Message: #66176
Лена Калининград » 31 Jan 2017, 21:17

Tone and figure. The role of protein in the body

Watching your diet does not mean giving up everything you love. In fact, it’s just the opposite. If your body is deficient in nutrients, it will deplete its resources and you are more likely to lose muscle mass than fat. In turn, this will mean that you burn fewer calories. The solution to the problem is to eat less carbs and more protein. Protein activates the metabolism, helps to strengthen the muscles, which, in turn, makes your figure more beautiful. This does not mean that women who actively train grow large muscles – on the contrary, their body becomes more toned and their figure is athletic.
You can start the fat burning process only by systematically reducing your carbohydrate intake. Food and drink labels will tell you which foods are high in carbs, sugar, fat, and calories. Eat fewer of them, and instead give preference to foods rich in protein. Why is it so important? Because protein is the second most important element in our body (water is the first) and is vital for the muscles that maintain shape, as well as for healthy skin and hair. Protein also makes you feel full longer. Unfortunately, protein-rich foods often contain many more saturated fatty acids and calories. That’s why you should try to eat only high-quality proteins with healthy fats, such as fish, chicken, turkey, beef, eggs and nuts (a handful a day). If you want to figure out how much protein you need, 1.5 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight is a good place to start. High-quality, low-calorie protein shakes are a great, convenient way to get the right amount of protein without consuming useless fat and calories. They also contain calcium, which makes bones strong and healthy. Because of the diet frenzy, many people neglect protein. Take 1.5 g of protein per kilogram of body weight every day – not to build muscle, but to stay in shape

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