Message: #61750
Лена Калининград » 22 Jan 2017, 22:07

Oxaver (Oxaver) is a moderate anabolic

Method of application: Oral

Oxaver is a moderate anabolic with low androgenic activity. Since it’s a dihydrotestosterone derivative, you might think it’s quite androgenic, but it’s already 5alpha reduced, so it’s not very androgenic. Because of this, it does not turn into dihydrotestosterone in the body, and is less active than testosterone, although its distribution in body tissues is very balanced, as well as with Primobolan and Stanazolol.

Effects of oxaver
This steroid is known for building strength and quality mass well, it is used mainly before the competition, when the accumulation of water in the muscles is undesirable. The standard dosage is 15-25mg per day, it can also be paired with Primobolan Winstrol for even greater quality, or Halotestex Trenbolone for greater mass gains. Some athletes use oxandrolone in conjunction with testosterone esters or with methandrostenalone, for an additional increase in strength, due to the androgenic component.

For women who are afraid of the masculinizing effect of other steroids, this drug is a godsend, at 5 mg per day it gives them very good results, and without side effects. Impatient persons can add Winstrol Primobolan or Nandrolone Phenylpropionate to it.

When using it solo, you can do without post-cycle therapy. But of course, in high dosages, due to the estrogen feedback, there may be a libido-lowering effect.

Side effects of oxaver
Oxaver is a c-17 alpha alkylated steroid; unlike others, it is not completely broken down, about one third of the intact substance is excreted in the urine.
Therefore, its relatively harm to the liver is much lower than that of methyltestosterone, norethandrolone, halotestex or methandriol. As a result of studies, oxandrolone showed 72% less retention of sulfobromphthalein (a marker of liver toxicity) than halotestex, at the same dose of 20 mg.

In fact, athletes who use oxandrolone very rarely complain of liver problems when using it. The concentration of oxandrolone in the blood after 10 hours after administration is quite stable, but after 18 hours after administration, its concentration decreases by 73%.

Apparently this is due to the acceleration of the metabolism of oxandrolone in the blood in this 8 hour period. window. Also, the drug, with prolonged use, can lower the level of good cholesterol and increase the level of bad

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