Message: #94020
Аннета Эссекс » 30 Mar 2017, 01:15

The great benefits of swimming or 11 reasons to visit the pool

There is a huge variety of excellent sports, types of physical development and recovery. And if there is a desire to take care of yourself, improve your health, maintain your physical shape, you can always find for yourself a pleasant and effective form of physical training, if there is such a desire. Swimming is one of the most enjoyable and effective forms of exercise! Let’s talk about swimming in more detail, because not everyone fully understands its advantages and greatly underestimates the possibilities of exercising in the pool.

In addition, swimming or water aerobics is highly recommended by experts as an additional type of training for the so-called “dry” fitness loads (yoga, Pilates, aerobics, dancing, gym classes). This combination increases the return on any training at times. In particular, the symbiosis of dry loads with swimming is useful for those who set the goal of losing weight and bringing their figure to the ideal, since swimming and any activity in the water contribute to the effective burning of calories due to the acceleration of metabolism.

Swimming is a versatile and in all respects very useful type of physical training, which is recommended to their patients by therapists, nutritionists, neuropathologists and other medical and sports professionals. Many coaches without fail prescribe swimming lessons to their athletes to restore muscles, relieve tension, strength, including for increasing endurance.

Benefits of swimming and water activities. Top 10 Reasons
1. General effective development of all muscles and musculoskeletal system in general. Training in water contributes to the activation and development of almost all the muscles of our physical body. Swimming, water aerobics and other activities in the water give strength, coordination, endurance and high vitality (simple human energy).

2. Gradual entry and recovery after a break or injury. Swimming and water activities are recommended for those who, for some reason, had a long break in sports, as well as for those who are recovering from an injury and starting to re-gain physical shape. Water is a favorable and mild environment for the gradual inclusion of the muscles of our body in work, water restores and promotes healing. In addition, being in the water removes the load on the spine and joints.

3. Change in the quality of the muscles. Water and activities the pool endow the muscles of the body with special properties. The muscles become more elastic, softer, despite the fact that thanks to swimming they are greatly strengthened. This is an ideal type of exercise for those who do not plan to gain muscle mass, as well as for those who want to lose weight.

4. Excellent recovery of the whole organism as a whole. For certain diseases, doctors themselves recommend swimming. Such diseases include, for example, asthma. Swimming uses the lungs to the fullest, making them work 100%. This leads to intensive saturation of the blood with oxygen, to its purification and to the acceleration of metabolic processes throughout the body. It’s no secret that many diseases occur due to oxygen deficiency, poor lung function and metabolic disorders. Also, exercising in water is a wonderful pacemaker.

5. A significant acceleration of metabolism and burning only them calories, that is, the ability to lose weight. Swimming, as mentioned above, speeds up metabolic processes, which means your fats will burn faster. 1 hour of swimming or intense water aerobics frees you from 500 extra calories. And even after leaving the pool, accelerated metabolic processes continue to cleanse your body and burn calories.

6. Stretching and recovery of the spine and accelerated growth for the child. Nowadays, almost every second person has certain problems with the spine, and water, namely swimming, helps to restore the back, stretch the spine, eliminate compression of the vertebrae, and many others. others

And if you want your child to grow up big, strong and healthy, give him a swim without a doubt. Classes in the water, swimming not only heal and harden the body, but also stretch, accelerating the growth of the child.

7. No expensive sports equipment and shells. For swimming lessons, you will need swimming trunks, a swimming cap and goggles, and that is optional. To swim, you don’t even need to buy a tracksuit and sneakers, and you don’t even have to buy a treadmill or a simulator :).

8. Creative approach to training and unconditional pleasure. There are many styles of swimming, thank God, and you can choose what you like. The intensity of the load can also be adjusted. variety of exercises. In addition, the coach always tell you what is best for you. And if you are tired, you can just lie on the water, which is also very useful :)

9. Growth in the effectiveness of other workouts and accelerated recovery. Almost all professional athletes add swimming to their loads. Why? Why do they do it? Firstly, swimming always increases endurance, which inevitably improves performance in any sport. Secondly, exercising in water quickly restores the body, relieving accumulated muscle tension and strength, and giving the body the necessary relaxation and rest.

10. Natural hardening and massage of every muscle and cell. Classes in the water at any time of the year contribute to the hardening of the body and strengthen the immune system. It has always been. In addition, water is a natural massager and being in water a person receives a gentle massage of every millimeter of the surface of his body, every muscle.

11. An opportunity to wash away negative energy from oneself, recharge oneself with joy and cheerfulness of the Spirit. Water is one of the best conductors and it almost instantly takes away the negative energy of a person when he is immersed in it. Water cleanses the energy and emotions of everyone who comes into contact with it. Therefore, almost always, even if you came to the pool in a bad mood, you leave it with a calm soul and joy in your heart, as they say, “To live is good!”

Whatever you do, be sure to find time for water procedures at least once a week, and preferably 2-3 times a week.

Water can make your life better!

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