Message: #75559
Аннета Эссекс » 14 Feb 2017, 15:30

Drying the Body and Muscles.Menu and Products

They are saturated and unsaturated.

— Saturated are bad fats. Are:
High-fat dairy products: milk, eggs (yolk), cheeses, mayonnaise, butter.
In meat: pork (lard, there is generally a maximum of fat), lamb, any poultry skin.
And … in cocoa butter! so the most delicious (in my opinion) milk chocolate is the most “dangerous”… =(

–Unsaturated fats are good fats. Are:
in sea fish (just don’t take canned food – there is oil and salt for long-term storage) – there is a lot of both protein and healthy Omega-3 fats, which, by the way, surprisingly help get rid of your fat reserves faster. Nuts – there are also omega-3 fats. Hazelnut, walnut, cedar. Nuts should be without salt.

Two types: Complex and Simple. They are also called slow and fast.

–Complex carbohydrates are very important and you should focus on them. Complex: cereals, rice, buckwheat, pasta, potatoes.

— Simple: these are sweets and fruits – sugars, maltose, fructose. You need to be more careful with them, because they are fast, which can quickly turn into fat (they should not be excluded – you just need to use it in the morning and immediately after training, even if it is evening).


–They are of animal origin: Meat – poultry, fish, beef. There are others, but I recommend these first. And

Protein of plant origin: these are beans, beans, peas. But here I would not advise men to abuse this protein, because. it is poorly absorbed. But women can eat a lot of it, precisely because of their female hormone estrogen.


You need to eat 4-6 times a day in small portions. This accelerates our metabolism for subsequent fat burning. The fact is that when a person eats 2 or even 1 time per day, the body perceives this as a limited food and stores carbohydrates and fats in reserve. As a result, subcutaneous fat accumulates. [If sometimes you can’t eat so often (every 3 hours), then you can take a pre-prepared protein shake or BCAA capsules with you to study or work, which I will write about below. This is necessary in order to maintain the level of proteins in the body.]

List of products allowed during body drying:

1.Meat. But by no means fatty, boiled chicken breasts are ideal – this is pure protein.

2. Seafood. Various kinds of fish can be fried without oil, it will also be useful seaweed.

3. Dairy products and eggs. Cottage cheese no more than 5%, kefir 1%, yogurt, boiled eggs (only protein can be eaten).

4. Slowly digestible carbohydrates. Breakfast cereals, bread.

5. Fruits. You can consume in small quantities, for example, 1 apple per day, grapefruits, lemons, in no case should you eat bananas!

6. Vegetables. Green vegetables can be consumed in unlimited quantities. Potatoes are an exception, they should not be eaten.

Do not eat 2 hours before and 1.5 hours after training, as your recovery and energy will come from the fat layer under your skin. Water should be at least 3 liters per day. You also need to get enough protein so that you don’t “drain” your muscles. Eat 6 times a day in small portions, after 6-7 pm do not eat cereals and cereals. Best foods: lean meat, buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, low-fat kefir, milk and cottage cheese, fish, vegetables, fruits, legumes.


1 week (introductory)
Here we eat according to the scheme: in the morning – complex carbohydrates, by lunchtime – 50% proteins and 50% complex carbohydrates, by the evening – 100% protein. Here we exclude everything sweet and starchy, this week is needed in order to at least slightly prepare the body for drying and so that you get used to eating 5-6 times a day.

2nd week:
Fat-free cottage cheese, kefir 1%, Milk 0.5% (no more than a glass), eggs (2 per day), boiled beef, boiled chicken breast [before cooking, be sure to remove the skin – all the fat is there!], sea fish – boiled or baked, seafood, fresh cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, greens – as much as you like; apple, orange – 1 per day and only until 2 pm, bran [highly recommended – they satisfy hunger and are very useful on a diet] – 1 tbsp. spoon (in the evening meal).

3rd week:
Fat-free cottage cheese, eggs (4 per day, 2 whole, from 2 – only proteins), boiled chicken breasts, boiled or baked sea fish, cucumber (1 per day), a bunch of parsley, bran – 1 tablespoon 3 times per day, drink multivitamins (from the first week – preferably, from the second – mandatory).

4th week:
Boiled chicken breasts (2 per day), 7-8 boiled egg whites, a bunch of parsley, 3-4 tablespoons of bran. All.

Diet NO carbs. Start with a low carb diet and then move on to a no carb diet. This means:
No sweets or even bread.
Always read nutrition labels.

You can’t turn fat into muscle fat is not moonshine.

– You need to reduce the amount of carbohydrates gradually to the desired result.
-A minimum of sweet and starchy foods, and then only in the morning you can have no more than 50g. —-Fatty foods over 15% completely excluded. Eat a lot of fruits, fiber, cereals (rice is best on water without salt, preferably). Eat 80% of your daily calories before 6pm. Eat 3 hours before bed.
-Eat often 5-6 times a day little by little.
-Optimally 4 cardio workouts per week for 30-45 minutes. And две силовые тренировки по часу- подходы по 20повторов отдых 30секунд между подходами.между упражнениями до 5минут. Exercise is desirable for large muscles.
– Before training, eat an hour and a half and after as well. Do not forget about ordinary water in training.
-It is optimal to throw off 1 kg of fat per week – without harm. Weigh yourself in the morning every 3 days at least.

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