Message: #66174
Лена Калининград » 31 Jan 2017, 20:50

Eat right – don’t forget about proteins

The human diet consists of many different components, and the choice of food depends on many different factors, such as likes and dislikes, place of work, etc. Turning everything upside down in the hope of creating the “perfect diet” is difficult, and as a result, you can be bombarded with a flood of information, unnecessary hassle and anxiety. Many nutritionists agree that a complete change in diet rarely pays off over time.

Forget about drastic lifestyle changes; instead, try to make small changes and develop a good habit. The secret is to know what important details to focus on, and protein is one of those components of the diet that, when used correctly, works wonders.

Eating protein speeds up metabolism (this is called the “thermic effect of food”) and helps maintain muscle, which in turn improves the figure. In addition, the consumption of lean protein causes other changes in the body, in particular, it stimulates hormones that accelerate the burning of body fat.

In addition, protein foods are very nutritious, quickly saturate and leave a feeling of satiety for a long time. For this reason, and because the body cannot convert proteins into fat quickly, they can be used as a substitute for certain fat-producing foods, such as processed starchy foods and sugar. The more lean protein on your plate, the longer you feel full, and a large serving of lean chicken instead of side pasta will speed up fat burning and reduce fat stores without leaving you hungry.
If you regularly keep a food diary, it will help you keep track of your habits and progress. It is best to quickly write down at the end of the day what and when you ate, and review the records after 3-5 days. You may be surprised by what you read, and at the same time find that on certain days and hours you tend to eat more junk food.
To get started, learn a few simple rules:
Find out what daily habits make you consume excess calories in large quantities (chocolate on the desktop, chips or sweets in the evenings in front of the TV, etc.). Eat fewer of these treats without cutting them out completely. To get started, two unloading days are enough when you replace unhealthy snacks. anything useful.
Find out which snacks can be both tasty and healthy. Compare also the calorie information on the packages.
Eating at the kitchen table instead of in front of the TV will make you more aware of what you’re eating and appreciate the taste better – it’s a good way to avoid overeating.
In restaurants, order salads first, not creamy and greasy appetizers.
The bread box on the table is an extra 300 calories, it is better to replace the bread with delicious vegetable sticks and lean sauce.
Don’t eat on the go and don’t eat too much in between meals.
If you’re full, stop eating! It may seem obvious, but are you really following this rule? If this is a problem for you, try eating slowly and chewing your food thoroughly.
Eat more protein. We usually eat 1.0-1.2 g of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. The ideal rate is 1.5-2 g. In other words, a person weighing 80 kg needs 120-160 g of protein. In this sense, our products will help complement your diet.
Maybe you have ideas on how to move more during the day?
What else can you do:
Have breakfast every morning. While you sleep, your body will use up all of its nutrient reserves in order to recover. Boost your metabolism with high quality proteins and complex carbohydrates.
Eat 3-5 times a day. Every meal should include a good source of protein. It won’t leave you hungry and stimulates your metabolism. Fish, beef, chicken, turkey and nuts (a handful a day) are rich in high quality protein.
Eat as few simple carbohydrates and sugary foods as possible in the afternoon. Choose fish, meat, vegetarian foods, salads, and low-calorie drinks that contain vitamins and minerals.
Ideally, you should include nutritional supplements in your diet, especially after a workout. This is the perfect and convenient way to get more protein. In addition, they are low in fat and calories.
Drink 2-3 liters of liquid per day. This improves blood circulation and speeds up fat burning during workouts. It is best to drink water or low-calorie sports drinks with added vitamins and minerals, and as little alcohol as possible.
To boost your metabolism, take natural products, such as capsaicin extract, which is made from chilli peppers. They are stimulate calorie burning (thermogenesis) and weight loss.

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