Message: #66190
Лена Калининград » 31 Jan 2017, 21:53

Different proteins produce different results

Proteins are often called the building blocks of life. Protein is one of the most important nutrients, their basic structure is formed by 20 amino acids.
Proteins perform various physiological functions that are important for the performance and health of the body. They are also the basis for building muscles, connective tissue, enzymes and hormones. During exercise, proteins can also serve as a source of energy. Protein sources can be both animal products (meat, fish, dairy products) and vegetable origin (beans, soy). To lose weight, you need more protein

Protein can be isolated from animal or plant products such as milk or soy. This protein is available in powder form. Delicious shakes provide the body with high-quality protein and are low in calories and fat. Why is a post-workout protein shake so beneficial if you’re trying to lose weight?

Increasing the level of protein in the diet to 1.5 – 2 g per kilogram of body weight per day accelerates weight loss. After a workout, protein helps to strengthen muscles and supplies the body with calories. It also satisfies hunger better than fats and carbohydrates, and thus reduces appetite. In order not to upset the calorie balance, it is recommended to give preference to products that do not contain fats and sugars in your daily diet.

You need more protein to build muscle

The basis for building muscle is intensive strength training. However, the stimulating effect of training only promotes muscle growth if the body is getting enough protein. Protein is the building block for muscles.

The daily norm of protein should be 2 g per kilogram of body weight. For an immediate stimulating effect on muscle growth, you need to consume protein immediately after training. In this regard, Multipower protein powders have the advantage of being particularly quickly absorbed by the body. It is important to consume protein on non-training days as well, as the recovery and muscle growth phase continues during rest periods.

Protein and Endurance

Every endurance athlete should receive large amounts of amino acids. If the diet does not fully satisfy the body’s need for protein, during intense physical loads the body uses its own reserves of protein. This can adversely affect body reserves, endurance and training results. In the basic diet of an athlete-stayer, protein should satisfy 15% of the total energy requirement. The right amount of protein is found in low-fat dairy products (skimmed milk, cottage cheese, low-fat cheese), lean meats and sausages, legumes and eggs. It is especially important to provide the body with proteins and carbohydrates during the recovery period after the competition. Nutritional supplements are a simple, practical and targeted way to build a balanced diet for athletes of all levels, just add one or more nutritional components to the diet.

Different proteins, different results

The protein found in milk (milk protein) contains a variety of protein components that have different effects on the body. The two main groups of milk proteins are casein and whey protein.

The most valuable property of casein is a long digestion time in the gastrointestinal tract, where it forms a dense jelly-like mass that slows down digestion. Thus, casein helps to satisfy hunger and supplies the body with amino acids continuously for 7 hours.

Whey protein is absorbed very quickly (within an hour) and contains amino acids that quickly and effectively restore muscles, especially after training.

Vegetable soy protein in terms of absorption rate is intermediate between casein and whey protein.

Egg white protein contains an increased amount of the amino acids L-methionine and L-cysteine, which play a particularly important role in protein metabolism. The addition of egg white to protein mixtures increases amino acid levels, while other proteins (such as soy) are relatively poor in these amino acids.

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