Message: #70456
Лена Калининград » 06 Feb 2017, 22:31

Must Have Bodybuilding Supplements

in this article we will talk about bodybuilding and what it is impossible to do without in this kind of strength sport, of course, in the case when you set high goals for yourself and strive to achieve the highest results.
If you are seriously involved in building your body, then sooner or later you will come across the concept of “mandatory” nutritional supplements for bodybuilding. bodybuilding supplements
Boosting Strength: Creatine Monohydrate.
How does it work. Creatine really improves muscle strength and endurance. Creatine “pumps” additional water into muscle cells. Well, the more water in our muscles, the more elastic they are and the better they contract. Body weight on loading increases by 2-3 kg.
Application. Take creatine monohydrate with plenty of water shortly after training or after meals. Or before a meal with grape juice. Recommend to do loading, on 20 gr. per day, divided into portions. But there is not much difference between taking creatine with loading and without loading, just 5 grams per day.
Dosage. 3-5 grams per day.

For muscle building: Protein.
Perhaps the most popular supplement that sports nutrition provides us with.
How it works. As you know, protein in the body is broken down into amino acids. Well, among them there are irreplaceable ones, i.e. those that our body is not able to synthesize on its own. They can only be obtained from food. Protein powders complement your diet, they contain the necessary complete set of amino acids. Their other plus as assistants in building a bodybuilder’s diet is the absence of fat and a minimum of calories.
And yes, there are no side effects, do not believe the myths of people who are far from sports.
Application. According to your diet, based on total calories and protein from other foods. And of course after training, 30-50 grams.
Dosage. Most believe that more than 50 gr. Protein at one time is not absorbed. The opinion is wrong. Everything is individual, someone will be able to assimilate 70 grams, and 30 is hard for someone.

Eating on the go: Meal replacements

How they act. Powder concentrate of protein and carbohydrates in an ideal nutritional ratio. According to nutritionists, meal replacements are a great way to eat on the go or at “inconvenient” work. If you can not eat more than 4 times a day, the rest of the meals can be added with them.
Application. Meal replacements, like protein shakes should be mixed with water or skim milk.

But what about vitamins?

The bodybuilder must take them constantly. Soviet doctors recommend taking them with food, but a study that was shown on the BBC TV channel proved that the absorbed vitamins in the blood of those who took them on an empty stomach and those who took them after meals are the same. Whichever complex you choose, it must contain folic acid, vitamin B12, selenium, magnesium and zinc. This, so to speak, is the specificity of bodybuilding.
When you open the package with capsules, discard the cotton wool immediately. It collects moisture and due to this it becomes a collection of different bacteria.
The recommended daily allowance of all vitamins and microelements in one capsule or tablet does not fit in any way. That’s why the manufacturer usually “saves” on quantity. There is only one way out: to take some vitamins and trace elements in addition. Or take a few pills. Or, as an option, choose sports vitamins, they take into account the specifics of bodybuilding and the doses, respectively, are higher.
Well, the last advice: do not buy vitamins for the future. In home storage conditions, they quickly lose their valuable properties.

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