. Это тоже отлично прорабатывает calf muscles.

Do not forget to pull them at the end of the calf exercises. The easiest exercise to stretch your calves is to stand directly in front of a wall and do a deep lunge back. The leg in front is bent at the knee. The back leg is straight and long. Leaning your hands against the wall, stretch your back leg and slowly count to eight. Relax and repeat the same for the other leg.

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