Message: #114578
Аннета Эссекс » 19 May 2017, 00:55

Respiratory gymnastics for weight loss bodyflex – breathe deeper

Eating everything you want and at the same time losing weight is the dream of many, many women. As a rule, these are two absolutely incompatible things. The exception is those rare lucky ones who, due to their genetic characteristics, do not gain weight, no matter what they eat. Well, who among us did not die of envy, looking at a friend eating fried potatoes on both cheeks and then taking a hefty piece of cake? Especially if her size 44 stays with her for many, many years.

Anyway, stop being jealous. This is not a good feeling. It seems that all the other, “normal” women also have the opportunity to get closer to their dream. And bodyflex breathing exercises for weight loss will help in this. Hard to believe, right? Let's figure it out.

What is bodyflex

Gymnastics got its name as a result of the merger of two English words: "body" - body and "flex" - flexible. The technique was developed by an American, mother of three children, Greer Childers. Naturally, she was the first to try it on herself. The result was simply stunning - in a few months she changed her already familiar 56 clothing size to 44. Of course, she had a lot of followers. By the way, this gymnastics is not something exclusively “female” - the Bodyflex set of exercises is quite suitable for men as well.

For over 15 years, Greer has been perfecting his program and teaching this weight loss technique in workshops and in groups. To date, over three million videos of the program have been sold. It is argued that by devoting just 15 minutes a day to this activity, you will not only easily get rid of excess weight, but also, as a kind of bonus, quit smoking completely without any effort. Just one day you will realize that you no longer want to do it. What is this miracle method based on?

Oddly enough, gymnastics for weight loss is based on proper breathing. It would seem, what is the connection here? However, followers of Bodyflex are sure that it is the most direct. Habitual for us shallow breathing does not allow us to fully supply the body with oxygen, which plays one of the most important roles in human metabolism. This leads to a decrease in immunity, premature aging and the appearance of various ailments - headaches, fatigue, indigestion, etc.

Breathing exercises for weight loss Bodyflex will teach you deep diaphragmatic breathing, which, combined with simple exercises, successfully fights this problem. During the execution of the complex, oxygen-carrying blood actively flows to the working muscles. Due to this, fat cells are burned and the process of losing weight starts. At the same time, muscles are tightened and, as a result, volumes decrease. So how should you breathe?

Breathing technique

As already mentioned, bodyflex gymnastics for weight loss is based on a special breathing technique. Therefore, before you start doing any exercises, you need to master it. Otherwise, there will be little sense - after all, the exercises themselves, with rare exceptions, are very reminiscent of the usual morning exercises. Bodyflex breathing has five main phases:

Exhaling air through the mouth
It is necessary to get rid of all the air in the lungs.

Inhale through the nose
This is the most important stage of Bodyflex. Inhalation should be sharp and fast. Try to fill your lungs with oxygen to capacity. Imagine that you have been under water for a long time and just emerged to breathe. Proper inhalation is accompanied by noise.

Exhale through the mouth
Press your lips together, then open them and exhale sharply. In this case, it is necessary to strain the abdominal muscles - connect the diaphragm. If you did everything right, the air will leave the lungs with a characteristic “pah” sound. Moreover, neither the lips nor the throat take part in extracting this sound. If you don't succeed, just keep practicing. The exhalation technique is given to few people the first time.

The next phase is the retraction of the abdomen and holding the breath for 8-10 seconds.
Try to draw in the stomach so that it literally “sticks” to the spine. It is during this phase that all exercises are performed.

The last step is to inhale and relax the abdominal muscles.
Air should burst into the lungs sharply, so the correct breath is like a sob.

Twelve steps to success

Have you mastered the breathing technique? Then it's time to take action. Breathing exercises for weight loss Bodyflex includes a set of twelve exercises. They should be performed on an empty stomach. When it is better to do it - in the morning or in the evening - you decide. The main thing is not to do Bodyflex immediately after eating - this can greatly harm the body. Dress in loose, comfortable clothing and have a mat ready - some of the "pirouettes" will be done lying down. Before each - breathing exercise should be done. So, let's begin.

"A lion"
This exercise is Bodyflex for the face - it will help you tighten the contour of the chin and neck, and also strengthen the muscles under the eyes. Take the starting pose. To do this, stand on the floor and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Tilt the body forward and lean on your hands, placing them at a distance of two centimeters above the knee. Pull your pelvis back as if you want to sit on a chair.

Do a breathing exercise, then hold your breath and pull in your stomach. Take a basic position. To do this, open your eyes as wide as possible and lift them up. Gather your lips in a circle and stick out your tongue to the maximum length, while straining your cheeks. Don't open your mouth too much. Count to eight. Executed five times.

"Ugly Grimace"
This funny muzzle will also help you strengthen your neck and chin muscles. Executed five times. Starting position - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, palms resting on the legs, slightly above the knees, the pelvis is laid back. Do a breathing exercise and draw your stomach in deeply. Move to the main pose - lower your hands and take them behind your back.

Extend your lips as much as possible and push the lower jaw forward so that the lower teeth are in front of the upper ones. Stretch your neck so that you feel the tension. Slowly raise your head up. The feet, at the same time, should be pressed to the floor - you can’t stand on tiptoe. In this case, the lips should look at the ceiling. Count to eight.

Lateral stretch
This is gymnastics for the waist and hips. The exercise will help bring problem areas in order and reduce their volume. It is necessary to make three turns in each direction. The starting position is the same as in the previous two exercises. Do the breathing exercise and move on to the main position. Lower your left arm slightly and place your elbow on your bent left knee.

Shift your weight to your left knee. Take your right leg to the side without lifting it from the floor and pull the sock. Raise your right arm and, without bending, extend it above your head as far as possible. The hand should be near the head. On the count of eight, return to the starting position.

Leg raise back
This Bodyflex exercise will work out the muscles of the buttocks and give them an attractive and sexy shape. Perform three times for each leg. Starting pose - get down on the floor and lean on elbows and knees. Hands should lie palms down. Stretch your leg without bending your knee, straight back: so that your toes look down and rest on the floor. Body weight falls on the palms and elbows. Do a breathing exercise - exhale, inhale and exhale again, as much as possible.

Hold your breath and draw your stomach in deeply. Move on to the main pose. To do this, raise your leg to the maximum height. In this case, the toes should still be pointing down. Squeeze your buttocks so that you feel the tension in the muscles. On the count of eight, you can relax, stop holding your breath and lower your leg.

It will help to tone and tighten the muscles of the thighs. It is necessary to perform three times for each leg. Take a starting position. To do this, get down on the floor and lean on your knees and palms. Keep your arms straight without bending your elbows throughout the exercise. Take the straight right leg to the side and position it in such a way that a right angle forms between it and the body. In this case, the foot should remain on the floor. Hold your breath and pull your stomach in as much as possible. Go to main position.

Raise your leg to the level of your hip and pull it forward towards your arms. Do not bend your leg at the knee - it should be straight. Count to eight and lower your leg. Breathe freely. Move to the starting position.

This Bodyflex exercise tightens the muscles of the arms and removes excess fat from them. It should be done three times. Take the original posture. To do this, stand up straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart and close your hands in a ring, stretching them in front of you so that the tips of your fingers touch. Don't drop your elbows. Do a breathing exercise and pull your stomach in deeply. Take a basic position. To do this, rest as hard as possible with your fingers and count to eight. Relax and return to the

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