Message: #61754
Лена Калининград » 22 Jan 2017, 22:12

Provimed is a non-anabolic androgen

Provimed is a synthetic, orally acting androgen that does not have anabolic properties. In conventional medicine, Provimed is used in the treatment of disorders caused by a lack of male sex hormones. Therefore, many athletes use it at the end of a steroid cycle to raise the reduced production of testosterone.

Active ingredient: Masterolon

Provimed does not affect its own production of testosterone, but, as mentioned above, it alleviates or completely eliminates the disturbances caused by a lack of testosterone. In particular, potency disorders caused by a lack of testosterone, which can occur when you stop taking steroids, or infertility, which is expressed in a reduced amount of sperm and reduced quality.

Therefore, Provimed will be able to raise the reduced sexual interest and possible potency during or as the steroid course is stopped. But the strength and masses that disappear after the steroid course are not retained. There are special preparations for this (see HCG, Dinerik and Fludestrin). Therefore, Provimed is considered by many, unfortunately, as a helpless overkill drug (Daniel Duchain, “Underground Steroid, Vol. 2”: “I do not see the benefit of Provimed when it comes to athletic performance”), since most do not know the main area use of the drug in bodybuilding.

Effects of Prvitron
With Provimed, the athlete will achieve better muscle hardness, because. androgen levels rise and estrogen levels remain low. This is especially evident when preparing for the championships in combination with a diet. Athletes, who naturally have higher levels of estrogen, often add Provimed to steroids, which is manifested in increased muscle density. It used to be common among professional bodybuilders to take 25 mg daily for several weeks, i.e. one 25 mg tablet a day, sometimes for months, to look lean for a whole year. This is especially important in relation to performances and filming. Today, Clenbuterol is most often taken for a whole year, because it does not cause virilization phenomena, which are possible with Provimed.

Side effects of Provimed
The side effects of Provimed A in men at a dose of 2-3 tablets are extremely small, so that Provimed in combination with a steroid cycle can be taken relatively safely for more than a few weeks. Provimed very well tolerated by the liver and in the indicated dosages there will be no violations of liver function. У атлетов, привыкших работать под дивизом “больше – лучше”, прием Provimed мог бы вызвать что-то парадоксальное. In the instructions for the use of its drug Vistimon, Yenapharm writes: “At high dosages, it can lead to a delay in the body of electrolytes and water, and as a result to edema.” Those who take no more than 2 to 4 tablets daily may not have to worry about this.

Пожалуй, наиболее частое побочное явление Provimedа – здесь следует скорее говорить о сопровождающем явлении – выраженная сексуальная суперстимуляция и в отдельных случаях длительная эрекция пениса. Because this condition is painful and can lead to all sorts of damage, it makes sense to reduce the dose of the drug or stop its use altogether. Атлетки должны с осторожностью наслаждаться Provimedом, т. к. не исключены всевозможные андрогенные побочные явления. Women are advised not to exceed one 25 mg tablet per day.

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