Message: #61751
Лена Калининград » 22 Jan 2017, 22:10

Oxandrolone anabolic steroid without side effects

Active chemical: oxandrolone.

Trade names:
Anavar (discontinued) 2.5mg tbl.: US Searl;
Anatrophyll (withdrawn) 2.5mg tbl.: Searl France;
Lipidex 2.5mg tbl.: Searl Brazil;
Lonavar (withdrawn) 2.5mg tbl.: Searl Argentina;
Lonavar 2mg tbl.: Dainipon Japan;
Oxandrolone spa 2.5mg tbl.: SPA Spain;
Vasorome 0.5 2mg tbl.: Kova Japan;
Anavar 0.05 5mg, Hubei, China.

About the drug:
Oxandrolone appeared in the USA in 1964. called Anavar by Searl. Over two decades enjoyed great popularity until, on July 1, 1986, the production of Anavar did not stop. Today, the drug is still produced under various names. Oxandrolone SPA company “SPA Milano” from Italy is one of the few anabolic steroids in Europe containing this substance (Oxandrolone).

Oxandrolone does not give any side effects if used in reasonable doses. This is understandable, because The drug was originally intended for women and children. This is one of the few steroids that does not cause premature growth retardation in children. it does not contribute to the closure of epophyseal connections, therefore the drug is used mainly in children to stimulate body growth and in women – with osteoporosis. The drug produces (if at all) very slight masculinization phenomena. This quality makes it a favorite remedy for athletes, because. at a dose of 10-15 mg per day, they rarely have outward manifestations of masculinity. Oxandrolone is very fond of bodybuilding and powerlifting athletes.

This is primarily due to the fact that it contributes to a strong increase in strength. This is due to the fact that the synthesis of creatine phosphate in the muscle cell is excited and no fluid accumulates. Weightlifters and security officials who do not want to move to a higher category use this, because. the drug gives them the opportunity to become stronger without adding to their own weight.

Good results are obtained by the simultaneous administration of Oxandrolone and 120-140mcg of Clenbuterol per day. Although Oxandrolone itself does not contribute to noticeable muscle growth, it significantly enhances the effect of many steroids on the body, it is especially well combined with Deca-Durabolin, Dianabol and various testosterone options, because. the increase in strength that occurs when taking Oxandrolone while taking Deca-Durabolin, Dianabol or testosterone which store fluid and promote strong tissue growth, resulting in additional muscle mass. The combination of 200mg of Deca-Durabolin per week, 500mg of Testosterone Enanthate per week and 25mg of Oxandrolone per day causes a good increase in strength and mass in most athletes. Deca-Durabolin has a pronounced anabolic effect and stimulates protein synthesis, Oxandrolone increases strength, and testosterone makes the athlete more aggressive during training and accelerates regeneration.

The second reason why Oxandrolone is so loved is that this drug does not aromatize at any dose. As already mentioned, a certain part of the testosterone in the blood is converted into estrogen. This aromatization process is expressed in different ways in different athletes, depending on the predisposition to it. With Oxandrolone, the muscles never take on a watery appearance, which makes it possible to consider the drug a good tool in preparation for competitions. In this phase, first of all, it is important to keep the level of estrogen at a lower level, because. estrogens program the body, even with a low-calorie diet, to accumulate water.

In combination with the diet, Oxandrolone helps to make the muscles firm and elastic. Although he himself does not destroy fats, he still plays an indirect role in this, because. this chemical suppresses appetite in many athletes. Oxandrolone can cause something like a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, which causes some athletes to feel dizzy and vomit if the pills are taken with food. In the instructions for use of the Italian Oxandrolone, the drug is attributed to the effect on the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, some athletes talk about regular diarrhea. Although it’s not very pleasant
phenomenon, it still helps the athlete in his intention to melt fat and look leaner. Those who train for competition or are interested in gaining quality muscle should combine Oxandrolone with steroids such as Winstrol, Parabolan, Masteren, Primobolan and testosterone propionate. A combination of 50mg Winstrol every other day, 50mg Testosterone propionate every two days, and 25mg Oxandrolone daily has proven to be very effective here.

Another benefit of Oxandrolone’s non-aromatizing ability is that athletes who suffer from high blood pressure on strong androgenic steroids or get gynecomastia because of them, they will have no problems with this remedy. The combination of Oxandrolone with Deca-Durabolin is a desirable alternative for this group of athletes if there is a health problem with the use of testosterone, Dianabol or Anadrol50. Athletes over 40 should use Oxandrolone predominantly.

The third reason that speaks in favor of Oxandrolone is that this chemical substance further in very high doses does not affect the production of one’s own testosterone. Explanation: Oxandrolone does not suppress the production of hormones in the body. The fact is that it does not have a negative effect on the hypothalamus-pituitary-testis arch, i.e. when taking it, the testicles do not signal the hypothalamus about the need to reduce and completely stop the release of the hormone,
releasing gonadotropins and luteinizing hormone, as is the case with most anabolic steroids. This special position of Oxandrolone is easily explained by the fact that its active chemical does not aromatize into estrogen, because as Dr. Mauro G. de Pascale writes in his book “Side Effects of Anabolic Steroids – Facts, Fictions and Treatments” on page 23: hormone, and, consequently, the production of testosterone. An American physician, Dr. Robert Kerr, confirms this in the book “The Practical Use of Anabolic Steroids by Athletes”, where on page 32 it is written: “If Oxandrolone (Anavar) is given to a healthy man in high doses, then in this case it does not reduce either the amount of semen or sperm count and does not convert to estrogens at all. Therefore, Goodmann and Gilmann concluded from this that the feedback mechanism is activated by estrogen concentration rather than testosterone level.”

Therefore, Oxandrolone is easily combined with Andriol, because. Andriol at a dose of up to 240 mg per day does not aromatize and the production of n-hormones by the body is not affected in any way. Daily intake of 280mg of Andriol and 25mg of Oxandrolone gives good results in strength gains, and for beginners in steroid cycles and muscle mass without excessive water accumulation, and also without a significant impact on the production of one’s own testosterone. As far as Oxandrolone is concerned, 8-12 tablets a day for men and 5-6 for women seem to bring good results. The easy rule of daily intake of 0.25 mg of the drug per kilogram of weight has justified itself in practice, tablets are usually taken 2-3 times a day immediately after meals, and so on. optimal resorption (optimal absorption) of the drug, its active chemical is achieved. Those who have gastrointestinal disorders while taking the drug do the right thing by taking the pills an hour or two after eating, or refuse it altogether. Because Oxandrolone is low toxic and hardly causes side effects, it is taken by many athletes and for a long period of time. But you should not use it for several months without a break, because. it, like almost all oral steroids, is 17-alpha alkylated and presents a burden on the liver. Oxandrolone is a means of a wide range of effects, which is used in a variety of ways and depending on the goal of the athlete. Women with a sensitive reaction to anabolic steroids achieve good results with the combination of Oxandrolone + Primobolan S “and / or Clenbuterol, they do not suffer, while masculinization phenomena. However, women should not take the drug at a dose of more than 6 tablets per day, becauseOtherwise, androgen-induced side effects in the form of a window, breaking of the voice, a decrease in the timbre of the voice, hypertension of the clitoris and increased loss of bands may occur.

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